Political News and more
- Planned Parenthood Annual Report 2020 ---- The Irony (1 Reply)
- IRS data leak exposes personal info of 120,000 taxpayers (1 Reply)
- Jon On The Pact - Raw and From The Heart (8 Replies)
- $37.00 For A Cup Of Dove Dung (2 Replies)
- The Biden crime lords (3 Replies)
- Airline Troubles (21 Replies)
- Why Democrats should vote for Republicans this midterm (19 Replies)
- I think we all knew it was bad.....but THIS BAD??? (16 Replies)
- Senate gun control bill (8 Replies)
- I like this guy! (3 Replies)
- Biden finally admits soaring inflation a real tough problem (5 Replies)
- This is how you take back your streets (33 Replies)
- The Real Reason For The Baby Formula Shortage (14 Replies)
- Coronavirus wave this fall could infect 100 million Biden Administration warns ! (23 Replies)
- Biden Grants Amazon 10-Billion Dollar Contract Despite Pledge to Oppose Union-Busting (0 Replies)
- Russell Brand - Who in the Hell IS this Guy? (15 Replies)
- Get ready for some more protest in the USA (10 Replies)
- British-American Slave Trader (3 Replies)
- What a Complete Embarrassment To Americans (8 Replies)
- Was Whitmer Really in Danger of Being Kidnapped (14 Replies)
- Can't define "Woman" (27 Replies)
- First black women Supreme Court Justice ? (13 Replies)
- The MSM is very Quiet about,,,,,, (11 Replies)
- WH encourages gender reassignment surgery for minors (27 Replies)
- Biden Admin Pays Farmers To Stop Producing / Bans more land for food (9 Replies)
- Biden Admin Pays Farmers To Stop Producing / Bans more land for food (1 Reply)
- Sweet Florida Song. AnyBody thinking what I am. (14 Replies)
- FEC Fines Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC For Trump Dossier Hoax (14 Replies)
- Put a fork in him, he’s done…. (8 Replies)
- Reimagine Tomorrow by The Walt Disney Company (9 Replies)
- Gaetz Pushes To Strip Security Clearances From Intel Officials Who Dismissed Hunter B (4 Replies)
- Mail Order President Biden Denies He Made Comments in Europe (9 Replies)
- What is the Bilderberg Group ? (1 Reply)
- Sean Hannity presses Tulsi Gabbard on her Ukraine policy stance (9 Replies)
- Biden says Putin cannot remain in power – OhOh now WHAT (21 Replies)
- TRUMP LIVE Now From Georgia 3/26/22 (10 Replies)
- Democratic Pork spending bill (1 Reply)
- Joe Biden Tells U.S. Troops What They Will See in Ukraine uhh WHAT (7 Replies)
- Someone like this votes and makes me sick (25 Replies)
- Billionaire pandemic profiteer philanthropist MacKenzie Scott (2 Replies)
- Biden Churning the War Butter (24 Replies)
- Daily Wire Launches Razor Company, Takes Aim At ‘Woke’ Harry’s Razors (6 Replies)
- Pelosi Declared Dead Whilst Still In Office! (7 Replies)
- Would you like to see a return to the use of castrated Eunuch's to act as our politic (13 Replies)
- White House Feed *Cut* (5 Replies)
- The CDC has changed a few thousand COVID Deaths !!!! (3 Replies)
- Fascism, Canadian Style (5 Replies)
- You knew it would happen. (3 Replies)
- Klaus Schwab and Lenin (14 Replies)
- World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed (11 Replies)