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Police Officer refused service at Walmart by Cashier
(08-17-2016, 07:14 AM)guohua Wrote: If I was A Cop and responded to a Call and they are Black,,, I'd Point To My Skin Color and Ask If They Still Wanted My Assistance!

Therein likes the problem.

The blacks (mainly the young ones) may one day need the help of the police if they get mugged or their house broke into etc etc.
But in the meantime, it is hate, hate, hate.

Let me tell you our 30 yrs of being out here on the road, we have met all kinds of LEO.
Sure you run into a few that are azzholes, but no way would I ever hold that against the whole police organization.

Just like with all the black folks we deal with, we have dealt with some that have that exact attitude as the cashier, but I cannot hold it against ALL blacks due to the fact not all think  or act like her.
Same can be said of whites too.

Never had any attitude with Latinos, ever.
Sure there is a language barrier at times, but all they are guilty of is smiling. LOL.

I remember this couple from up North, believe we were working in Port Huron, MI at the time.
The guy had been giving me a hard time due to being from the South.
Then he had the audacity to ask me which people were nicer, ones from Michigan or Indiana.

I said well, people are all the same really wherever you go.
You have your rich people, poor people, fat people, skinny people, blacks, whites, hispanics. Some people are nice, then you have your azzholes (which I emphasized).
We all just talk different.

He got my drift tho...LOL

But seriously, I hate the way the blacks are starting to paint ALL cops as being bad and white cops being the worst.

Also think that some of the young black folks already have an anger issue anyway, so this deal with the cops only feeds it and brings it out more.

I just do not think that MLK would approve of their disrespectful and almost bullish behavior.
Always got the impression he encouraged peaceful and mature intelligent ways to get a message across.
Not vandalizing, looting and burning the town down like a bunch of thugs.
Inciting violence on white folks now.....(big sigh)

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Police Officer refused service at Walmart by Cashier - by senona - 08-17-2016, 07:51 AM

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