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Let's Go Down The Rabbit Hole, Pt. 2
If you have followed Q, you know how often, especially during the early days of Q, they mentioned Alice & Wonderland. If you aren't familiar with that, then go back and read the posts/crumbs, or go back and listen to your favorite decoder on those posts.

Here is a more recent post by Q where he/they mention the Mad Hatter: #3367

Quote:Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a58fe2 No.6957153 [Image: fold.png]
Jul 8 2019 18:46:13 (EST) D-_Yr5NWwAAoMrY.jpg-large.jpg [Image: down.png]
How deep is the rabbit hole?

Rabbit hole?  Mad Hatter? 

Then I just happened to run across this article as I was scrolling my Twitter feed: White House threw secret ‘Alice in Wonderland’ bash during recession

A PRIVATE HALLOWEEN party was given at the White House in 2012 by the Obummers?

Anyone who has researched Satanic ritual dates and the importance of each knows Halloween is a very sacred day for Satanists.
I wonder what kind of rituals was held there that night?   minusculethinking 

Quote:[Image: obama_johnny02-520x300.jpg?quality=90&st...300&crop=1]
TEA PARTY! Johnny Depp played host, as the Mad Hatter, at a 2009 White House bash, but a new book says it was kept quiet from the press for fear of backlash amid the recession. Post photo composite

It was the tea party the Obamas just couldn’t resist.

A White House “Alice in Wonderland” costume ball — put on by Johnny Depp and Hollywood director Tim Burton — proved to be a Mad-as-a-Hatter idea that was never made public for fear of a political backlash during hard economic times, according to a new tell-all.
"Alice in Wonderland" and "Mad Hatter" both in the first paragraph.  tinysurprised

Moving down the article...

Quote:“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care — that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton’s and Depp’s contributions went unacknowledged,” the book says.

However, the White House made certain that more humble Halloween festivities earlier that day — for thousands of Washington-area schoolkids — were well reported by the press corps.

Then the Obamas went inside, where an invitation-only affair for children of military personnel and White House administrators unfolded in the East Room.

Unbeknownst to reporters, the State Dining Room had also been transformed into a secretive White House Wonderland.

Children of military personnel?   tinybighuh

I don't know if you are aware that there are many people in the military who have been used in the mind control and other projects they do in secret, and then they offer their children to be used in the same way. By the way, many are also Satan worshipers.
There have been many whistle blowers who have told their stories and experiences of what was done to them.

Let's continue...

Quote:Tim Burton decorated it “in his signature creepy-comic style. His film version was about to be released, and he had turned the room into the Mad Hatter’s tea party, with a long table set with antique-looking linens, enormous stuffed animals in chairs, and tiered serving plates with treats like bone-shaped meringue cookies,” reports the book, which The Post purchased at a Manhattan bookstore.

Fruit punch was served in blood vials at the bar. Burton’s own Mad Hatter, the actor Johnny Depp, presided over the scene in full costume, standing up on a table to welcome everyone in character.”

Are the children being desensitized for the real thing to come?

Quote:The Obamas’ daughters, Malia and Sasha, then 11 and 8 respectively, “sat at the table, surrounded by a gaggle of their friends, and then proceeded to the next delight, a magic show in the East Room.”
(Emphasis and highlights throughout article by me)
Wonder what kind of magic was done there? Can anyone say rituals used on the children?  Or worse?   tinyshocked

The article goes on to tell of staff witnessing Barry and Michael arguing among themselves and how uncomfortable it was at times. Gee, you would think they were the happiest couple ever to see their smiling faces out in public wouldn't you? tinysure 

I hope people out there are beginning to open their eyes to how huge the evil is in this world. You better be because what is getting ready to be exposed is going to be a real shocker if you aren't ready.

