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Tiny Creature Caught on Camera
With CGI becoming more and more sophisticated these days, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not, unless you have the programs to debunk it.
I would have discarded this video immediately had it not been for a film I watched a few weeks ago where a similar looking creature was found dead beside a road.  A boy found it and gave it to someone who he knew worked with such strange things, and then that person sent it off for testing. The test results came back showing it wasn't like anything they knew.   
So, having said that, I'll leave my mind open, and just imagine, 'What if?'   tinywondering 

The video shows different lens captures.  Watch it and tell me what you think.   Real, or fake?

Quote:A few days ago came into our hands this video recorded with a cell by Silvia in 2011. you can clearly see the appearance of a tiny creature while filming his son playing . According to Silvia , this little creature came out from the kitchen to the garden to escape , leaving behind a foul smell and intense discharge your phone.
Family has always observed that the child was playing and talking to himself in his room and in the corners of the house to nap time , but had never worried because they thought their age was normal . In January 2011 , Benjamin was playing as always in the hallway when Silvia noticed a bit of nervousness in and decided to take his cell phone to record his behavior when he watches “something” running in the background . He thought it was just a field mouse ( very common in the area) … but then I saw the actual play morphology and panicked screams must call your neighbor ( the husband was working ) . Several years kept this secret until today , they decided to show this evidence for the world to see on the Internet , especially asking us (and we are your trust and we manage in the web ) that we take for dissemination respecting anonymity of the child and your entire family.
Things did not end there … Benjamin (now already 5 years ) followed by ” playing ” with these entities over the years, tuviendo to endure the continued presence of these ” Elves ” while not seem aggressive , the smell they leave is unbearable and sometimes by night issued a chilling scream
This is the first video of the 5 that will go up soon , but an interview with Silvia where everything has happened before.


Sorry Mystic But I'm calling it a Hoax.
Anyone seen the movie Anyman?
Head with helmet looks the same. I think it's CGI.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I've seen this one before, and I'm pretty sure it was debunked as a hoax.
I'll have a look back and see if I can find the info.

PS - To my own eyes it looks FAF (Fake As F*ck!)
I think the motion is all wrong for something that size. With less size / less mass, small creatues tend to move much more "jerky" than larger creatures like us. (Think mouse/rat!) This video shows a very smooth motion with "pumping arms" which is only really beneficial if you're having to work hard to move a large mass. e.g. small capuchin monkeys don't "pump" their arms when running about.

kindest regards,
@"guohua" and @"gordi" 

I must say, I tend to agree with both of you.   tinybiggrin
as awesome as it would be if it were real, it looks CGI to my eyes, the way it runs isn't how I have seen anything non digital/ CGI run, it would be cool if real though . They obviously planned it before filming the video if they were to see what it was, why put a kid in it if that is the case ! Make it more believable?

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