It's News Guys, But Not As We Know it! - Printable Version

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RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 11-26-2020

Jeez, the MSM look on themselves as something special!

Sky News in the UK made a big-thing on the recent 'Tier Regime' that was announced on the 26th November in regards
of what the English public can and cannot do. As the fear-porn gushed alongside the Government-ordered restrictions,
the Sky Presenters eventually became bored with the Zoom-called Yes-Men who condoned the confinement of those
who they're paid to serve.

Next up,  Rishi Sunak's -the Chancellor of the Exchequer, decision to cut the UK's overseas aid budget by about £4bn
and via a computer, a guest was brought on to discuss the possible fallout of the reduced charity.
Martin Bell. OBE, is a British UNICEF Ambassador and a former Journalist with the BBC, he sat in his West-London
-based home and chatted to the Sky Presenter in the London-based studio.

Oddly enough, every time Mr. Bell responded to one of the banal questions from the female Presenter, a graphic on the
top-right-hand side of the screen appeared to note where Martin Bell was located and for the first time today, the graphic
strip showed the layer of restrictions that London was dealing with.
Namely Tier Two.

Yet, when the Sky Presenter became the focus of the camera, there was no indication of what tier the Sky studio was
situated in!

Pointing this out may seem juvenile, but it's another facet of the gap between the MSM's reality and the public's.
In the strata of social importance, Journalists have placed themselves higher than their customers.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 12-03-2020

Reality... just up ahead and with the 'No Access' sign in front of it.

Quote:Gov. Andrew Cuomo will receive Emmy for COVID-19 TV briefings

And the Emmy for Best Acting as a Sitting Governor goes to …

Gov. Andrew Cuomo — who’s been blamed for letting the deadly coronavirus run rampant in New York’s
nursing homes — is set to receive an International Emmy award for his daily TV briefings about the disease.

But it won’t be for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Real-Life Drama.
Instead, Cuomo will be recognized for his “effective use of television during the pandemic,” the International
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced Friday.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8732]
Governor Dick Head alias Gov. Andrew Cuomo

“The Governor’s 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with
characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure,” said Bruce Paisner, president and CEO of the
International Academy.

“People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and ‘New York tough’ became a symbol
of the determination to fight back.” Cuomo will be presented with the International Emmys’ “Founders Award”
during an event that will be live-streamed on Monday, the academy said.

In an ironic twist, the announcement came just two days after Cuomo called a reporter “obnoxious and
offensive in your tone” for asking whether New York City’s public schools would remain open amid rising
infection rates.

Cuomo has faced unrelenting, bipartisan criticism over a Health Department directive that forced nursing
homes to accept “medically stable” COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals. The since-rescinded
policy is under review by the US Justice Department, which in October ramped up its probe by asking
the state to hand over a breakdown of hospital deaths.

The information, which officials have refused to make public, could dramatically increase the official tally of
nursing home residents who were killed by the virus, which is now around 6,700.

In August, The Associated Press estimated the actual death toll could be as high as 11,000.
Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens) — whose uncle, Son Kim, died in a Flushing nursing home in April after
suffering symptoms of COVID-19 — called Cuomo’s Emmy “another demoralizing moment.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like this in my entire life,” he said.
“He’s getting all the credit to celebrate his win, and I think it’s just wrong. There’s too many people struggling
still for him to be taking a victory lap.”

US Rep. Tom Reed, a Republican who represents the upstate area around Corning, called the award a “sick joke”
and said it explained why “so many Americans are fed up with Hollywood elites.” “The Governor’s refusal to use
these briefings to answer basic questions, including New York’s disastrous nursing home policies that killed
thousands of our state’s grandparents and parents, is not worth celebrating,” Reed said.

City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) also said that “this is like giving Bill Buckner the Gold Glove Award”
for his crucial error in the 1986 World Series, when the Boston Red Sox first baseman let an easy ground ball
pass through his legs — leading to a Mets comeback and championship.

State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy called the award “proof positive that Hollywood lives in its own
alternative reality” and “offensive to so many families that lost loved ones in New York.”

