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Presidential Debates 2020
(09-30-2020, 08:50 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: No, you are correct. It's just that it's pretty clear that his eyes were black in this photo. 

I could be wrong; it could be photo shopped as far as I know, but I do know the technology is available, and it seems most plausible that Joe would be using this technology when we know he is in the last stages of dementia. He would help to stay on course and know how to respond to Pres. Trump.

I'm not attacking you. Please don't take it that way.

I don't think you are attacking me personally.  I know that you are very loyal and supportive of Trump and are extremely trusting of information you find from other Trump supporters.

Many others are so ferociously against Biden or for some, Trump, that anything that will make either of them look the worse that they can be, is accepted as possibilities or truths. The same for anything that paints their candidate in a favorable light. It will also be believed and accepted as truth, even if it isn't.

I dislike them both as representatives of the American people. Since I don't share a loyalty to either Biden or Trump, I think I am less likely to believe. I have to do my own research and I admit, I am a hard sell.

Since I know personally how easy it is for the color of someone's eyes to appear to be a color other than is their actual color, I decided to suggest maybe this is a time that it may be horses and not zebras. 

But I knew it was not going to be a response that would be well received, so I was wrong. I should have not responded. I can see how it may have appeared dismissive. Which was not my intent.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

[Image: EjMG5BXXYAYptgE?format=jpg&name=small]
I think the timing layout is a problem, it's "too fast" and makes it so that candidates literally have to pile all they can within a minute or two without having an actual discussion. 

I really do wish they would have taken rogan up on his offer. Sitting down, for several hours and having a discussion where a topic isn't limited to 5 minutes would bear more depth.
(10-01-2020, 12:35 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I think the timing layout is a problem, it's "too fast" and makes it so that candidates literally have to pile all they can within a minute or two without having an actual discussion. 

I really do wish they would have taken rogan up on his offer. Sitting down, for several hours and having a discussion where a topic isn't limited to 5 minutes would bear more depth.

I agree @"MisterSpock". 
Probably more shouting matches though, but I bet Rogan would be a better referee than Wallace.   tinylaughing

Chris Wallace has received negative marks for his constant interruptions of President Donald Trump, and for his poor time management, but the worst thing about his moderation of the first presidential debate on Wednesday were the questions he asked.
Here are the 11 dumbest, most slanted questions asked by Wallace.

1. ‘What is radical about racial sensitivity training?’
“This month, your administration directed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or critical race theory. Why did you decide to do that, to end racial sensitivity training? And do you believe that there is systemic racism in this country, sir?” Wallace asked.
Wallace’s framing of the issue here was factually false and designed to make Trump look racist. Not only did he misconstrue the objectively racist idea of critical race theory as “racial sensitivity training,” but he then followed up Trump’s answer on the issue with another trick question, “What is radical about racial sensitivity training?”
It is not true that Trump banned diversity training from federal agencies, only trainings that teach racist, anti-American ideas such as “critical race theory” or “white privilege.”
Sohrab Ahmari was one of many Fox debate watchers who was appalled by the question, tweeting an excerpt of a story that showed that the activities that were banned were blatantly racist, such as:
Quote:The trainers then ask “white managers” to create “safe spaces,” where black employees can explain “what it means to be black” and to be “seen in their pain.” White staffers are instructed to keep silent and to “sit in the discomfort” of their racism. If any conflicts arise, the trainers ­insist that whites “don’t get to decide when someone is being too emotional, too rash [or] too mean.” Whites are told they can’t protest if a person of color “responds to their oppression in a way [they] don’t like.”
Trump effectively answered the question, by pointing out that critical race theory teaches hatred of America and that this is unacceptable, but Wallace appeared to only know how the New York Times characterizes the racist belief system.

