Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Printable Version

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RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 08-14-2021

(08-14-2021, 10:59 AM)BIAD Wrote: What do you think?

I think it's to be expected from a guy who was raised by a literal Nazi.


RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-14-2021

(08-14-2021, 11:17 AM)Ninurta Wrote: I think it's to be expected from a guy who was raised by a literal Nazi...

I had no idea!

On the plus-side, the cost of taking  Covid tests for one's vacations has gone down. (sarcasm)
Another sign that the flu-fear is dying down on this side of the Atlantic.

Quote:Cost of NHS Covid tests for UK arrivals reduced

'The cost of NHS coronavirus tests for international arrivals to the UK have been reduced, the government has said.
Test and Trace tests have been cut from £88 to £68 for people arriving from green-listed countries and for those
coming from amber-listed countries who are fully vaccinated.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9828]
The virus doesn't like saltwater?

Meanwhile, the price of two tests for amber arrivals who have not had both jabs has been cut from £170 to £136.
The prices of all providers of day two and eight tests are to be reviewed.

It comes after Health Secretary Sajid Javid asked the competition watchdog to investigate "excessive" pricing and
"exploitative practices" among PCR Covid test firms. He said misleading pricing will be clamped down on and providers
failing to meet necessary standards will be removed from the government's approved list.

NHS Test and Trace advertises its tests alongside private companies' packages and they are available to purchase to
fulfil the government's testing requirements for international travel. This is the second time the price of NHS tests has been
reduced; previously the cost of a day two and eight package was £210. [$291.]

'Too many cowboys'
It is understood that if the review finds private companies are offering terms that are unfair and therefore unenforceable,
enforcement action could be taken by the Competition and Markets Authority or Trading Standards.

If businesses are found to have breached consumer law, they could be subject to a court order to stop operating and told to
compensate consumers. "I am determined to protect consumers and hardworking families from exploitative practices and
ensure high quality tests are available at a reasonable price," said Mr Javid.

"Too many providers are acting like cowboys and that needs to stop. The public should be allowed to enjoy their summer
holidays without having to face excessive costs or anxiety. "Any provider found to be misleading the public will be kicked off."
Holidaymakers have complained of high prices and poor service from many of the 400-plus firms offering PCR tests and there
have been reports that some have not got full accreditation.

According to reports, PCR test prices can range from as little as £20 [$27] to more than £500 [$693].
There have also been complaints from consumers that they have not received test results or have been sent damaged PCR kits.

The government said providers must use laboratories that are either accredited or undergoing accreditation by the independent
United Kingdom Accreditation Service, and that businesses that fail to meet standards will be removed from its list of approved

The CMA has previously said formal investigations can take a long time, but in this instance it will provide advice to Mr Javid with
a view to taking swift action...'

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 08-15-2021

Holy shit! 300 bucks to stick a Q-tip into my brain through my nose?

I KNEW there was a good reason I never leave the holler!


RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - 727Sky - 08-15-2021

Quote:Hong Kong | 13 Aug 2021 1:45 pm

[Image: 20210813134638178803contentPhoto1.jpg]  

A batch of imported frozen fish on sale at the Wah Kee fish stall in To Kwa Wan Market was found carrying the Covid-19 virus, with shoppers and handlers at the stall ordered to get tested.
It was the first positive test involving imported frozen or chilled food and its packaging since the Centre for Food Safety began testing a year ago.
Health authorities said on Thursday that they had found the virus on samples of a batch of imported fish and its outer packaging on sale at the fish stall.
The vendor was closed on Friday morning, with some customers saying they were a bit worried about getting infected.
“There is nothing much we can do but to step up our precautionary measures. I always get rid of the food packaging and wash the fish when I get back home,” said a woman who just bought seafood at the market.
Meanwhile, some said they were not worried.
“I have been a customer of Wah Kee [fish stall] for years, even yesterday, I had fish from Wah Kee for dinner,” a man said.
Infectious disease expert Dr Leung Chi-chiu said authorities should seize the batch of frozen products immediately to prevent the virus from affecting Hong Kong citizens.
However, he said the viral load on such packaging is low, and the chance of contracting Covid from it is minimal, especially after the packaging has been exposed in room temperature for a period of time.
The health expert reminded shoppers to practice good hygiene at all times.
“Shoppers should clean their hands with hand sanitizers or soap every time they finish shopping at the market. It would also be best for them to get rid of the frozen food packagings before storing them inside the fridge,” said Leung.,-first-in-Hong-Kong

