
Full Version: To ALL my Fellow Canucks out there...
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Have a Great and Happy Canada Day !!!

This year represents the 150th birthday of our Confederation. But to be honest, we're a little older than that.

This year also represents Montreal's 375th birthday...we've come a long way since it was called Fort Ville Marie in 1642.

We've just been ranked the second best nation in the world to live in, and #1 for our quality of life.

I remember just how proud I was, as a kid, to live in a country that was gigantic in size and where we fully enjoyed taking advantage of our four seasons.

Winters here aren't for sissies. That much is for sure. But it makes our winter sports all the more greater.

We are proud of our Hockey. But did you know that we invented Basketball? Someone must have gotten bored in the summer...

We love our poutine and bacon. And our maple syrup. But how about those ketchup chips you enjoy? Did you know we invented those as well?

OK. There are better things in life than ketchup chips. Alcoholic beverages come to mind.

Bloody Ceasar anyone? Invented in Calgary in 1969. Don't get confused with the Bloody Mary (an American treat)...

Whether you enjoy a Molson beer, a Labatt beer, an Alexander Keith Red Ale, a Caribou, an icewine, a NewFoundland Screech or a Canadian Club Whisky, then you know you've been born in a great country !!

I am still very proud to be Canadian.

Being born in Quebec makes it a little more challenging. We are being perceived as being a little different from other Canadians. And perhaps we are.

But today, from Coast to Coast, we are ALL Canadians. From head to toe.

And we stand together.


[Image: travel_log_canada_150_20161219_53717509....&strip=all]



Thats nice .... but can you lot please stop inflicting beiber and things like it on the world ..... maybe feed beiber to the polar bears .... the world would thank you ....
I must have missed this earlier.  Well, anyway...

[Image: 724558626_778474.gif?4]

I've always thought Canada has some of the most beautiful country in the Americas.  Never made it to visit, but my time on Earth is not done, so... maybe someday.   tinybiggrin
WOW!  smallgreenklatsch Happy Birthday Sol,,,, Oh, I mean Canada!  tinybiggrin

What a Beautiful Country.
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[Image: KXMuxOH.gif]
Happy Canada Day, from The Hanson Brothers.
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[Image: attachment.php?aid=2087]
(07-01-2017, 07:25 PM)BIAD Wrote: [ -> ]Happy Canada Day, from The Hanson Brothers.
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[Image: attachment.php?aid=2087]


I usually prefer to watch movies in its original language, not fond of shady translations but the first time I saw Slap Shot, it was in French. The cursing and vulgarity (at the time, and had a Quebec translation team) had me in stitches. I watched it in English afterwards and this is one of the rare movies where I highly prefer the translation over the original...

"Hey Dunlop...ostie d'mangeux d'graine..." LOL

Don't ask me to translate that LMAO..

1977. The good ol' days...

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