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My Ghost (hopefully not a demon) Experience
Here's a couple more:

When I was around twenty years old my husband and I were staying at my Mom's one weekend. One morning after I had just gotten up I walked into the kitchen where my mother was busy cooking.
I had just walked in and something started making a very LOUD banging on the wall from the stairs leading down to the basement. This wall was also the kitchen wall. It was almost like hitting a hammer to the wall, it was so loud.

My mother had never believed me when I told her we had a ghost in the house, so, while this frightened both of us, it also made me feel validated.

My mom and I looked at one another unable to move. It kept banging on the wall, and then moved the banging to the basement door!
Then the door at the back of the house!
Mom finally went to check the back door, but no one was there. I told her the ghost was telling me hello, letting me know it was still there.
My mother said she had experienced a couple of other things after I had married and moved out:

One night my mom said she was lying in bed reading her Bible, as she always did before going to sleep, and the overhead light on the ceiling just exploded! She said she saw a shower of broken glass falling toward her, and then she felt the pieces of glass hitting her skin; it scared her half to death!
She got out of bed to look in the mirror expecting to see blood all over her, but there wasn't a scratch or any blood on her, and when she looked at the light it was still there; it hadn't exploded at all. Weird!

I was sorry these things happened to her, but I was happy the ghost had finally done something to prove to her I wasn't making up crazy stories when I was growing up.

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RE: My Ghost (hopefully not a demon) Experience - by Mystic Wanderer - 07-10-2020, 06:27 PM

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