While cooking may kill the virus I doubt those who are preparing the food are wearing disposable gloves

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Ninurta - 08-15-2021

I found this article to be amusing: 

One of the funnier snippets is this:

Quote:Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, says shots are the only path for the nation to contain the delta variant.

Well they've certainly done a helluva job so far, haven't they? 80% of all new cases, including those cases in the vaccinated, are alleged to be the delta variant.

And then there is this:

Quote:Zients said the White House still has no plans to develop the infrastructure for so-called vaccine passports, despite some criticism from businesses that the patchwork of local and state verification systems leaves them without a clear way to enforce mandates. The Biden administration had promised to share frameworks for verification systems, but ultimately left them all to the private sector and local governments, in part because of political sensitivities.

More "public - private partnerships" like they have going on with Silicon Valley. isn't that special? It's how Mussolini defined "fascism". The very definition of it. I didn't vote for anyone in the private sector, and I sure as hell won't obey them.

They tread MY ground at their own risk.


This is unrelated, but another article I ran across that is a good argument for pulling your money out of any US banks, and stopping doing business with them:

Starve the beast. Get out of THEIR systems, and create your own parallel systems.

Leave the dead to bury the dead. Walk among the living.

Choose Life. Choose freedom.


RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-15-2021

Oh for those halcyon days when a person could professionally shovel horseshit and maintain a narrative.

Quote:Protesters in France denounce COVID health pass rules for fifth weekend

'PARIS, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Protesters have marched in cities across France for a fifth consecutive weekend
against rules compelling them to show a COVID-19 health pass for daily activities, but in lesser numbers than
a week ago...'

So the above is from Reuters, a so-called reliable source of accurate information.
Yet on the same day, The Guardian, a left-wing outlet in the UK states:

Quote:Aug 14
'...Protesters took to the streets of France for the fifth consecutive Saturday to oppose the country’s pass sanitaire
–health pass – now required for everyday activities. More than 250,000 people were expected at about 200
demonstrations, an increase in the number that officials said had turned out last week.

Protesters have accused the government of underestimating the numbers and playing down support...'
The Guardian:

They really aren't sending their best.

Paperz Pleaz...

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - 727Sky - 08-16-2021

Looks like a few in the US senate has finally figured it out

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - guohua - 08-16-2021

Quote:NIH Director Says US Could Approve COVID Booster Shots for This Fall
Now that is Exactly what YOU wanted to hear isn't it.
But remember, we here at R-N3 warned you this would be an on going Scam!

Quote:'There is a concern that the vaccine may start to wane in its effectiveness...'

Quote:Dr. Francis Collins also pleaded anew for unvaccinated people to get their shots, calling them “sitting ducks” for a delta variant that is ravaging the country and showing little sign of letting up.

“This is going very steeply upward with no signs of having peaked out,” he said.

That's right, get in line Sheeple!!
Now there is no need for you to worry, Biden and the Democrats have increased Welfare Benefits by 25% which means you never have to suffer the indignity of looking for work or working 8 hours a day.
No, you just need to do as you're told.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-17-2021

As the Covid crisis takes a backseat to Afghanistan, the occasional article arises that shows once more, the whole
episode of the Coof saga was just about money-making.

In the UK, most people thought testing was free and an integral part of a Government corralling a virus.
Sadly, reality doesn't work that way.

Quote:Covid testing is rip-off, says former regulator

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9850]
Here... stick this up your nose.

'PCR tests for travel have become "a predictable Covid rip-off", says the ex-chair of the Competition and
Markets Authority, Lord Tyrie. Lord Tyrie said the competition regulator had been "too slow to react" to
complaints about testing providers.

Holidaymakers have objected to high prices and poor service from many of the 400-plus test firms listed on
the government's website.