2. Will you condemn white supremacists?
“You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia group and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland?” Wallace asked.
This was Wallace’s most disgusting question. While Antifa, which has organizations throughout the country, has set fire to cities across the country, there is no evidence whatsoever that violence in Kenosha was caused by white supremacists.
Wallace also refused to accept Trump’s answer of “sure” and “I’m willing to do anything…I want to see peace,” instead, choosing to press him on “specifically” condemning white supremacy.
“Well do it, sir,” Wallace said, joined by Biden.
“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem this is a left-wing,” Trump replied.
3. ‘Why are you holding big rallies?’
“Are you not worried about the disease issues, sir?” Wallace asked, minutes after Trump explained his COVID-19 vaccine plan.
Wallace felt the need to ask why a presidential candidate was campaigning on-the-ground and then insinuated that maybe he shouldn’t be campaigning because of COVID-19. This matches the Democrat Party talking point about COVID-19 requiring the banning of children from schools, the closure of businesses, and the denial of conservative First Amendment activities such as church and political gathering. But as demonstrated by the widespread media support for mass gatherings and riots in support of the BLM agenda, this is not a genuine concern but one deployed for partisan political gain.

4. Do you believe there is an unequal system of justice for blacks?
“I want to return to the question of race. Vice President Biden, after the grand jury in the Breonna Taylor case, decided not to charge any of the police with homicide, you said it raises the question, ‘Whether justice could be equally applied in America.’ Do you believe that there is a separate but unequal system of justice for blacks in this country?”
Moderators can ask a question neutrally, they can ask a question adopting the framing of the left, or they can ask a question adopting the framing of the right. In every single case, Wallace adopted the framing of the left. Here, that framing resulted in a softball question that Biden had no difficulty responding to and quickly moving past, even if his answer that he believed America was a systematically racist country should have earned a follow-up. “What is your responsibility for this inherently racist country, given your 47 years in public life?” Wallace might have asked. But he did not.
He also could have asked about the Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris accusing him of racism during the primary.

5. Do you believe in climate change?
“Mr. President, you said, ‘I don’t think the science knows.’ Over your four years, you have pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accord. You have rolled back a number of Obama Environmental records, what do you believe about the science of climate change and what will you do in the next four years to confront it?”
Wallace clarified his leading question by asking if Trump really believed in climate change, why would he have made the policy changes he did.
“But, sir, if you believe in the science of climate change, why have you rolled back the Obama Clean Power Plan which limited carbon emissions and power plants? Why have you relaxed…?” Wallace continued. Chris Horner replied:
[Image: Screen-Shot-2020-09-30-at-12.53.06-PM.png]
At no point did Wallace consider the possibility that policy makers could protect the environment without murdering jobs. He did not seem aware of the possibility that large regulatory frameworks ostensibly about environmental protection are actually about building up the unaccountable administrative state.
Separately, he didn’t ask Biden any similar questions about science acceptance such as why, if he believes in science, he supports legalized ending of human lives via abortion and forcing taxpayers to fund the practice against their conscience. And as Andy McCarthy points out, it was not Wallace who pressed Biden on his support of the Green New Deal, but Trump.

6. ‘I’m having a little trouble myself.’
When the question came around to Biden, he had forgotten what the topic was, saying “I can’t remember which of all his rantings …” Wallace laughed, said, “I’m having a little trouble myself,” and they had a moment of shared hatred of Trump.
Wallace then helped him along repeatedly, prodding him to talk about the economy and the environment. Minutes earlier, Biden had denied that he supported the Green New Deal. But then he said, “The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward.” Wallace asked him if he did, in fact, support the Green New Deal.  He once again returned to claiming he didn’t. “No, I don’t support the Green New Deal.” His web site, however, supports the radical Green New Deal policy co-sponsored by his running mate Kamala Harris, and lists it as a “crucial framework” for addressing climate change” on his campaign website. 

7. Will you wait to declare an election victory?
“Will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period, not to engage in any civil unrest? And will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified?”
Wallace’s ongoing problem is that he has a working understanding of the issues based not on facts so much as the Democrat Party and the media’s canon of anti-Trump propaganda. While he would “fact” “check” Trump when he said things that went against the canon, he didn’t “fact” “check” Biden when he said things that were untrue.
The Resistance has been explicitly announcing its plans to foil any Trump claim to victory, using big social media companies to censor speech that it disagrees with, the military to take Trump out of office, and a vast mail-in ballot scheme to muddy Election Day into a confusing season of court battles. The idea that Trump should forbid his tens of millions of voters from reacting negatively to any such attempts begs the question, once again.
And he did it while in the real world, in actual American cities, there have been months and even years of actual protest and riot-related violence from the left.  Wallace chose to ask Trump if he is going to tell his voters “to take to the streets” if the election results are not as desired.