“Gov. Cuomo definitely deserves an award for best actor in the fictional storylines that he’s created declaring
himself a great leader,” Langworthy said. “Maybe he’ll also win an award for Most Deaths on a Governor’s Watch?
Most Businesses and Jobs Killed? How about Most Power Hungry Dictator?”

Cuomo’s briefings on the coronavirus included some frightening moments, like when he appeared shaken April 9
while announcing the state’s death toll had topped 7,000. Others took strange detours, including when he revealed
that everyone living in the Executive Mansion was “movie probation” for picking duds to watch on TV — and then
noted that his dog, Captain, “is out of sorts, too.”

During a Friday afternoon briefing, Cuomo said he’d already created an “acceptance video” for the virtual awards
ceremony, noting, “I thanked the academy — which I got a real kick out of.” Cuomo also claimed that receiving the
award — which puts him in the company of celebrities including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg — was
“flattering for the people of the state.”

“I think their participation in the daily presentation was amazing, you know, we had over 64 million people participate,"
he crowed.
NY Post:

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 12-04-2020

I believe the street-word is 'Based'?!

Quote:Namibia: Man named after Adolf Hitler wins local election

'A Namibian politician named after Adolf Hitler says he has no plans for world domination
after winning a sweeping victory in local elections. Adolf Hitler Uunona was elected last week
as councillor for the Ompundja constituency.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8741]
Mr. Hitler-Uunona .

In an interview with German newspaper Bild, he insisted he had "nothing to do" with Nazi ideology.
Adolf, like other Germanic first names, is not uncommon in the country, which was once a German colony.
He was elected for the ruling Swapo party, which led the campaign against colonial and white-minority rule.

Mr Uunona admitted that his father had named him after the Nazi leader, but said "he probably didn't
understand what Adolf Hitler stood for". "As a child I saw it as a totally normal name," said Mr Uunona,
who won his seat with 85% of the vote.

Why Namibian town wants to change its name to ǃNamiǂNûs
"It wasn't until I was growing up that I realised: This man wanted to subjugate the whole world," he said,
adding. "I have nothing to do with any of these things."
Mr Uunona said his wife calls him Adolf and he goes by the name in public, and has no plans to change it.

Between 1884 and 1915, Namibia was part of German territory called German South West Africa.
The German Empire killed thousands of people during a 1904-08 revolt by local Nama, Herero and San people,
in what some historians have called "the forgotten genocide".

Earlier this year, Namibia turned down a €10m ($12; £9m) offer by Germany for reparations, saying it would
continue to negotiate for a "revised offer". After World War One, Namibia came under South African control
and gained independence in 1990. But it still has many German-named towns and a small German-speaking

The centre-left Swapo party arose from Namibia's independence movement and has ruled the country since 1990.
But support for the party has fallen following bribery allegations over the fishing industry.
In last month's elections, Swapo lost control of 30 major towns and cities...'

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 12-12-2020

Oh my God...!! Look at what happened, someone ploughed into a group of BLM protestors in New York!
I glanced at a headline on the BBC late-news channel on Friday night and sure enough, another assumed-white
person deliberately drove their Klan-paid-for car into a group of hand-holding, kumbaya-singing Black Lives Matter
diverse people who were peacefully protesting in Manhattan.

I also know this because the link-headers say so:
Daily Mail.
Motorist plows into group of BLM protesters in New York City, injuring at least four...

Car plows into Black Lives Matter protest in New York City...

The New York Post.
Multiple pedestrians struck during BLM protest in Midtown...

Except, the story isn't like that, but let's use the first 'neutral' media-outlet on the list.

Quote:Dramatic moment female motorist injures six when she drives into Manhattan protesters supporting

hunger strikers in an ICE detention center as they surrounded her

*Incident unfolded at East 39th Street and Third Avenue in Manhattan at 4.08pm Friday
*Around 40 to 50 demonstrators were gathered in support of detainees in a New Jersey ICE facility
*Some protesters were said to have surrounded the vehicle - a dark BMW with a female driver
*The driver then allegedly plowed into the demonstrators hitting an unknown number and injuring six 
*The extent of the injuries is not clear but the NYPD said they appear to be non-life-threatening
*Police said the driver stayed on the scene after the collision and was taken to a local precinct for questioning 
*Two white women were filmed being arrested in footage shared on social media with witnesses
saying the female driver was accompanied by a female passenger 
*An NYPD spokesperson told it is not yet clear if the collision was accidental or targeted 
*As of 7 p.m. police said the driver has not been arrested or charged over the incident.

