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Political News and more

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  1. Planned Parenthood Annual Report 2020 ---- The Irony (1 Reply)
  2. IRS data leak exposes personal info of 120,000 taxpayers (1 Reply)
  3. Jon On The Pact - Raw and From The Heart (8 Replies)
  4. $37.00 For A Cup Of Dove Dung (2 Replies)
  5. The Biden crime lords (3 Replies)
  6. Airline Troubles (21 Replies)
  7. Why Democrats should vote for Republicans this midterm (19 Replies)
  8. I think we all knew it was bad.....but THIS BAD??? (16 Replies)
  9. Senate gun control bill (8 Replies)
  10. I like this guy! (3 Replies)
  11. Biden finally admits soaring inflation a real tough problem (5 Replies)
  12. This is how you take back your streets (33 Replies)
  13. The Real Reason For The Baby Formula Shortage (14 Replies)
  14. Coronavirus wave this fall could infect 100 million Biden Administration warns ! (23 Replies)
  15. Biden Grants Amazon 10-Billion Dollar Contract Despite Pledge to Oppose Union-Busting (0 Replies)
  16. Russell Brand - Who in the Hell IS this Guy? (15 Replies)
  17. Get ready for some more protest in the USA (10 Replies)
  18. British-American Slave Trader (3 Replies)
  19. What a Complete Embarrassment To Americans (8 Replies)
  20. Was Whitmer Really in Danger of Being Kidnapped (14 Replies)
  21. Can't define "Woman" (27 Replies)
  22. First black women Supreme Court Justice ? (13 Replies)
  23. The MSM is very Quiet about,,,,,, (11 Replies)
  24. WH encourages gender reassignment surgery for minors (27 Replies)
  25. Biden Admin Pays Farmers To Stop Producing / Bans more land for food (9 Replies)
  26. Biden Admin Pays Farmers To Stop Producing / Bans more land for food (1 Reply)
  27. Sweet Florida Song. AnyBody thinking what I am. (14 Replies)
  28. FEC Fines Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC For Trump Dossier Hoax (14 Replies)
  29. Put a fork in him, he’s done…. (8 Replies)
  30. Reimagine Tomorrow by The Walt Disney Company (9 Replies)
  31. Gaetz Pushes To Strip Security Clearances From Intel Officials Who Dismissed Hunter B (4 Replies)
  32. Mail Order President Biden Denies He Made Comments in Europe (9 Replies)
  33. What is the Bilderberg Group ? (1 Reply)
  34. Sean Hannity presses Tulsi Gabbard on her Ukraine policy stance (9 Replies)
  35. Biden says Putin cannot remain in power – OhOh now WHAT (21 Replies)
  36. TRUMP LIVE Now From Georgia 3/26/22 (10 Replies)
  37. Democratic Pork spending bill (1 Reply)
  38. Joe Biden Tells U.S. Troops What They Will See in Ukraine uhh WHAT (7 Replies)
  39. Someone like this votes and makes me sick (25 Replies)
  40. Billionaire pandemic profiteer philanthropist MacKenzie Scott (2 Replies)
  41. Biden Churning the War Butter (24 Replies)
  42. Daily Wire Launches Razor Company, Takes Aim At ‘Woke’ Harry’s Razors (6 Replies)
  43. Pelosi Declared Dead Whilst Still In Office! (7 Replies)
  44. Would you like to see a return to the use of castrated Eunuch's to act as our politic (13 Replies)
  45. White House Feed *Cut* (5 Replies)
  46. The CDC has changed a few thousand COVID Deaths !!!! (3 Replies)
  47. Fascism, Canadian Style (5 Replies)
  48. You knew it would happen. (3 Replies)
  49. Klaus Schwab and Lenin (14 Replies)
  50. World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed (11 Replies)
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