8. How will you reassure voters the next president is legitimate?
“As we meet tonight, millions of Americans are receiving mail-in ballots or going to vote early. How confident should we be that this will be a fair election, and what are you prepared to do over the next five-plus weeks? Because it will not only be to election day but also counting some mail-in ballots after election day. What are you prepared to do to reassure the American people that the next president will be the legitimate winner of this election?”
Wallace continued his not-so-subtle suggestion that Trump might not accept the election results by throwing in this question about the legitimacy of this election. What Wallace failed to mention was that many Hillary Clinton voters in 2016 claimed they did not accept the legitimate results of the election. Even recently, Hillary Clinton has claimed that the election was “stolen” from her.

9. Are you counting on SCOTUS to settle voting disputes?
“You have been charging for months that mail-in balloting is going to be a disaster. You say it’s rigged, that it’s going to lead to fraud. But in 2018, in the last midterm election, 31 million people voted mail-in voting. That was more than a quarter of all the voters that year, cast their ballots by mail. Now that millions of mail-in ballots have gone out, what are you going to do about it? And are you counting on the Supreme Court, including a Justice Barrett, to settle any dispute?”
It is unclear what Wallace was attempting to get at in asking this question. The media have repeatedly conflated absentee ballots, military ballots, and established state-based mail-in-balloting with a rush to implement universal mail-in balloting. That rush has already led to problems.
By asking this question, Wallace seemed to reject the idea that voter fraud might actually make this election susceptible to questions of the legitimacy he referred to in his previous questions. Wallace reiterated this idea by clarifying that mail-in voting fraud is not the problem.
“The biggest problem, in fact, over the years with mail-in voting has not been fraud, historically. It has been that sizable numbers, sometimes hundreds of thousands of ballots are thrown out because they have not been properly filled out, or there is some other irregularity, or they missed [crosstalk 01:06:28] the deadline. So the question I have is, are you concerned that the Supreme Court with a Justice Barrett will settle any dispute?”

1o. ‘Will you tell us how much you paid in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017?’
Wallace asked this question after Trump had already given an answer for how much he paid in federal income taxes those years. This general question is a great example of how Wallace takes his direction from the New York Times, even though the New York Times has not published its evidence in support of its claim about how much Trump paid in taxes, and even though Trump’s attorneys have said on the record that Trump paid millions in those years.
While Wallace thought this was a fitting question, he never asked Joe Biden about his son and brother profiting from foreign governments while he was vice president, even though the information about said profiteering came from official Treasury Department reports that were obtained by Senate investigators.

When Trump attempted to bring up Hunter Biden’s relations with Russia, pointing out that Hunter “made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places” after Biden became vice president, Wallace wrote him off claiming that “the American people would rather hear about more substantial subjects.”
“We’ve already been through this. I think the American people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. As the moderator, sir, I’m going to make a judgment call here,” Wallace said, changing the segment to focus on climate change.
Wallace also refused to ask Joe Biden any questions about his involvement in the Russia collusion hoax, an elaborate scheme to tie Donald Trump to nefarious activities by Russia.

11. ‘We’ll come back to Roe v. Wade.’
Despite promises to circle back to discuss the topic of abortion that came up during the segment about Trump’s Supreme Court nomination Amy Coney Barrett, Wallace never brought it up again, even when he decided to ask science questions.
“Well, all right. All right. Let’s talk. We’ve got a lot to unpack here, gentlemen. We’ve got a lot of time. On healthcare, and then we’ll come back to Roe V. Wade,” Wallace said.
That unpacking, though, did not require any extra effort on Wallace’s part when he failed to push Biden after he refused to comment on Court-packing. In the end, it was Trump who continued to press Biden while Wallace moved on.

I’m gonna say here what I said on Facebook. That debate was a complete dumpster fire. That’s 90 minutes of my life I’m not getting back. 

The behavior of both candidates was appalling. They both acted like two year olds fighting over a damn sippy cup. Totally disgusting for two grown men to act like that. And Chris Wallace has no balls. He just let Trump run him over time and time again. I will not be watching another presidential debate.

Trump is a lying sack of shit. I already cast my absentee mail in vote for Biden, and I’m glad I did. I’m done.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=8180]
Tore was an inside contractor, I believe I heard her say when I first started listening to her, very high up in the government. In this video she tells us about the devices that Biden was wearing last night.
It sounds really interesting, if you're interested in spying and all that undercover stuff.