Well okay, no BLM members mentioned yet, but I'm sure they'll turn up soon.

Quote:'Dramatic footage has emerged of the moment a female motorist plowed her car into a group of New York
City protesters gathered in support of people on hunger strike in an ICE detention center Friday afternoon.

Six people were injured when the driver of a dark BMW accelerated into a group of around 50 protesters at
East 39th Street and Third Avenue in the heart of Manhattan just after 4 p.m. Friday. 
The extent of the injuries is not clear but the NYPD said they appear to be non-life-threatening.  
Police said the driver stayed on the scene after the collision and was taken to a local precinct for questioning.
As of 7 p.m. Friday, the NYPD said no arrests or charges had been made over the incident.

The incident unfolded at 4:08 p.m. on East 39th and 3rd Avenue in the heart of Manhattan where a group of
protesters were holding a demonstration in support of those on hunger strike at an ICE facility in Bergen
County, New Jersey.

Multiple people being held in the government facility have gone without food for four weeks now to draw attention
to their poor treatment in the facility. Between 40 and 50 protesters were demonstrating in the area, according
to WABC-TV  

Smartphone footage circulated on social media shows dozens of protesters holding banners in the road at the
intersection of East 39th Street and Third Avenue.
Around four pedestrians are seen gathered around a dark BMW that appears to be driving toward the group.
Two demonstrators can be seen banging on the side of the car...'

Well okay, no BLM members mentioned yet, but I'm sure they'll turn up soon.

Quote:'...The vehicle accelerates rapidly plowing right into one demonstrator stood in front of it, who flies over the
bonnet onto the road.  The car speeds right across the intersection ramming into several bicycles and other
protesters on the way. 
Screams and the cars tires screeching ring out in the air, as protesters run to help people injured.
An NYPD officer is seen at the end of the footage.

Vehicles were being cordoned off from the area by NYPD officers due to the protest. according to NBC New York.
Officers were ensuring no cars turned onto East 39th Street. The car involved in the incident was already parked
in the closed-off area when the driver got in the vehicle, the outlet reported.

Six people were injured in the incident and taken to a local hospital. Their injuries are not considered serious,
however no further details about their conditions are known. 
'The injuries look to be non-life-threatening at this point,' an NYPD spokesperson told
The spokesperson confirmed the vehicle was being driven by a woman but gave no further details about her identity.  
He said she was stopped at the scene and taken to a local police precinct for questioning.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8786]
The poor protestors surrounding the car. A victim who is black. The evil driver who is white and probably not a lesbian. 

Video posted to social media by @_antwan1_ shows police arresting one woman who is believed to be the driver of
the car. The woman in the footage is young and white and is being led away by officers as demonstrators appear be
shouting at her.

Separate footage posted online shows a different white woman kneeling on the ground as she is also detained by officers.
Witnesses said on social media there was a female passenger in the car at the time alongside the female driver. 
An NYPD spokesperson said it was unknown at this point if the driver accidentally struck the demonstrators or if i
was a targeted attack. They said the investigation is ongoing and it is not yet known if any charges will be brought against her...'

Well okay, no BLM members mentioned yet, but I'm sure they'll turn up soon.

Quote:However a police official told WABC-TV the collision did not appear to be intentional.
According to the outlet the driver may have accelerated in fear when protesters surrounded her car which was already
at the intersection when the incident unfolded. Initial reports from the NYPD said that the incident involved people gathered
for a 'Justice for George' protest but the force later confirmed it was a protest for ICE detainees.   
Several protesters were also detained by NYPD officers including one for obstructing governmental administration.
Archived Daily Mail:

You Are Fake News.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 12-26-2020

Its always nice to remind people as this terrible year draws to an end of how the media spin you trash and expect you to believe it.
With these particular articles, it's obvious someone from the BBC looked out of their expensive rented-apartment in London
and thought the rest of the world was the same.

(The BBC: 30 minutes before posting it here)

Quote:Covid: Boxing Day sales expected to plummet amid pandemic

'Boxing Day sales are expected to plummet after Covid-19 restrictions meant shops in many areas were forced to stay closed.
By midday, footfall was down 60% across the UK compared with last year, according to experts Springboard.

