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Russia Considering Turning Over Edward Snowden as a "Gift" to President Trump
(02-11-2017, 09:17 PM)guohua Wrote: Sorry Mystic Wander but Mr. G is Shaking his head No.
I agree, Secrets are Secrets and you sign Documents stating You'll take those Secrets To Your Grave.
We both Keep Secrets that'd make you Lose Sleep.

He know what he was getting into and he ignored our Nation's Trust, he broke our Laws and I can Guarantee you President Trump has no Forgiveness in his Heart for someone who willingly sold or gave away Secrets on National Security.
Not to mentioned Broke Our Laws.

If this story is true and We Suspect It Is. Why? Putin's people have not come out and Disputed It!

But... but... if we didn't have whistle-blowers, look at all the things that never would have come out about child trafficking, Area 51, free energy, all the corruption in politics, and the Elite who really run things. 

We wouldn't have anything interesting to talk about on this board.   tinybighuh

How is Snowden really any different from those people?

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RE: Russia Considering Turning Over Edward Snowden as a "Gift" to President Trump - by Mystic Wanderer - 02-11-2017, 10:17 PM

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