Here is a list of Satanic ritual dates:   Satanic Calendar
Man, oh man!  President Trump gave the Anons a Q proof and a half tonight at the rally in Greenville, NC. 
Anons are freaking out!  tinylaughing

Some lady held up her baby with a Q on the back of it's clothes, and President Trump made a point to call special attention to it.  But, if that's not enough, notice this post from Oct. 5, 2018.  It says the QAnon Baby will be the signifier. That was almost a year ago!  tinywhat

Look at Q Post  3438, 3439, and 3440:   

What are the odds of this happening?  Mind blown!!

Watch the video at the 1:24:00 mark to see where he calls attention to the beautiful baby in the crowd.

If this doesn't convince people that POTUS is part of, or at least knows about Q, then I can't help you.  
(07-15-2019, 04:42 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: This video is from IPOT. He is a very good decoder. He mentions the connections to the number 42 during the blackout that I mentioned previously.

So was Douglas Adams, it seems - he said that "42" is the answer to "what is the meaning of life", the universe, and everything!
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

More decodes from IPOT on latest Q posts.  Stay up to date so you know what's actually going on when things happen.

WOW, WOW, WOW!   tinywhat 

Another scandal is underway involving  congresswoman Omar.  Listen to this video beginning at the 31:15 mark. I read this thread on Twitter, but couldn't share it here because of the length of the tweets.
People need to hear this, so I'm happy RedPill78 read the whole thing in his video.

By the way, in case you don't know who the person is that Omar is communicating through, it's Linda Sarsour, according to other sources I heard.  

@"Mystic Wanderer" 
I listened to that part of the video,,,,, I Hope It Is True!n smallgreenklatsch
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Q has been bringing Clinton, and now Obummer, back into the spotlight. Are they getting the masses ready for arrests of these former Presidents? 

Juan O, from the Abel Danger show, has a lot to say about the plane crash that, allegedly, killed Fuddy. Very interesting if you haven't researched this topic before.

@"Mystic Wanderer" 
The second video I had to go to Youtube to watch, not your fault, just the wat the author has it setup, not to Share,

We can only hope they go after the REAL Criminals.  minusculethumbsup2
They can not put an ex-POTUS in Federal Prison, Sorry to say, but they should be able to Totally Shame and Discredit the Scum Bags!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

The FBI has been sitting on this article that was written in May of this year.  Why are they just now releasing this document? Could it be because they know the Declass is coming and they're trying to discredit what Q will be telling us.
Also, please take notice that the sources used were Snopes and Wikipedia.  Really?   tinylaughing

@"Mystic Wanderer" 
Great video, good information.
here is another one you and others (Lurkers) might like.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
There have been several people bringing up the Fuddy case recently; she's the woman who approved Obummer's birth certificate. She was the only fatality on a plane crash a few years ago.  Interesting.   minusculethinking 

Hugo Feugen is a researcher who spent six years ( I believe is what he said) researching Obama and the Fuddy case.
RedPill78 had him as a guest during the first hour of his show last night. He will be coming back next week to finish up with a two hour interview.
Last nights show began with him going over Obummer's past, people he was connected to, the fake birth certificate, and more.
We have covered much of this on RN, but some things were new to me.

If you are interested in learning who Barack Obama really is and who he is working for, I suggest you listen to the first hour of this video. You might get your mind blown!
RedPill78 has Jeffrey Peterson on again. Jeff is very well connected to knowing how the Mexican and AZ Mafia are connected. He gets into connections with Nancy Pelosi and others in our government today, plus many other interesting topics.

Enjoy expanding your knowledge. 

Jordan gets into the FBI release calling conspiracy theories a domestic terrorism threat, and then goes into the El Paso shooting showing how certain things reported by the MSM don't add up. Also, how they are trying to frame Q and 8Chan.

Kevin Shipp is a "recovering CIA" agent.  He understands what's going on and how the FBI put out this document to hush the growing voices exposing the shadow government/deep state clowns. He discusses it in the video below.

The owner of 8Chan released a statement on video after the host kicked them off over the scam smear the media did on them stating the board promoted violence.
He says the shooter first released the manifesto to his Instagram page, not 8Chan. Someone else then uploaded it from there and put it on 8Chan.  A complete setup to silence the Anons.