Stricter measures have been introduced in much of the UK with 40% of England's population now under tier four rules, meaning
non-essential shops must shut. Analysts said footfall had dropped even where other retailers could open.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8864]
A near-deserted Regent Street in London as the Boxing Day sales began.

National lockdowns in Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as most of mainland Scotland being placed into its own level four restrictions,
meant non-essential stores are forced to be closed on what is traditionally a big day in the retail calendar...'

However, outside London...

Quote:SHOP GEAR Bargain hunters queue from 4am to get their hands on the best deals in the Boxing Day sales

'Bargain hunters queued from 4am today to get their hands on the best deals in the Boxing Day sales.
People living in Tier 1, 2 and 3 areas - where non-essential shops are still allowed to open - got up bright and
early after Christmas to buy some bargains.

Many made the decision to hit their local high street - even after Boris Johnson urged Brits to keep away from
busy sales as a mutant strain of Covid takes hold across the country.
Shoppers in North Tyneside were waiting outside Next for the sale when the store opened at 5am.

The shop - always a popular Boxing Day destination - set up a queuing system to allow customers to keep away
from each other. In Liverpool, shoppers could be seen leaving Next with bags full of goodies before the sun rose.
Dozens of people joined long queues outside the shop to get deals as early as possible.

In Birmingham, security guards were hired to monitor shoppers waiting to head into Next. People were seen waiting
patiently behind metal barriers to get into the branch. The store has been the big draw of the morning.
But many other shops have also attracted long queues.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8865]

Crowds have flocked to branches of Primark around the country to enjoy the sales.
Meanwhile, clothing companies including Urban Outfitters are also drawing in shoppers with huge discounts.
However, it's expected that most people will stay at home today - and it could be the biggest internet shopping day
of the year. Experts say £1.9billion will be spent online today as 15million bargain-hunters swamp websites.

The spree could be four times bigger than an average day’s outlay and could edge ahead of the Black Friday record.
But high streets, with most closed due to Covid-19 regulations, will have their worst ­Boxing Day for 20 years.
Store spending is likely to fall by 56 per cent on last year. Though Brits could part with a total of £3.2billion, the store
value will be around £1.4billion of that, a study with the Centre for Retail Research showed.

The slump in spending at brick-and-mortar shops comes as 24 million people in the south and east are now in the
country's strictest tier. In Tier 4, all shops classed as non-essential are shut.
Across England, 43 per cent of the population are now in the strictest tier. Ahead of Christmas, Mr Johnson told
shoppers to stay away from the sales this year...'
The Sun:

The BBC... you are fake news.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Ninurta - 12-26-2020

(12-12-2020, 12:56 PM)BIAD Wrote: Oh my God...!! Look at what happened, someone ploughed into a group of BLM protestors in New York!
I glanced at a headline on the BBC late-news channel on Friday night and sure enough, another assumed-white
person deliberately drove their Klan-paid-for car into a group of hand-holding, kumbaya-singing Black Lives Matter
diverse people who were peacefully protesting in Manhattan.

A couple  of points to make regarding this story...

1) when you are surrounded, any direction you move in is apt to "plow into people".

2) When you surround a car and restrict it's movement, you are committing the felony of "unlawful arrest". since you are restricting that person's right of free travel without a legal reason to do so.

3) It is legal in most jurisdictions to use force, even deadly force, to prevent or end the commission of a felony that you have direct observation of.

4) The young lady shown on her knees and surrounded by cops is dressed head to toe in black. Who else do we know that dresses in such attire at "protests"?

Yup, I concur - "fake news".


RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 12-27-2020

(12-26-2020, 11:46 PM)Ninurta Wrote: ...Yup, I concur - "fake news".

Just to make sure our friendly woods-runner doesn't think such dubious reporting is rare, here's another.

It's a weird one. The BBC related a news item at (GMT) on Sunday morning 27th December 2020 that the Prime Minister
of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis had received the vaccine and showed footage of the task. The actual main thrust of the story
was that Europe had launched a continent-wide vaccination programme and the EU is the group organising it.
The video of Prime Minister Babis just made good optics.

