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Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru
(01-20-2017, 06:28 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(01-19-2017, 04:59 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Well, @"Ninurta", as you can see in the image below, the Anunaki have thumbs... and wings.  I think the wings are only symbolic in the drawing to show that these beings could fly, probably in a spaceship, or maybe they really COULD fly? tinybighuh

They came here first and, unknown to them, these other creatures had stowed away on their craft.  Once here, they couldn't leave.  So, then they had to design the little biological robots to build their crafts for them.   (Best answer I could think of. LOL)

[Image: giygyftdcg.jpg]

You might notice, in addition to the thumbs, they had a good deal more in common with humans, and there is a reason for that. The "annunaki" originated as humans, and over time were deified in the minds of other humans. Annunaki did not have wings, however. To compensate for the lack of wings, a number of them had really bad attitudes, though. What the image shows is not annunaki, it is desert demons, what the Arabs call "djinn" today. The annunaki were supposed to be gods, but those beings in the image are djinn, specifically the djinn who were supposed to pollinate date trees. Who told you they were annunaki?

Quote:That's what the caption under the image said...  Annunaki.

Quote:The smallest of all matter is the photon, made up of light and electromagnetic radiation. Although photons appear to be empty space, they are connected to all other matter in the universe.  It's what holds it all together, and thus why we have the saying, "We are all one":  We all came from this one "God Particle" that began with one tiny photon, and expanded over time to create what we now perceive to be our reality. 

I guess it could be correct in a way to say they are "made up of light and electromagnetic radiation" - it's correct because light IS electromagnetic radiation. The "and" is the incorrect part. They are made up pretty much the same as all subatomic "particles" - just bundles of energy. Energy of another sort fills the void between those subatomic particles in atoms, because otherwise atoms would not exist - they would fly apart, as there would be no energy between them to bond them together. That same energy makes appearance elsewhere as things like "gravity", "magnetism", and the strong and weak atomic forces. You can see tightly packed energy bundles as "particles", but the forces that bind them together are not tightly packed or visible, but it's there all the same, and that is what makes us unable to walk through walls, and it's what makes us go SPLAT if we fall off a cliff. It's why, if we fall off a cliff, we don't just keep falling all the way through the Earth.

Photons are not connected to all other matter in the universe - they can't even connect with other subatomic particles, which is why we do not have "light atoms", only photons - the individual bundles of energy, i.e. "subatomic particles" of light which sometimes behave as particles, and other times behave as waves. They also do not "hold it all together" - that's the job of the forces I mentioned above that hold atoms together.

Quote:I read that is was made up of light and electromagnetic radiation when I was looking for a way to explain what I wanted to say.  Not my fault. 
I can't find it now to post the link. tinywondering 

Let me rephrase "hold it all together".   Yes, they do, in a sense.  They are all "connected to one another". Kind of like, they give birth to another photon, and so on, and so on.   I just watched a science show about this a couple of weeks ago, and it was demonstrated how it works. This is new information that has just come out, so it isn't written up in the science magazines yet.  A couple of guys at some university discovered it last year. I can't put that link here either because you have to be subscribed to the channel.

Quote:To explain the vibration ratio of each photon gets into quantum physics, but...  you asked, so...

Quote:According to the photon theory of light, photons:

  • move at a constant velocity, c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s (i.e. "the speed of light"), in free space

  • have zero mass and rest energy.

  • carry energy and momentum, which are also related to the frequency nu and wavelength lamdba of the electromagnetic wave by E = h nu and p = h / lambda.

  • can be destroyed/created when radiation is absorbed/emitted.

  • can have particle-like interactions (i.e. collisions) with electrons and other particles, such as in the Compton effect.

So, if photons can interact with electrons and other particles, then they can interact with our body matter to allow us to walk through walls, if we use the correct formula.  It's just that most people have to get a lot of bruises before they get it right.   tinybiggrin

You may have missed the part there that says the interactions are "collisions", and collisions are not conducive to walking through walls. That collision bit is what gets in the way of that.

Quote: tinylaughing  No, I didn't miss that part.  Yes, collide means to "come into contact with something".  
Please explain to me how the Philadelphia Experiment captured those men with part of their body immersed in the ship, if this is wrong.

Quote:tinylaughing   Already answered.  The Anunaki made the first crafts that came to Earth.

If you still have questions, I can send my Orion friend, Sigilda, to come pay you a visit and explain it to you.   tinysure

Please do. I just got my new crossbow strung, just this evening, and am rather anxious to see if the bolts it throws would interact in a non-collisonal manner with a being that thinks it can walk through walls. I know they interact fairly solidly with walls, trees, and the average organic being. I'm also pretty sure they react solidly with things that have bones, which may be the very reason the being that once possessed that mummified hand isn't walking through walls any more. Those South Americans can get pretty testy with furriners, and it don't get much more furrin than aliens.

It probably should have just walked through the arrow, but I reckon everyone can have an off day now and then.

Quote:I'll give her a shout and see if she's free anytime soon.   :smallwink:

ETA: I was re-reading through the thread, and something you said to BIAD struck me. That something was this:

Quote:If it turns out to be real, I figure it will disappear into the Vatican archives, along with all the other proof of "alien" life.

I'm curious now. Who actually owns this hand? What makes you think the Vatican of all things would have any sort of claim on it? Wasn't it found in South America? I'm now trying to figure out how the Vatican factors into the situation at all.

Quote:Because, it doesn't matter where things are found.  The Vatican or the Smithsonian will find a way to get it and store it in their archives to hide it from the public. I read recently that a man was allowed to go into the Library, and he said there were miles of things down there; some about ETs, UFOs, Giants, etc.  The kinds of things they don't want the public to see.  It would change our history!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by Ninurta - 01-17-2017, 09:16 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by BIAD - 01-17-2017, 10:56 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by BIAD - 01-17-2017, 11:06 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by Ninurta - 01-18-2017, 08:38 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by Ninurta - 01-19-2017, 07:09 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by senona - 01-19-2017, 07:36 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by Ninurta - 01-20-2017, 06:28 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by Mystic Wanderer - 01-20-2017, 04:45 PM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by guohua - 01-20-2017, 02:38 AM
RE: Alien Hand & Skull Found in Peru - by BIAD - 01-19-2017, 12:31 PM

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