Tests cost about £75 [$103] on average, but prices can reach hundreds.

Last week, Health Secretary Sajid Javid asked the CMA to investigate "excessive" pricing and "exploitative practices"
among PCR Covid test firms. Initially, the CMA said it would take up to a month to report back. But after a chorus of
objection from the travel industry, the CMA said it was reviewing the situation "immediately".

Lord Tyrie told the BBC that the CMA "could and should have been better prepared".

"It should either be acting already directly using existing powers. Or if deemed inadequate for the job, it should be advising
the government on how to obtain a quick remedy, whether by legislation or by other means," he said.
"This advice should already be with the government."

'Excess of caution'
Lord Tyrie left the competition watchdog last summer after two years in the post, suggesting the role prevented him leading
a more aggressive campaign for change. He added: "The CMA acted much more quickly to quell price-gouging on hand
sanitiser and other Covid-related products 18 months ago. Far from building on this success, boldness appears to have
taken a back seat."

Lord Tyrie reflected that "the CMA is full of able and highly motivated people, keen to tackle detriment like this".
"Their energies need to be released from an excess of caution at the highest levels," he added.

At the weekend, the cost of NHS coronavirus tests for international arrivals to the UK was reduced. Test and Trace tests were
cut from £88 [$121] to £68 [$93] for people arriving from green-listed countries, as well as for those coming from amber-listed
countries who are fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the price of two tests for amber arrivals who have not had both jabs has been cut from £170 [$234] to £136 [$187].
It is understood the price cut is an attempt to drive down the cost across the market, so other operators will follow.

Pressing issue
Criticism of the government's decision to implement PCR Covid testing for all UK arrivals has been significant from the travel sector.
Last week, major airports including the Manchester Airport Group and Gatwick Airport, along with tour operator Tui, cited the testing
policy as a major barrier to travel restarting and the industry recovering.

The government said its top priority was to protect public health and it continued to work with industry to help them navigate this
difficult period. Lord Tyrie said that the slow response of the CMA was likely to mean it was too late to offer a full remedy to the
market before the peak holiday season comes to a close and people return to work and school in September.

The CMA said: "The cost of PCR testing is a pressing issue. We have given advice to the government on options for addressing
concerns over the price and reliability of PCR tests and the quality of the service people are getting from providers.

"We continue to work closely with [Department of Health] officials in order to identify structural problems in the PCR testing market
and solutions to them. "We will also not hesitate to take enforcement action ourselves where we find evidence PCR providers may
be breaching consumer law."...'
Archived BBC Article:

Meanwhile in Victoria, Australia!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-17-2021

When calling the lightning down from the sky doesn't work, maybe using 'plague protection kits' to fight off the
terrible flu is the way forward. Especially if such miracle cures derive from a Bishop called 'Climate Wiseman'.
tinyhuh                   (£91=$125)

Quote:COVID-19: Church leader who sold £91 bogus COVID remedy appears in court

Bishop Climate Wiseman is said to have marketed the mixture of cedarwood and hyssop to protect users
from coronavirus amid claims it could be used to "treat, prevent, protect against or cure" coronavirus.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9852]
Climate Wiseman and his Protection Kit.

'A faith healer has appeared in court accused of selling "plague protection kits" for £91 as a bogus cure for
COVID-19. Bishop Climate Wiseman is charged with fraud and unfair trading offences after allegedly offering
the package, which contained a small bottle of oil and a piece of red yarn as a "plague protection kit".

Wiseman, the head of the Kingdom Church in Camberwell, south London, appeared at Lavender Hill Magistrates'
Court on Monday. The 46-year-old is said to have marketed the mixture of cedarwood and hyssop with claims it
could be used to "treat, prevent, protect against or cure" coronavirus.

The claims are said to have been made "in person, online, in instructional videos and through testimonial videos".

Representing Southward Council, prosecutor Ryan Thompson said claims were made that the oil had "cured at least
10 people" in phone calls to the church during the investigation. He said there was a risk of "harm or death" to those
who had bought the oil, thinking it would save them.