One may presume it's a promotional article with optics to indicate leadership and trust in the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

Here's an still from the procedure.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8866]
Andrej Babis receiving the miracle vaccine.

Then later on the same morning, I switched on the 24-hour BBC news channel at (GMT) and the Presenter (Ben Brown,
I looked him up!) offered some breaking news that the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis had just received his
Covid vaccination moments before and again, showed the same footage.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8867]
BBC Presenter Ben Brown.

A search on the BBC news website -using the Czech-Republic Prime Minister's name, failed to bring up any article about the injection
regarding the leader. However, on the Sky News website, it shows a video of Andrej Babis being injected with the vaccine and the
time indicator states Sunday 27 December 2020 09:02, UK!

Link To Sky News Report:

Even the 'ExPats -CZ' website has a similar article -plus updates of: Published on 27.12.2020 09:55 (updated on 27.12.2020)
Being one hour ahead of the UK, this would make sense considering image-capture, the writing of the piece and publishing it.

But why did the BBC report the Covid-Czech article earlier in the morning on the Breakfast News programme and then announce
the same news as breaking two hours later?!

Desperate and dying? Let us only hope.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 01-24-2021

There's a 'V'-shaped valley in Sussex called 'Devil's Dyke'... and we can't be having that, can we?!!!

Quote:Facebook apologises for banning users from mentioning National Trust beauty spot
Devil's Dyke after branding it 'hate speech'

*Facebook group users given bans for using the name of the Sussex beauty spot 
*Tech giant warned the term goes against 'community standards' on hate speech 
*Spokesman for the US social media firm apologised for their 'clear mistake'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8992]

'Facebook has apologised for issuing bans to people who mentioned the name of a Sussex
beauty spot, branding it ‘hate speech’. Users on community group Brighton People had been
referring to Devil’s Dyke, a well known tourist attraction which has attracted visitors since the
Victorian times.

But while they were innocently chatting about the spot, which has roads, pubs, restaurants and
parks named after it, they say Facebook threatened them with bans if they continue to refer to
it by its name, receiving messages suggesting they were using hate speech.
Facebook has tonight promised to look into the ‘clear’ error.

One user said he was banned for 48 hours for posting a photo of a bus with the destination of
Devil’s Dyke on the front. He added: ““I got 48 hours in FB jail for posting a photo of a bus....the
destination screen clearly says ‘Devil's D***’. I put on the caption ‘....heading up to The D***’.

“I had a message saying that the post had been flagged up as ‘hate speech’ and has been deleted.
“As it was the second time I had been such a public menace, I won the star prize of 48 hours in the
clink. It offered me a button to push if I thought there had been an error. I did that and 10 minutes later,
I had a message saying the original decision had been upheld.

“There is nowhere I can explain the context of why I used the word.”

An administrator of the group added: “Just to say, Facebook has just informed admin that a post needs
to be removed, moderation alert etc because of an address in Brighton being offensive.
“The name of the road is D..e Road. I will leave it to your imaginations to work out the name of the road.
If I were to type it out I would be breaking rules.”

The social media giant has been forced to introduce tougher measures after it was accused of failing to
crack down on extremism and hate speech. But it generally uses an automated algorithm to decide what
is offensive, leading to confusion when words have dual meanings.

A Facebook company spokesman said: “We've clearly made a mistake here and apologise to users
whose posts were affected. “We're looking into what happened and will take steps to rectify the error."...'
Archived Source:

It's disgraceful insulting the carpet-munchers by naming a geographical tourist attraction with such an
inflammatory title. Gawd-luv-a-duck, the God of A.I knows better!

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Ninurta - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 03:36 PM)BIAD Wrote: There's a 'V'-shaped valley in Sussex called 'Devil's Dyke'... and we can't be having that, can we?!!!

It could be worse, I suppose. There could be a truck stop located in a peaceful vale named "The Diesel Dyke"...

Cultural misappropriation of mere words is getting out of hand. recently, some jackass in the US Congress (and I mean "jackass" in the most endearing way - the national symbol of the DNC is, after all, a "donkey") recently uttered "amen" after a prayer, and then appended "and a-women, too!" to it. He seemed to be utterly oblivious to the fact that "amen" is a carry over from Semitic languages. The original is "ameen", and simply means "truth" - has nothing to do with gender at all.

