Another COVID Lie - Printable Version

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Another COVID Lie - 727Sky - 08-29-2020

Weird science: Covid-19 does NOT cause heart damage, as blockbuster study had basic calculation errors

Quote:By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics.

A widely circulated scientific study reported that Covid-19 causes long-term heart problems. Its authors have been forced to issue major corrections after they wildly miscalculated the risk, but the damage has already been done.
The scientific establishment wields a lot of power these days. The emergence of the novel coronavirus has elevated many career scientists and academics to positions of great influence, acting as advisors and commissars to governments on all things Covid-related. Which, it turns out, is everything. That is why it is so important that they conduct rational, unbiased research, and analyse all findings with great scepticism, taking nothing for granted.
Weird science
Alas, that was never going to happen. Unless you follow the right Twitter accounts (such as Alex Berenson who has been indefatigable in his criticism of shoddy Covid-19 ‘science’), you won’t read about this anywhere else. But what should be a pretty big scandal resulting in a major inquiry into publishing practices is currently underway in the field of cardiology.
Just over a month ago, a paper from Germany entitled, ‘Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)’, was published in the journal JAMA Cardiology. It was based on 100 people recently recovered from Covid-19, who underwent MRI scans to find factors associated with damage to their hearts.

The article quickly became a smash hit, going viral, inasmuch as academic research can. It racked up hundreds of thousands of interactions on its Altmetric score, a tool that tracks how much a piece of research is being clicked, shared and talked about online. No doubt, this was owing to the paper’s bombshell conclusions. If Covid-19 was strongly linked to long-lasting heart disease in a significant proportion of those who survive it, that would be a hugely important thing to know.
A comedy of errors
The only problem with the conclusion of the paper is that almost every piece of data given to support it was wrong. As more and more media breathlessly reported that Covid-19 will eventually kill everyone with heart attacks, the mathematically minded on Twitter – including Darrel Francis, a Professor of Cardiology at the National Heart and Lung Institute – began to point out obvious miscalculations and mismatches in the results of the study.
The authors appeared to confuse medians for means, and data points present in the graphs were absent elsewhere. In essence, the paper was riddled with remedial mistakes that the first few hundreds of thousands of people who read it (or scan the last few sentences) failed to notice.

But Professor Francis is still not happy with the reissued article, launching another scathing attack on his Twitter account. He has more than the layman’s knowledge of statistics, but he lays out in no uncertain terms that the authors are still, even after their extraordinary climb down, fudging the numbers. He is adamant that the corrected figures show that while people who have recovered from Covid-19 do show markers of heart disease in their MRI scans, so do people of similar health profiles who have not had the virus. That is, Covid-19 had absolutely nothing to do with the heart damage seen in the people in the study.

The authors of the study, meanwhile, have not taken kindly to the egg on their faces. They have lashed out at Twitter’s dismantling of their less-accredited math skills, (not sure people outside UK will know what these are) griping that a letter to the editor “would indeed be more appropriate.” It only took them a month to correct their substandard article, but by that point the damage was done. Just the other day I actually had someone casually inform me that “Covid causes heart damage.” Clearly the study’s reach has been wide. Whether its debunking will have as wide a reach remains to be seen.

RE: Another COVID Lie - guohua - 08-30-2020

Damn near everything they have claimed about COVID-19 has been a Lie, it is a Very Bad Case of the Flu.
If you have a Precondition of any sort of Respiratory/Kidney or Liver problem you need to be monitor very closely, But you have to with any sort of Flu Virus. 


RE: Another COVID Lie - Mystic Wanderer - 08-30-2020

[Image: EgrIs-nUwAAQcoO?format=jpg&name=large]

RE: Another COVID Lie - guohua - 08-30-2020

@"Mystic Wanderer" 
YUP!  That is their Plan and it is working, we just returned for a 6 day road trip from Phoenix, AZ to Kettle Falls WA. then into California the Shasta Mountains and Redding Ca.

In Washington (all Trump Flags in eastern part and northern) vary few people wear the mask except in a store but there were lots of people with out even in the stores.

