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In one particular State, being Wealthy or a High Income Earner makes you a Target for Higher Taxes.

Why get a Great Education or Work Hard and be an Over Achiever?
Just to be Punished at a Higher Tax rate just so the Lazy Mob can feel better and get you to pay for their Healthcare.
Quote:Seattle City Council approves income tax on the wealthy
Yes, the City of progressive Happiness and Utopia.
[Image: 872d3920-6594-11e7-8c62-a4e96ec97c09-640x390.jpg]

Quote:The Seattle City Council unanimously approved [/url]an income tax on wealthy residents Monday, a move widely expected to draw a quick legal challenge.
The measure applies a 2.25 percent tax on total income above $250,000 for individuals and above $500,000 for married couples filing their taxes together.

“Seattle should serve everyone, not just rich folks,” software developer Carissa Knipe told the council before the 9-0 vote, saying she makes $171,000 per year.

“I would love to be taxed,” the 24-year-old from Ballard testified, drawing applause from a room packed with supporters of the tax.
I bet you'd love to be taxed at a higher rate, FOOL! 
Quote:[url=]The city estimates the tax would raise about $140 million a year and cost $10 million to $13 million to set up, plus $5 million to $6 million per year to manage and enforce.
I think they are seeing big dollar signs in their dreams.

Quote:The council’s finance committee cleared the tax last weekand increased the rate from 2 percent to 2.25 percent.

Opponents have argued the tax would violate state law and the state constitution, while proponents have said it would make Seattle’s tax structure more fair and they want to test the legality of taxing income.
How is this Fair, punching people for making more money than You! Hell,,,, Snow-Flake, Move out of Mothers Basement and Get A Job!
Explanation: Uhmmm Capitalism is never fair!

If you want any type of  tax equality then that is communism!

Oh and its not YOUR money ... it is the Fed's money! They just allow you to unfairly use it.

Personal Disclosure: Sorry that I am not sorry for bursting any cautiously guarded ideological bubbles ... I'm a prick and I admit it!

A real individual has no need for either money or society! tinysure
(07-11-2017, 04:02 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote: [ -> ]Explanation: Uhmmm Capitalism is never fair!

If you want any type of  tax equality then that is communism!

Oh and its not YOUR money ... it is the Fed's money! They just allow you to unfairly use it.

Personal Disclosure: Sorry that I am not sorry for bursting any cautiously guarded ideological bubbles ... I'm a prick and I admit it!

A real individual has no need for either money or society! tinysure

Yes, But You're OUR Prick and We love You For It!  minusculemooning  smallroflmao
I believe a Flat Tax for everyone would be fair.
(07-11-2017, 04:18 AM)guohua Wrote: [ -> ]I believe a Flat Tax for everyone would be fair.

Explanation: So would paying everybody the same wage!

Fairness = Communism

Personal Disclosure: I don't want to be or play fair!


Most are monsters and they don't deserve anything except a painful humiliating death!