Speaking only to confirm his name, Wiseman indicated not guilty pleas to a single charge of fraud and two charges
under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations between 23 and 24 March.

Defending Wiseman, Maeve Thornton said the case involved the freedom to practise religion.
The case was sent to the Inner London Crown Court, where Wiseman is expected to appear on 13 September...'
Archived Sky Article:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9853]
Here's some other non-miracle cures.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Nomnomine - 08-17-2021

(08-17-2021, 11:56 AM)BIAD Wrote: When calling the lightning down from the sky doesn't work, maybe using 'plague protection kits' to fight off the
terrible flu is the way forward. Especially if such miracle cures derive from a Bishop called 'Climate Wiseman'.
tinyhuh                   (£91=$125)

Quote:COVID-19: Church leader who sold £91 bogus COVID remedy appears in court

Bishop Climate Wiseman is said to have marketed the mixture of cedarwood and hyssop to protect users
from coronavirus amid claims it could be used to "treat, prevent, protect against or cure" coronavirus.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9852]
Climate Wiseman and his Protection Kit.

'A faith healer has appeared in court accused of selling "plague protection kits" for £91 as a bogus cure for
COVID-19. Bishop Climate Wiseman is charged with fraud and unfair trading offences after allegedly offering
the package, which contained a small bottle of oil and a piece of red yarn as a "plague protection kit".

Wiseman, the head of the Kingdom Church in Camberwell, south London, appeared at Lavender Hill Magistrates'
Court on Monday. The 46-year-old is said to have marketed the mixture of cedarwood and hyssop with claims it
could be used to "treat, prevent, protect against or cure" coronavirus.

The claims are said to have been made "in person, online, in instructional videos and through testimonial videos".

Representing Southward Council, prosecutor Ryan Thompson said claims were made that the oil had "cured at least
10 people" in phone calls to the church during the investigation. He said there was a risk of "harm or death" to those
who had bought the oil, thinking it would save them.

Speaking only to confirm his name, Wiseman indicated not guilty pleas to a single charge of fraud and two charges
under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations between 23 and 24 March.

Defending Wiseman, Maeve Thornton said the case involved the freedom to practise religion.
The case was sent to the Inner London Crown Court, where Wiseman is expected to appear on 13 September...'
Archived Sky Article:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9853]
Here's some other non-miracle cures.

How is not the best time for a perfect scam. Sell some snake oil, hell the rest dont cure everything either. Ive got half a mind to sell some soda water with... Man, I dunno, something cheap and pungent, probably mostly safe, and sell it as covid juice. Or at least something that "revitalizes". Legal loophole. Boom.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-17-2021

(08-17-2021, 12:10 PM)Nomnomine Wrote: How is not the best time for a perfect scam. Sell some snake oil, hell the rest dont cure everything either.
Ive got half a mind to sell some soda water with... Man, I dunno, something cheap and pungent, probably mostly safe,
and sell it as covid juice. Or at least something that "revitalizes". Legal loophole. Boom.

Well... morally and within the concept of proclaiming cures that are not cures, Father Father Wiseman did nothing wrong.
Except, he didn't pay a set of politicians to back his idea!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-18-2021

From Page 32 of this thread:

You'll notice that the narrative always portrays 'successful' people, folk who should be smart enough to start
and run a business or be perceived as highly intelligent, but not shrewd enough to believe the available

Vaccine sceptic Brian Lynch who begged Brits to get Covid jab after he fell ill dies of virus

'A vaccine sceptic who begged Brits to get the Covid jab after he fell ill has died of the virus.
Removal firm boss Brian Lynch bravely warned others from intensive care not to delay getting the jab, as he did.
The 46-year-old wasn't an anti-vaxxer - but wanted more long-term data on the vaccine's effects before agreeing
to have it...'

Covid vaccine refuser died after terrible mistake, says partner

'A man who died with Covid after refusing to be vaccinated made a "terrible mistake" which put his family
at risk, his partner has said. Leslie Lawrenson, 58, died at his home in Bournemouth, Dorset, on 2 July.

His partner Amanda Mitchell, 56, who was seriously ill with Covid at the same time, said he thought the vaccines
were too "experimental". She told the Stephen Nolan programme on BBC Radio 5 live: "I feel incredibly foolish.
Les died unnecessarily."

