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50 migrants, Oregon & Spooky flights to Martha's Vineyard
In regards to the flights and busses, I don't see that as a "political stunt", but rather as leaders doing the job the national regime refuses to do, and protecting the interests of their own citizenry against an invasive force. I'm all for it - about damned time someone stood up and said "NO!" to invasions.

Sending them to "sanctuary areas" is a stroke of genius. If those Sanctuary folks have been standing up and waving their arms about, claiming to want to provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, then here is there chance - it should work for everyone involved if they are being honest and truthful. The folks that don't want invasions get to ship them to the people that do, or at least claim to, and the illegals themselves have the boon of going to places where they are wanted and welcomed - the very places they broke the law and crashed international borders to get to, and with an all-expense paid trip to get them there. It's a win-win, all the way around.

It's not MY fault, nor is it the fault of DeSantis or Greg Abbot, if the Sanctuary folk were lying through their fuckin' teeth just to be virtue signaling with "virtues" they didn't really posses. Who the hell knew? WE say what we mean and mean what we say, and expect others to at least rise to that same level of honesty when they open their lyin' mouths. Not our fault if they are lyin' pricks. They talked the talk, here's their chance to walk the walk. Not our problem if they fall flat on their faces when push comes to shove.

Now, when the new arrivals get there, and the formerly welcoming Sanctuary folk all of a sudden jump back, gasp "Brown people! Where did these Brown people come from all of a sudden? We didn't really mean it - not in our back yards! Send them back to live among the peons we intended them to live among, not here, not with us!" and then call in the Guard to forcibly deport the new folks from what they billed as "sanctuaries" before sanctuary was actually called upon, and they had to put their money where their lyin' mouths were, well, what the hell? How were we supposed to know unless it got put to the actual test? To quote little Chuckie Schumer - they have sewn the wind, now they can reap the whirlwind.

At the very least, everyone - EVERYONE - from illegals to citizens, ought to be able to see and know that the Empress has a shiny ass, and no clothes on to hide that fact.

If I were one of those new arrivals, I'd be getting on my gummint cell phone about now and calling home to say "I know yer already packed, but unpack. The folks who said they'd welcome us had men with guns come and remove us to 'anywhere else', and ain't as welcoming as they claimed they'd be. Life is gonna be harder here than it is there, so just stay home."

Now, before folks start railing about what a "racist" I am, consider that for a long time, I was the token white guy on a nearly all Hispanic crew. They had me for the Token White, and a black gal for the Token Black, and all was well. Everyone else was Hispanic, from one place or another. Some were legal immigrants, some were illegal aliens, but all of them were good folks. I never asked whether anyone was legal or illegal - that really wasn't any of my business - so if they didn't volunteer the information, I had no idea which they were, and didn't much care. None of them knew for the longest time that I could understand Spanish, because, being in America, I spoke only English. Maybe the boss suspected - she was from El Salvador, and thought the world of me because she knew my history, and it was eerily similar to the history of her favorite uncle. Anyhow, they all figured it out one day in the lunch room when one guy told a joke in Spanish, and I couldn't help but laugh. That was when they figured out I understood everything they'd been saying all along.

One of them, who was here illegally - and I knew that because he was comfortable enough to tell me - had been here 18 years - EIGHTEEN YEARS - illegally, and had never bothered to learn the language. He spoke only Spanish at home, and sought jobs with mainly Hispanic personnel, so that speaking Spanish was not a barrier to him. We used to run all over the city together, thick as thieves, but I never spoke Spanish, even after he knew I could.  We used a lot of sign language to communicate. We were in America, where English is the language, and that is what I would speak. I reserve Spanish for countries where Spanish is the language. Simple.

The Boss lady there used to laugh and tell me that even my Spanish was spoken with a Hillbilly accent.


Now, regarding Bert Rodriguez, I KNOW, from experience, that this paragraph that sounds like BS, ain't:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=11918]

I can do the same thing, and noticed it first when I was just a teenager. Some folks just have a look about them that can stop some other folks dead in their tracks, and I guess we are just a couple of those guys. I never considered it to be "spiritual" or "occultic", though, as I've been told it is just an expression, a look in the eye or something, that promises instant death if one screws about too hard with me.

It doesn't hurt the impression folks get that if or when they cross that 3 foot barrier around me, it's on, and they'll be off post-haste. "The look" probably comes from the confidence of knowing that will happen, without fail, else I'll die trying. There is no other option once that line is crossed.

Now, I don't go around glowering at everyone all the time. that would just be exhausting. But I AM almost always on heightened alert (and that generally shows, but it's become a way of life), and If I perceive a threat, I go  into a hyper-alert, and here comes "the look". It is reserved for folks who present themselves as a threat, not everyone in general. If folks heed that, all is well, and if they don't, then maybe they will next time.

If there even IS a next time.


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Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: 50 migrants, Oregon & Spooky flights to Martha's Vineyard - by Ninurta - 09-18-2022, 09:28 PM

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