In Oregon (the northern & eastern part was all Trumpers) Masks were worn in stores.

In California (Commie, Sheeples) They were driving on interstate 5 in their cars with masks on  minusculespooked they were putting gas (diesel $3.45 to $4.04 a gallon)
with their mask on and if they looked at you while driving with out a mask, they gave you the Evil Eye!
Totally Brain Dead CNN Watching Sheeple, they are ready to be lead off to the FEMA Camps NOW!

RE: Another COVID Lie - BIAD - 08-30-2020

(08-30-2020, 04:43 AM)guohua Wrote: Damn near everything they have claimed about COVID-19 has been a Lie, it is a Very Bad Case of the Flu.
If you have a Precondition of any sort of Respiratory/Kidney or Liver problem you need to be monitor very closely, But you have to with any sort of Flu Virus. 


The key to the 'plan-demic' was in the delivery of its arrival and how a fear could be
best spread across the world. But the clue to the media manipulation lay in the fact
that at no time, could the sale of certain commodities be disrupted.
In fact, this flu would be used to enhance such sales.

What did the media say:
You couldn't get Covid from newspaper. You couldn't get the disease from toilet paper.
You shouldn't use cash. You should always pay via electronic devices.
Stay indoors, but still acquire products.
Journalists can't get the disease. Children are carriers and shouldn't go to school.

Notify an authority -if you even suspect you have the plague, of who you are and who
you interact with.
Stay away from each other. Masks are good... bad.... good again.
Herd-immunity is a myth. Don't congregate.

The sun has no effect on the viurus, however UV light kills the virus. (I swear Judy Faltskog
must've been involved with this one!)

Smoking tobacco may assist in overcoming the effects of the airborne virus.
Deaths of people with symptoms of Covid will also included in the death-list caused BY Covid.
There may be a shortage of flour in the UK due to poor weather. Grain could become rare.
Coffee is good to ward-off the disease.
A vaccine is on its way.

Crude oil.
Heating Oil
Natural gas.
Rubber 1 kg
Palm Oil

No matter what, those at the top won't lose money over this reset.

RE: Another COVID Lie - argentus - 08-30-2020

(08-30-2020, 05:54 PM)guohua Wrote: @"Mystic Wanderer" 
YUP!  That is their Plan and it is working, we just returned for a 6 day road trip from Phoenix, AZ to Kettle Falls WA. then into California the Shasta Mountains and Redding Ca.

In Washington (all Trump Flags in eastern part and northern) vary few people wear the mask except in a store but there were lots of people with out even in the stores.

In Oregon (the northern & eastern part was all Trumpers) Masks were worn in stores.

In California (Commie, Sheeples) They were driving on interstate 5 in their cars with masks on  minusculespooked they were putting gas (diesel $3.45 to $4.04 a gallon)
with their mask on and if they looked at you while driving with out a mask, they gave you the Evil Eye!
Totally Brain Dead CNN Watching Sheeple, they are ready to be lead off to the FEMA Camps NOW!

Those at the top never lose money.  Ever.   We wonder how people could evolve to be so cruel, but they see us as pawns, as sheep to be sheared, and for them, that is our function.  That doesn't mean that ALL rich people are evil, nor are most of the evil people rich, just that the conglomerate of evil rich people is cohesive.   

Imo, the key to fighting this is:   (1) autonomy.    (2) Being as self-sustaining as possible.   (3) forming Mutual Assurance Groups (MAGs) in which people are investing in preserving their way of life within their area.   There is nothing wrong and everything Constitutional about citizens deciding how they want their immediate environment governed.   Protest is necessary.   Property destruction is unlawful.    minusculechairshot

RE: Another COVID Lie - Snarl - 08-31-2020

(08-30-2020, 08:40 PM)argentus Wrote: Protest is necessary.   Property destruction is unlawful.

Hey @"argentus"!!  So good to see you on the boards!!

Questions: What do you see as for the outcome of the protests/riots?  How long will they be necessary?