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ABC and NBC Stoke Conspiracy - Trump Creating Mail-In Voting Scandal
I know a lot of people here don't follow Q. And now that the deep state has done extensive smear campaigns on the movement, it's almost to the point that using anything they've said will get you belittled and shamed by those who have no idea what Q is all about.

Good job Deep State!

However, I still know that Q brought a lot of light to what was happening in many areas of our government, with documented proof. They brought our attention to how the elections have been corrupted with fraud for decades, and they said 2018 was a test run to find where the problems were and remove them.

They corrected the program inside the voting machines that automatically gave democrats the win (owned by Soros), and they arrested many people in the voting stations that were putting in bogus mail in votes.

Q said they  have it all fixed and the corrupt areas have been cleaned out of people who cheat.

Some have said we should have military at every voting place to make sure only legitimate votes get counted. I don't know if this will be put into place, but it sounds like a good idea.

I hope they're right about having things cleaned up.

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RE: ABC and NBC Stoke Conspiracy - Trump Creating Mail-In Voting Scandal - by Mystic Wanderer - 08-16-2020, 05:50 PM

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