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7 Signs That War With Russia Just Got Even Closer
Quote:December 17, 2021

[Image: russia-war-.jpg]By Michael Snyder
In this article I am going to write about something that the vast majority of the U.S. population couldn’t care less about.  Sadly, most Americans simply do not care about Ukraine, Russia’s military preparations for war, or pretty much anything else that is happening on the other side of the globe.  But over in Russia, things are completely different.  There is constant talk about the potential for war with the West, and there is a lot of pessimism that it will be able to be avoided.
To the Russians, this really is the biggest crisis with the West since the Cuban missile crisis of the 1960s.  The Russians have repeatedly warned that Western missiles must not be stationed in Ukraine, and they have repeatedly warned that Ukraine must not become a member of NATO.
They are using the same rationale that we used during the Cuban missile crisis.  We didn’t want the Russians to have missiles in Cuba that could potentially hit our major cities within just a matter of a few minutes, and likewise the Russians don’t want missiles in Ukraine that could potentially hit their major cities within just a matter of a few minutes.

The only way that Vladimir Putin will ever authorize an invasion of Ukraine is if one of his strategic “red lines” is crossed.
But instead of easing tensions and trying to talk things out, Western leaders just keep provoking Russia.
If they keep on recklessly poking the bear, at some point a mistake will be made and we will have a war that nobody wants.  The following are 7 signs that war with Russia just got even closer…
#1 Despite the fact that Vladimir Putin has said that such a move would cross one of his “red lines”, Ukraine was just told that it will eventually be allowed to join NATO…
Quote:Facing a building threat from Russia, Ukraine’s president sought security guarantees from NATO’s chief in a meeting on Thursday and came away with a renewed commitment that his country could eventually join the military alliance despite stiff objections from its Russian neighbors.
#2 Ukraine has shocked the world by opening up the bomb shelters in Kiev
Quote:Ukraine has opened bomb shelters in the capital of the nation as fears of a Russian invasion soar. On Wednesday a Ukrainian minister and former top spy warned the conflict could spread globally.
#3 ABC’s Martha Raddatz is reporting that after Joe Biden’s recent call with Vladimir Putin, the Russians moved an additional 10,000 troops to the border with Ukraine.
#4 The EU is warning of “massive costs for Russia” if there is any more “aggression” toward Ukraine…
Quote:“At this point in time, Russia is choosing an aggressive posture vis-à-vis its neighbors. And as the European Union and its G-7 partners have made very clear, further aggressive acts against Ukraine will have massive costs for Russia,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Wednesday.
#5 Banks in Belarus are preparing to switch to Russia’s version of SWIFT due to imminent sanctions by the West
Quote:Belarusian banks are preparing for tougher Western sanctions by signing up to Russia’s alternative to the SWIFT, the international financial messaging network that underpins the global banking system, Russia’s Moskovsky Komsomolets tabloid has reported.
Russia’s System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) has more than 400 domestic users — practically every licensed Russian lender — but is used by only 38 banks from nine other countries. Developed in 2014, SPFS is designed to keep banking transactions in the event of Western sanctions disconnecting Russia from SWIFT.
#6 It is being reported that Russia “has begun to move Tor short-range surface-to-air missile systems to the border area with Ukraine.”
#7 A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators wants to formally designate Russia as a “terrorist state”.  Needless to say, the Russians are not happy about this
Quote:On top of that – as if all that were not incendiary enough – the US Senators want to designate Russia a “terrorist state” if its “forces further invade Ukraine”. Such a designation of a nuclear superpower is unprecedented. It is an insane move that would make diplomacy and negotiation all but impossible. It’s tantamount to declaring war.
We should want to try to find a way to have peace with Russia, but we just keep on moving closer to war.

And when war eventually comes, it may be global.

Most Americans don’t realize this, but Russia and China just announced a brand new “security alliance”
Quote:On Wednesday it was announced that Russia and China had agreed to terms on a security alliance.
President Xi said regarding the deal: “At present, certain international forces under the guise of ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ are interfering in the internal affairs of China and Russia and brutally trampling on international law and recognised norms of international relations.”
So could the U.S. find itself fighting both Russia and China at the same time someday?
Yes, that is entirely possible.
Meanwhile, European powers are warning that talks to revive the Iranian nuclear deal “are rapidly reaching the end of the road”
Quote:A joint statement from Britain, France and Germany issued on Tuesday said “we are rapidly reaching the end of the road” to save the 2015 Iran nuclear deal after the Iranian side accused the West of stoking a “blame game” atmosphere.
“Iran’s continued nuclear escalation means that we are rapidly reaching the end of the road,” France’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nicolas de Riviere, announced. He added that Iran’s consistently blowing past development and uranium enrichment limits all while blaming the US for pulling out of the deal means “We are nearing the point where Iran’s escalation of its nuclear program will have completely hollowed out the JCPOA.”
The Israelis have already been practicing for an attack on Iran, and if peace talks collapse it will make a conflict between Israel and Iran inevitable.

Of course a new war in the Middle East would give the Biden administration a way to distract us from our growing internal troubles.  At this point, only 26 percent of Americans believe that the country is headed in the right direction…

Quote:A new Economist/YouGov Poll shows almost 75% of Americans are either unsure or believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. Only 26% think things are going well.
Worse, just 4% believe the economy is “excellent.”
Personally, I do not believe that we will see a major war erupt before the end of 2021.
But a new year is just weeks away, and I have such a bad feeling about 2022.
Over the past couple of years we have been hit with one thing after another, and “the perfect storm” that is now upon us threatens to go to an entirely new level next year.
Oh, it will happen, sooner or later.