Mr Lawrenson was a guitarist in a local band.

Ms Mitchell said her partner, a Cambridge University graduate, decided against having a coronavirus jab after
reading material on social media. She said: "It was a daily thing that he said to us: 'You don't need to have it,
you'll be fine, just be careful.'

"He said to me: 'It's a gene thing, an experimental thing. You're putting something in your body that hasn't been
thoroughly tested.' "Les was highly educated... so if he told me something, I tended to believe it."...'

It's bad enough when Biden said 350 billion US citizens have been vaccinated, when the population of the US is
just over 330 billion.

Anyway, the regular training-wheels-program used to convince the reader that to oppose the God of Science will
bring about catastrophe to the unbeliever, needed to be cranked-up because of those pesky Afghans stealing the

So that same God of Science must smite someone of a similar religion, but certainly not a follower of any ideology
that involves the generic 'brown person'!
Cue white Catholic of high standing.

Quote:Cardinal who claimed vaccines put microchips in body is fighting for life with Covid

'A vaccine sceptic cardinal, who defies rules to wear a face mask, has been placed on a ventilator days
after testing positive for Covid. Raymond Burke was struck down with the virus last week while visiting
his home state of Wisconsin from Rome.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9863]
Cardinal Raymond Burke, a non-believer.

He was admitted to hospital at the weekend and doctors are said to be ‘encouraged by his progress’.

The ultra-conservative cleric, 73, has frequently posted anti-vaxxer theories online and alleges the jabs
are used to implant ‘microchips’ into people -claims repeatedly debunked by experts.

He has also condemned ‘abhorrent’ scientists for using abortion-derived cells to develop the vaccines.
And he told supporters the state should not be the ‘ultimate provider of health… God is’.
Responding to news of his illness, Twitter users compared jabs to an act of God.

‘He has given us a vaccine to prevent serious results from COVID. God loves his children,’ one said.
Another posted: ‘This is a sign from God. Don’t be like pagans.’
Cardinal Burke, who says same-sex couples live in ‘grave sin’, was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in
2008. But after clashing with Pope Francis in 2014, he was demoted to a ceremonial title...'
Archived Metro Article:

They really don't give a shit on who they insult!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - 727Sky - 08-21-2021

Very hard hitting video about COVID. Believe whatever you are comfortable with.

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-21-2021

Re the: '....You'll notice that the narrative always portrays 'successful' people, folk who should be smart
enough to start and run a business or be perceived as highly intelligent, but not shrewd enough to believe
the available information...' comment, another 'anti-vaccine celebrity' is displayed to convince the public
that they should take the knee to the needle.

Odd... they never write about a TV or movie-star who hasn't got the sniffles and thinks the vaccine is a load
of shite, do they?!

Quote:Anti-vax Right Said Fred star Richard Fairbrass catches Covid but still refuses to get jab

'Right Said Fred frontman and anti-vaxxer Richard Fairbrass has contracted Covid -but still says he will
not get the “experimental” jab. The singer, 67, fell ill on Saturday and was taken by ambulance to hospital
needing oxygen because he was struggling to breathe.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9883]
Richard Fairbrass. (Current reader says "Who?!)

He said: “It wasn’t too bad. "Full credit to the NHS.
"They were non-judgmental and very open to how you wanted to be treated -and my treatment was just keeping
my oxygen levels up for a week.”

Richard, who sang 1992’s Deeply Dippy, said he had felt a “little breathless and very tired” before spending four
nights in Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berks. Despite this, he said: “This vaccine is only for experimental use.
It’s on trial until 2023.
"Come 2023 and everything is fine, I’ll do it then.”...'
The Sun:

Edit: And you'll find it's always the same, an effect on one's immunity-system. IMHO.

Quote:"...Richard had come out as bisexual in 1991 to The Sun. Richard's long term partner, from
1982 until 2010, was Stuart Pantry, a BBC make up artist, who died in September 2010 of

In April 2007, Richard said to the Metro: "My last relationship was with a girl, so I am on the cusp.
I have never described myself as completely gay". Fairbrass has also said he appreciates "pretty
guys who look like girls and girls who look like pretty guys."...'