So, in his cultural misappropriation of a Christian word that he had no concept of the use of, he was actually belittling a Semitic word that, again, he had no concept of. His attempt to be gender-sympathetic-supportive actually caused him to be anti-Semitic...

Personally, I think he was just trying to humor the girlies and play up to their presumed insecurities because he probably ain't getting any at home. I think he was just fishing for brownie points, and it all went horribly wrong.

Have I managed to offend everyone yet? I'd hate to be accused of not being "inclusive" enough...


RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:34 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Personally, I think he was just trying to humor the girlies and play up to their presumed insecurities because he probably ain't getting any at home. I think he was just fishing for brownie points, and it all went horribly wrong.

That what I was thinking. The guy's body-posture and mannerisms looks to me like he was
merely reading something he felt was dumb and hadn't analysed beforehand.

Quote:Have I managed to offend everyone yet? I'd hate to be accused of not being "inclusive" enough...

Here...? With this lot?!!

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - PLOTUS - 01-24-2021

????..... This is supposed to resemble inner thighs and a V_ l _ a  ....?

WAY too much time on their hands and their buttoxes stuck, form-fitting to their office chairs in the basement.... People, people, truly,
please come out into the sunlight, breath oxygenated outdoor air
[Image: ImageD.jpg]
Your brains are atrophying into rotten mush and fungus...

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:52 PM)PLOTUS Wrote: ????..... This is supposed to resemble inner thighs and a V_ l _ a  ....?
Nope... just a ore-Iron Age defence utilised from something nature provided, but the Twitter
outrage mob cannot have such a name existing. It's sad that everything from the past is being
whittled away because of an emotive school-yard mentality.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Wallfire - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:34 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(01-24-2021, 03:36 PM)BIAD Wrote: There's a 'V'-shaped valley in Sussex called 'Devil's Dyke'... and we can't be having that, can we?!!!

It could be worse, I suppose. There could be a truck stop located in a peaceful vale named "The Diesel Dyke"...

Cultural misappropriation of mere words is getting out of hand. recently, some jackass in the US Congress (and I mean "jackass" in the most endearing way - the national symbol of the DNC is, after all, a "donkey") recently uttered "amen" after a prayer, and then appended "and a-women, too!" to it. He seemed to be utterly oblivious to the fact that "amen" is a carry over from Semitic languages. The original is "ameen", and simply means "truth" - has nothing to do with gender at all.

So, in his cultural misappropriation of a Christian word that he had no concept of the use of, he was actually belittling a Semitic word that, again, he had no concept of. His attempt to be gender-sympathetic-supportive actually caused him to be anti-Semitic...

Personally, I think he was just trying to humor the girlies and play up to their presumed insecurities because he probably ain't getting any at home. I think he was just fishing for brownie points, and it all went horribly wrong.

Have I managed to offend everyone yet? I'd hate to be accused of not being "inclusive" enough...


There is a small village in Ireland called Hackballscross, I wonder what FB would make of that  minusculebiggrin

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Ninurta - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:52 PM)PLOTUS Wrote: ????..... This is supposed to resemble inner thighs and a V_ l _ a  ....?

WAY too much time on their hands and their buttoxes stuck, form-fitting to their office chairs in the basement.... People, people, truly,
please come out into the sunlight, breath oxygenated outdoor air
[Image: ImageD.jpg]
Your brains are atrophying into rotten mush and fungus...

Nah, I don't think it has to do with female anatomy at all. "Dyke" comes from an old word meaning "ditch". Now, how lesbians and assorted fellow travelers chose to apply that term to their own anatomy, and therefore by extension to themselves, is none of my business, but they don't get to take it over for just themselves!


RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Ninurta - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:42 PM)BIAD Wrote: That what I was thinking. The guy's body-posture and mannerisms looks to me like he was
merely reading something he felt was dumb and hadn't analysed beforehand.

After listening to his entire prayer, I don't think he was even praying for what he THOUGHT he was praying for! And, with the inclusion of so many deities at the end, I'm not sure any of them will answer it - each is probably pissed off at this point that he even acknowledged the rest...