The Marxists and Neocons in the American government have been itching for a war with Russia ever since the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia forsook Communism. Folks in the Communist International view that as a betrayal of their beloved Marxist philosophy, unforgivable, which explains why US Marxists and Neocons like Lindsay Graham - always up for a good war so long as someone else does the fighting, bleeding, and dying - and the late John McCain come to mind, as well as folks like Liz Cheney. They have all been itching to fire Russia up for it's betrayal of the Marxist ideal. If you'll recall, Hillary has had a hard-on for Russia for years now. Does anyone remember her "button"? There is a reason they all tried to implicate Russia and demonize it to tar Trump when he was in office.

We already beat the Soviet Union, so stop beating on Russia as if they were the same thing. Even a whipped dog will eventually bite you when he's tired of your bullshit if you keep on beating him for no good reason.

Ukraine? Why is that any of our business? They are in Russia's sphere, not ours. Not so long ago, it was one of the "states", one of the "Soviet Socialist Republics". of the Soviet Union. For us to offer membership in NATO to the Ukraine is no different than Russia offering Warsaw Pact membership to Oregon or California. There is a reason they never did that - they didn't want to get into a hot war with us and die. In short, the Ukraine is no more of our business than downtown Nashville is any of China's business.

And while we're talking about NATO memberships, why in the hell does NATO even still exist? It's entire reason for being died 30 years ago when the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact collapsed - so why is it still even there? And why are we handing out memberships to an organization that no longer has a reason to be as if said memberships were Halloween candy? NATO stands for "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" - has anyone in NATO seen any maps to be able to tell just how far Turkey, for example, is from the North Atlantic? NATO is only there as a means for other nations to get the US to foot the bill for their defense, so they can dump all their own money into Socialist nonsense. While the US cannot dissolve NATO by itself, as the other NATO nations can keep it going in our absence, the US SHOULD unilaterally withdraw from NATO, and take our money with us. I hear BidenHarris has some serious Socialist ideas he's gonna need to pay for - that NATO money would come in handy to help defray that nonsense. God knows he wouldn't put it into police or military applications!

What we are really doing with this insane brinksmanship over the Ukraine is pushing Russia into the arms of the CCP. That's gonna happen, and when it does, and when our war hawks finally succeed in baiting Russia into a war, it's gonna go hard for us, with attacks from both sides of our continent. Furthermore, in tandem with setting up a war with two powerful adversaries, the BidenHarris regime is simultaneously weakening OUR military with "woke" bullshit nonsense. I don't know at this point if "it's gonna go hard for us" even begins to cover the depth of the trouble we're blindly heading into.

Anyone who has known me long knows I've been preaching this same sermon for years, and ain't no one listening, so I'm about done preaching it. I'd be better off just using that time to load more magazines to shoot at ANY uniforms that try to cross my bridge, whether CCP, Russian, or US. Ain't none of 'em coming to help me, so they can just stay the hell over on their side of the bridge. We all die eventually, and I ain't planning on dying under ANY of their jackboot heels. I might go in a big, pretty, fireball, but I won't be dying under subjugation from any of those bastards. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Governments and people who want war may very well get what they want someday. I hope I am dead and gone when WW3 comes. Sticks and stones for WW4 is not a turn on for me, not to mention survival will not be fun. I was flying with a senior Captain and we were talking about nuclear war. I had always figured I would possibly survive and help repopulate the world with my offspring but his answer surprised me with, "I want to be at ground zero when the first one goes off"!

It has taken me many years to understand his reasons. Luckily for me my little country is far removed from first impact yet in a full blown conflict I suspect everyone will be affected sooner or later.

Yeah, once again, the problem is that the big powers view situations like Ukraine as their "choice" while ignoring what Ukraine might want to do.

This for me is the key problem with Putin's stance, and one should note he is just as full of sh** as any other power.  There is nothing special about him and there is no reason why Russia can't choose to apply pressure in ways other than threatening an invasion.

Any SOVEREIGN country can choose its international associations and policy.  If they cannot, they are not sovereign.  This basic fact is all too often ignored when people look for reasons to excuse Putin acting aggressively.

The people of Ukraine probably just want to be left alone, but they are in the bulls-eye of both the EU and Russia.  Yes, the EU (read: mostly German business interests).

Take careful note that this is another EU "initiative" gone sour and for which the EU falls back upon NATO (read: mostly USA) to keep them from losing badly.

Ukraine is not a NATO member and my guess is they never will be.  Some kind of partnership may be practiced, but it will always be a light touch because of Russian concerns.

That said, I think a war will start, because the Russians have already massed troops near the border.  That particular action is almost always a sure sign that war will break out.  How much that war spreads will have to be seen.

[Image: 14sigsepia.jpg]

Location: The lost world, Elsewhen
Russia blocking northern sea route and installing equipment to block radar and signals.
(12-19-2021, 04:17 AM)727Sky Wrote: Russia blocking northern sea route and installing equipment to block radar and signals.

This winter ships have been stuck in Northern sea route, weeks because ice . So it looks like the route is not winter friendly .

Ice-locked Russian Arctic towns might not get needed supplies


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