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - guohua - 08-21-2021

Rogue-Nation already warned YOU  minusculesoapbox that this was coming,,,,, Did YOU Listen!!??  smalltappingfoot
Quote:Dr. Fauci Warns Americans May Face Having Booster Shots INDEFINITELY
Quote:And says fully-vaccinated 'breakthrough' infections could still cause long COVID: FDA approves third dose for those with weakened immune systems

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Kenzo - 08-21-2021

(08-21-2021, 07:03 PM)guohua Wrote: Rogue-Nation already warned YOU  minusculesoapbox that this was coming,,,,, Did YOU Listen!!??  smalltappingfoot
Quote:Dr. Fauci Warns Americans May Face Having Booster Shots INDEFINITELY
Quote:And says fully-vaccinated 'breakthrough' infections could still cause long COVID: FDA approves third dose for those with weakened immune systems

Nick Fuentes rant

Booster Shot POISON FOR LIFE - The Vaccines Were Never Intended To Get "BACK TO NORMAL"

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - BIAD - 08-23-2021

Hello...? Hello... Have we been changing the rules again?!!
tinylaughing tinywhat
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the stupid politically-orientated advice about the sniffles,
I'm talking about the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom shopping in a supermarket and not doing
it as a public-relation stunt!
Terrorist-cells, anyone?!

Quote:Boris Johnson scratches his head while shopping in M&S without a mask

'Boris Johnson has been spotted getting his own shopping in at a supermarket –without wearing a mask.
The prime minister was pictured browsing in a London M&S a few hours after chairing a COBR meeting
on the Afghanistan crisis.

He was seen perusing the aisles at the Green Park supermarket and snapped leaving, but at no point was
he seen with a face covering.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9895]
One might suggest BoJo is cussing under his breath "f*ckin' Journalists!", but he can't... he is one himself!

Mr Johnson was spotted scratching his head as he eyed up the refrigerated meats section and left with a
carrier bag full of goods. Official advice is still that the government ‘expects and recommends that people
wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed areas where you come into contact with people you do not
normally meet’.

When setting out new rules on masks, which came into force on July 19, Mr Johnson said: ‘I will obviously
wear a mask in crowded places where you’re meeting people you don’t know…to protect others and as a
matter of simple courtesy’.
It’s unclear how many other people were in the store at the time but at least two other maskless shoppers
were seen.

It’s not the first time the PM has been accused of taking his own rules on face coverings lightly.
He was seen being driven from Wembley after the Euros semi-final while not wearing a mask despite sharing
the enclosed space with two people not from his household.

At the time, a Downing Street spokesperson said he had put one on shortly after the picture was taken.
The two men accompanying Mr Johnson were wearing masks, as was wife Carrie –albeit with her nose poking
out over the top.

The prime minister is double-jabbed but this week scientists have warned the virus may be spreading among
people who have had the vaccine to a greater extent than previously thought.

An Oxford University study found the jabs protect against illness but those who’ve had it can still carry similar
amounts of the virus in their respiratory system as people who haven’t.

It’s unclear if the prime minister was tempted to stray from his own diet and cave in to the British barbecue foods
he was eyeing up on Saturday evening. The 57-year-old has been on a mission to lose weight since winding up
in intensive care after contracting Covid-19.

Mr Johsnon blamed the severity of his condition on being ‘too fat’ and has been open about his weight problems
previously. He is often seen jogging early in the morning and has boasted about cutting cheese out of his diet...'
Archived Metro Article:

It makes you wonder what all that security was for during the G7 Meeting!

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Mystic Wanderer - 08-23-2021

Will they be libel for bodily harm now? I honestly don't know. I hear conflicting reports about this. 

[Image: e64368a4cd750947.jpeg]

RE: Coronavirus - Take two - Action! - Kenzo - 08-23-2021

Telemedicine doctors directory by country

Contacts: Telemedicine Doctors For COVID19 Scripts

Directory of Doctors Prescribing Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy

How to Get Ivermectin