(10-01-2020, 03:52 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Tore was an inside contractor, I believe I heard her say when I first started listening to her, very high up in the government. In this video she tells us about the devices that Biden was wearing last night.
It sounds really interesting, if you're interested in spying and all that undercover stuff.

Where do you find the time to watch all these mega-videos? ROFLMAO!

I've said before, and I'll say again, Team Trump needs to employ some jamming tech. He has some pretty savvy people in his employ, and they need to bombard Biden with targeted narrow beam jammers. I wouldn't even be opposed to signal strengths that would heat the wires - that could be funny to watch...

It doesn't matter the tech Biden is using to be fed answers - it all runs on RF, and that is susceptible to jamming. A high enough pitch on the white noise for the jammers could have him making some very strange faces and leaving early.

Don't worry about searching him for bugs, just jam the shit out of him, and watch the hilarity that ensues on national TV...

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

ABC News wrote:

Quote:The second debate will be moderated by Steve Scully, the senior executive producer and political editor at C-SPAN. It will be held Thursday, Oct. 15 in Miami, Florida. Scully was a back-up moderator for all of the presidential debates in 2016.

Maybe this man is able to keep the conversation as a, well, a conversation? Maybe he even is unbiased? Dunno...

Newsweek wrote:

Quote:Unlike the first and third debates, the second will operate as a town hall event, where the candidates will answer questions from pre-selected members of the audience. Frank Newport, a senior scientist for Gallup, is helping select the citizens who will pose their questions to the candidates, according to CPD. All town hall participants will be undecided voters from South Florida, CPD said in a September news release.

I don't know what to think about this. Seriously, i don't know, at least not yet.
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
(10-01-2020, 06:56 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Where do you find the time to watch all these mega-videos? ROFLMAO!

I've said before, and I'll say again, Team Trump needs to employ some jamming tech. He has some pretty savvy people in his employ, and they need to bombard Biden with targeted narrow beam jammers. I wouldn't even be opposed to signal strengths that would heat the wires - that could be funny to watch...

It doesn't matter the tech Biden is using to be fed answers - it all runs on RF, and that is susceptible to jamming. A high enough pitch on the white noise for the jammers could have him making some very strange faces and leaving early.

Don't worry about searching him for bugs, just jam the shit out of him, and watch the hilarity that ensues on national TV...


I have a lot of time on my hands, especially since all my t.v. shows no longer come on at night. I spend my time researching, listening to other researchers, and expanding my knowledge of what's happening behind the curtain.

I've always looked outside the box, it's just how I roll. Look in all the places they would never expect you to look.
It was a lot easier to find things before Google wiped the internet. Too many people "waking up" recently. They had to get rid of the "secret knowledge/technology" stuff.
Lucky for me, I had already delved into all that years ago. Bad for me, it all sounded way to crazy then for people to pay attention to what I found, and now there are no sources for me to link to what I know (that I can still find).

Tore pointed out that Rep. Devin Nunes referred to Joe Biden as an "avatar". He is a shell being controlled by these devices. It also explains why President Trump keeps saying Joe has no idea what's going on, he doesn't even know what state he's in, thinks he's running for a Senate seat, and he has lived for 180 years, etc. 

I agree, Pres. Trump should use jammers and let the American people see exactly who they are voting for; it's not Biden, it will be K. Harris.  When he turns it over to her, if he wins, watch our country go down the tubes in less than 5 years! She will send all the jobs back to China and our economy will tank again. They'll come for our first and second amendment, take all our police away, and tell us every move we can make; when we can leave our homes, how much money we can spend on food (because we won't have that much), wait for weeks/months to see a doctor, all of it!
Our personal freedom will be GONE!

If they win, it will be because they cheated. I think anyone who has their eyes open can see this. Just look at all the ballot fraud in the news that has already been exposed!  Go watch Project Veritas' last video.

I'm ranting now, so I'll stop here.
Trump spotted the "2 pluck 1" strategy 6 minutes into the debate.

Biden and Wallace vs Trump

Good for Trump derailing both of these mumbos at the same time LOL  tinylaughing

Kamala ("The Hun") Khan is quivering 
[Image: Kamala-Khan.gif]
[Image: SIG-Aug-20-2022.png]
POTUS and the First Lady quarantined now. God bless them both.

