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Yes, I can agree that Enoch built the Great
(09-24-2020, 03:25 PM)guohua Wrote: WOW, that would be a great book to have today.

You should still be able to get them. There are two volumes, one called "The Lost Books of the Bible" and the other called "The Forgotten Books of Eden". One is old testament pseudepigrapha, the other is new testament. I don't recall if the Book of Enoch was included in them or not, but I did have a separate copy of it that disappeared.

The new testament pseudepigrapha were never included in the Bible because they were not Christian books, they were Gnostic books. It was those books that created Islam - Mohammed got all of his knowledge of biblical matters from the Gnostic texts rather than from the Bible. You can find some of the Gnostic stories repeated in places in the Qur'an, like the tale of Jesus bringing clay animals to life. Before that, Mohammed worshiped the same 360 god pantheon headed by the moon god Allah that the rest of the Arabs worshiped. The Ka'aba was crowded, because they had statues of all 360 gods packed into it before Mohammed cleared it out and destroyed the statues to force Islam on the Meccans.

The "Shaitan and his demons" rocks that Muslim pilgrims to Mecca now throw stones at originally represented the 3 daughters of Allah, before Mohammed converted that desert lunar god to a supreme deity and decided that it never had any children. You see, the Islamic Allah is not the same god as the Christian and Jewish Yahweh - Allah had a very different origin, and Mohammed tried to cram it into the Judaic mold when he re-imagined the Arab pantheon.

I used to have those two pseudepigriphal volumes, too, but they got lost or destroyed in one of my many moves. I also had a copy of "The Book of Jasher", mentioned in the old testament but not included there, but it too disappeared in a move. That one was pretty rare - it was reprinted by the Rosicrucians, but never had a very wide circulation.

Quote:I hard from my husband that Enoch lived into his hundreds and was taken by aliens in their ship before he died, IF he died.
My husband said he read that before the flood, humans lived much, much, much longer lives.

Enoch was one of two Old testament figures that never died, according to the Bible. Instead he was "taken up" - but in contrast to most of the other old testament folks, it never says "and then he died".

In Genesis, it gives the ages at death of all the patriarchs. Methuselah lived the longest at 969 years, If you follow along, it says that each generation generally lived fewer years than the last, until the flood when we got to the current life spans according to Genesis.

It kinda reminds one of the Sumerian Kings lists, which give ridiculously long reigns to the antedeluvian Sumerian kings, in the thousands and hundreds of thousands of years.


here is a link to "The Forgotten Books of Eden" online.

AND - 

Here is a link to "The Lost Books of the Bible" online.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Yes, I can agree that Enoch built the Great - by Ninurta - 09-24-2020, 04:07 PM

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