
Full Version: Seattle Mayor says Police Cuts are Too Much
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The Mayor of Seattle is claiming the budget cuts for police "defunding" are too much !! tinylaughing

Same Mayor who allowed violent protesting and massive looting only a few weeks ago !!

Typical Democratik BS because they are claiming to be against something they actually want !!

Big BS coming from Democrat scripted acting and phony attitudes.

Don't get fooled because YOU will pay the price of Democrat dominance agendas !!

All part of the Democrat plan to overload the entire System and defeat Trump in November  tinylaughing

Quote:Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best slammed the Seattle City Council for its push to cut the police budget by 50% at a Monday morning news conference, and instead proposed a more modest $76 million cut amid a "reimagining" of police functions in Seattle.

"We both recognize that we have an historical opportunity and obligation to reimagine how policing can be done in Seattle," Durkan said. "We believe deeply in broad community investments which can build greater community help and less need to call 911 for help."

But she added, "Blunt cuts won't work, and a 50% cut is irresponsible."

LINK-->  Durkan, Best slam 50% defunding of Seattle police, offer $76M compromise

Miss Personality ......  [Image: LoL.gif]

She is not smart and doesn't have much in the way of political cunning, either.

( thumbs down )

(07-14-2020, 05:14 PM)xuenchen Wrote: [ -> ]The Mayor of Seattle is claiming the budget cuts for police "defunding" are too much !! tinylaughing

Same Mayor who allowed violent protesting and massive looting only a few weeks ago !!

Typical Democratik BS because they are claiming to be against something they actually want !!

Big BS coming from Democrat scripted acting and phony attitudes.

Don't get fooled because YOU will pay the price of Democrat dominance agendas !!

All part of the Democrat plan to overload the entire System and defeat Trump in November  tinylaughing

Quote:Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best slammed the Seattle City Council for its push to cut the police budget by 50% at a Monday morning news conference, and instead proposed a more modest $76 million cut amid a "reimagining" of police functions in Seattle.

"We both recognize that we have an historical opportunity and obligation to reimagine how policing can be done in Seattle," Durkan said. "We believe deeply in broad community investments which can build greater community help and less need to call 911 for help."

But she added, "Blunt cuts won't work, and a 50% cut is irresponsible."

LINK-->  Durkan, Best slam 50% defunding of Seattle police, offer $76M compromise

Miss Personality ......  [Image: LoL.gif]

I would guess that she was just fine with the amount of defunding until the public got wind of it and started making a stink. Now she's having a change of tune out of fear that pissed off Seattle voters  will oust her when the vote on whether or not to recall her over that CHAZ/CHOP fiasco goes down.
When all the businesses move out, and the people are next to leave, I hope she has fun trying to keep the need for police down when all that's left are criminal-minded folks who don't give a damn about talking to a counselor, in the middle of a gun fight, no doubt. 

They're about to reap what they've sown.   tinysure
(07-14-2020, 05:29 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: [ -> ]When all the businesses move out, and the people are next to leave, I hope she has fun trying to keep the need for police down when all that's left are criminal-minded folks who don't give a damn about talking to a counselor, in the middle of a gun fight, no doubt. 

They're about to reap what they've sown.   tinysure

Exactly, guess they were never told to be careful what you wish for.  Glad I'm not in Seattle or Minneapolis, guess it's only a matter of time for Philly though, the way things are going.  Siberia is more and more looking appealing to relocate to lol