President Trump tweeted:

Quote:Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19. Terrible! The First Lady and I are waiting for our test results. In the meantime, we will begin our quarantine process!
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
(10-02-2020, 05:07 AM)Finspiracy Wrote: POTUS and the First Lady quarantined now. God bless them both.

President Trump tweeted:

Quote:Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19. Terrible! The First Lady and I are waiting for our test results. In the meantime, we will begin our quarantine process!


I heard on the news this morning that both Pres. Trump and the First Lady had tested positive.
There probably won't be a second debate.

Prayers for their quick healing.
As for the VP debates, everyone on Twitter was focused on the fly that landed on Pence's head.

Banner by @"Freija".  
[Image: attachment.php?aid=8448]

Some Anons slowed the frames down and showed that the fly "faded in".
Some watching on other MSM stations said the fly didn't appear on the channel they watched, while it did on others.
Which leads to the question, was this a stunt used by the media cameras to take the focus off what Pence was saying and have everyone's attention on the fly?

Yes, I believe this was a dirty tactic the Left used and the fly wasn't even real.

Start at the 30:05 mark in the video below to see how the fly just fades into the picture. 

What do you think?  
Here is what i just gathered together from around the webz...

-Next presidential debate: October 22, 2020, Nashville, Tennessee

-Moderator has a heavy bias for Democrats

-Muted mics, Other candidate can answer the questions uninterrupted by the other*

-Foreign policy not allowed as a subject of discussion

*Two minutes response to each question during which time the opponent will be muted and then a back and forth debate after that.
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
I guess this debate will be the first we hear from Biden since the hunter laptop debacle.  Hopefully Trump goes for the jugular.
[Image: Green%20Banner.jpg]
(10-21-2020, 04:35 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I guess this debate will be the first we hear from Biden since the hunter laptop debacle.  Hopefully Trump goes for the jugular.

Yeah... Giuliani handed the data to the authorities. I can't do much research about this, due to it causing me mental and physical nausea. Money is just money. Yes, it is what most things boil down to but it is still just money. There are things, that once broken, can't be replaced or fixed with money.
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
(10-21-2020, 05:12 PM)Finspiracy Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 04:35 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I guess this debate will be the first we hear from Biden since the hunter laptop debacle.  Hopefully Trump goes for the jugular.

Yeah... Giuliani handed the data to the authorities. I can't do much research about this, due to it causing me mental and physical nausea. Money is just money. Yes, it is what most things boil down to but it is still just money. There are things, that once broken, can't be replaced or fixed with money.
[Image: Green%20Banner.jpg]
(10-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 05:12 PM)Finspiracy Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 04:35 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I guess this debate will be the first we hear from Biden since the hunter laptop debacle.  Hopefully Trump goes for the jugular.

Yeah... Giuliani handed the data to the authorities. I can't do much research about this, due to it causing me mental and physical nausea. Money is just money. Yes, it is what most things boil down to but it is still just money. There are things, that once broken, can't be replaced or fixed with money.

@"Schmoe1" Okay. I watched that clip. Sickening... I don't care much about some millions of dollars here or there. But there are certain things that are profoundly evil, and should never happen by anyone, to anyone.
"Man is fully responsible for his nature and his choices."

-Jean-Paul Sartre
(10-21-2020, 06:12 PM)Finspiracy Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 05:28 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 05:12 PM)Finspiracy Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 04:35 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote: I guess this debate will be the first we hear from Biden since the hunter laptop debacle.  Hopefully Trump goes for the jugular.

Yeah... Giuliani handed the data to the authorities. I can't do much research about this, due to it causing me mental and physical nausea. Money is just money. Yes, it is what most things boil down to but it is still just money. There are things, that once broken, can't be replaced or fixed with money.

@"Schmoe1" Okay. I watched that clip. Sickening... I don't care much about some millions of dollars here or there. But there are certain things that are profoundly evil, and should never happen by anyone, to anyone.

@"Finspiracy", it's not just about getting tons of money from foreign countries, it's about them selling out our country's secrets.
Hillary was right there doing her thing too, selling secrets about our tech, our military, and anything you can think of that would make us vulnerable as a country to defend ourselves against an attack. 
Joe and Hillary both have allegedly committed treason and should be stood up in front of a firing squad!

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