... and that, of course, is always the danger of having too many gods to recognize.


RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Ninurta - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 06:01 PM)Wallfire Wrote: There is a small village in Ireland called Hackballscross, I wonder what FB would make of that  minusculebiggrin

That will be fine with them. It's the epitome of grrrl pwr, and promotes strong, independent women by suggesting the emasculation of their husbands which is, after all, the very core of the Leftist agenda! What's not for FB to love there?


RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 06:01 PM)Wallfire Wrote: There is a small village in Ireland called Hackballscross, I wonder what FB would make of that  minusculebiggrin

If that's the case, there goes the little village in the South Downs National Park called 'Lickfold'
and 'WetWang' north of Hull.

Still... we'll keep Bell End Service Station and the farmhouse north of Morpeth named Bushy Gap.
Well at least until the blue-haired Twitter kids find them.

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - Wallfire - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 08:24 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-24-2021, 06:01 PM)Wallfire Wrote: There is a small village in Ireland called Hackballscross, I wonder what FB would make of that  minusculebiggrin

If that's the case, there goes the little village in the South Downs National Park called 'Lickfold'
and 'WetWang' north of Hull.

Still... we'll keep Bell End Service Station and the farmhouse north of Morpeth named Bushy Gap.
Well at least until the blue-haired Twitter kids find them.
tinywondering (its a joke)

In my youth I met a young lady I was interested in, then she told she was Hackballscross, so I had to decide, one night of wild passion or keep my bits for later use. I kept them for later use  minusculebiggrin ( joke, I hope)

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - BIAD - 02-11-2021


Quote:BREAST NOT BEST Midwives told to say ‘chestfeeding’ instead of ‘breastfeeding’ to be more trans-friendly

'Midwives have been instructed to say “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” to be more trans-friendly.
Staff should also replace the term “mother” with “mother or birthing parent”

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9084]
It's no longer PC to shout "Tits oot fur' the lads!"

“Breastmilk” should be described as “human milk” or “breast/chestmilk” or “milk from the feeding mother or
parent”, according to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust. It is the first health trust to formally
implement the “gender inclusive” policy for its maternity services — now to be known as “perinatal services”.

Other changes include replacing “woman” with “woman or person”, and “father” with “parent”, “co-parent” or
“second biological parent”.

A policy document explained: “Gender identity can be a source of oppression and health inequality.
“We also recognise that there is currently biological essentialism and transphobia present within elements of
mainstream birth narratives and discourse.”

It added that staff did not have to stop using the word “woman” or other terms describing motherhood, but they
should consciously start adding in the word “people” and other more inclusive language. The trust later tweeted:
“We want everybody who uses our services to see themselves reflected in language we use.”

Campaign group TransActual tweeted: “Let’s hope many more trusts follow suit.
“Everybody deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.”...'
The Sun:

RE: It's News Jim, But Not As We Know it! - WonderCow - 02-11-2021

(02-11-2021, 05:11 PM)BIAD Wrote: Mongos.

Quote:BREAST NOT BEST Midwives told to say ‘chestfeeding’ instead of ‘breastfeeding’ to be more trans-friendly

'Midwives have been instructed to say “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” to be more trans-friendly.
Staff should also replace the term “mother” with “mother or birthing parent”

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9084]
It's no longer PC to shout "Tits oot fur' the lads!"

“Breastmilk” should be described as “human milk” or “breast/chestmilk” or “milk from the feeding mother or
parent”, according to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust. It is the first health trust to formally
implement the “gender inclusive” policy for its maternity services — now to be known as “perinatal services”.

Other changes include replacing “woman” with “woman or person”, and “father” with “parent”, “co-parent” or
“second biological parent”.

A policy document explained: “Gender identity can be a source of oppression and health inequality.
“We also recognise that there is currently biological essentialism and transphobia present within elements of
mainstream birth narratives and discourse.”

It added that staff did not have to stop using the word “woman” or other terms describing motherhood, but they
should consciously start adding in the word “people” and other more inclusive language. The trust later tweeted:
“We want everybody who uses our services to see themselves reflected in language we use.”

Campaign group TransActual tweeted: “Let’s hope many more trusts follow suit.
“Everybody deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.”...'
The Sun:

Udder stupidity.