But, it won't work. 

(08-03-2019, 05:52 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: There have been several people bringing up the Fuddy case recently; she's the woman who approved Obummer's birth certificate. She was the only fatality on a plane crash a few years ago.  Interesting.   minusculethinking 

Hugo Feugen is a researcher who spent six years ( I believe is what he said) researching Obama and the Fuddy case.
RedPill78 had him as a guest during the first hour of his show last night. He will be coming back next week to finish up with a two hour interview.
Last nights show began with him going over Obummer's past, people he was connected to, the fake birth certificate, and more.
We have covered much of this on RN, but some things were new to me.

If you are interested in learning who Barack Obama really is and who he is working for, I suggest you listen to the first hour of this video. You might get your mind blown!

Here is the second part of the Fuddy Hoax.  Something else to think about if you're brain is on Epstein overload.   tinysure
Hugo Feugen continues showing what his years of research on this case has turned up, and it's very compelling evidence to show Obummer's birth certificate was fake, and the plane crash was all staged with "actors" to take her out.

If you haven't watched the first video yet, please do that first so you will understand where this one picks up.

Nice discussion here about the El Paso shooting and other discrepancies in the reporting of current news stories.
Did you realize one news station reported the shooting before it actually happened?  I think I posted that somewhere already, but not sure if it was in this thread.

SpaceShot76 covers several very interesting topics in this video. CPS cases, child trafficking, V.P. Pence possibly being involved in...
And be sure to watch the last part of the video where he brings up where those diamonds found in Epstein's bedroom could have come from. Very interesting!   minusculethinking 

Arizona college English professor comes under fire for showing students a 14-minute QAnon conspiracy theory video and babbling claims Trump will 'save America from satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles'

Are they afraid that seeing QAnon might remove some of the institution's brain washing from the students they are trying to indoctrinate with Liberal ideology?  

  • English Professor Douglas Belmore has been showing Mesa Community College students videos from conspiracy theorist group, QAnon, according to learners

  • Belmore started showing a clip titled Q - The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED from the start of this fall semester, the Arizona students said

  • Clip hails the theories of a group that believes satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles have infiltrated the American government, media, and entertainment industry

  • Since 2017, Q has bashed the Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, Rothschilds, George Soros, the late John McCain

  • Students said 'his lectures are 20% actually learning English, 80% conspiracy theories and rants about his right-leaning views'

  • Learners claimed he 'incorporates his own faith and ideology into his lectures' and described it as 'uncomfortable'

  • His YouTube page includes lots of Q-related clips and he admits to shunning the curriculum in a comment on the offending YouTube video shown in class

Students described it as "uncomfortable"?   Yeah, a Liberal hearing the truth for the first time is probably EXTREMELY uncomfortable. It has to be a shock to their system to hear such strange "rants". 
Truth is something they aren't used to hearing. tinysure 

Quote:A second student alleged he used his hour of teaching to talk about porn and Satanists and predicted the downfall of media conglomerates.

A person from another class told the publication: 'He was just babbling, basically. He just brought it up out of nowhere.'
Reviews on show that Belmore's classes aren't conventional too. Students alleged it's unfair they are not able to develop skills or learn during the classes.

They also complain of his 'awful' feedback, lack of availability outside classes, and how 'lectures can be uncomfortable'.
One person writes: 'Although he is very clearly passionate about English, he goes on tangents a lot and would discuss topics that were inappropriate or unnecessary. He incorporates his own faith and ideology into his lectures and it can be uncomfortable.'


While they say he is pushing his own beliefs onto his students, isn't the left doing the same thing pushing THEIR beliefs on them too?

Funny how that works.
Jeffrey Peterson joins The Patriot Power Hour during the second half of the show and he discusses what he overheard at a political meeting back around 2008, or there about, regarding cloning.

Interesting indeed!

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