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Beware the power of Evil's might: Rise of the Republic of Aígyptos

"Having consider the Pharaohs wisdom we have decided to adopt The principal of separation of Church and state," Mohamed ElBaradei Addressed the delegates.. Stoned faced majority Muslim delegates listened to the acting Prime Minister as the camera passed over them, "We do NOT want to be forced to worship the Pharaoh and WILL as a free people check his legal authority.. The First act universally adopted act by this Congress is the Freedom of religion of ALL the Peoples of the Republic of Aígyptos.. "

Lisa Rose looked at the television screen as she served the drinks, "That SOB.. He has scared the S@#$ out of them.."

Several men from the USS Thatch raised their glasses, "Get em Beau.."

An elderly man stood up and spoke in arabic.. The Translators voice came across as the words came out, "Mr. Prime Minister.. I am a simple seller of pottery.. I was sent by village to represent us.. I have recieved word that we have been stripped of our guns, The Pharaohs men are the only ones armed.. He is housing his troops in our very homes.. Our village elders can not meet without the Pharaoh's troops present, .. News of a purposed tax of 75% being passed on all business and commerce.. A 95% tax on our Mosque as NGO groups.. We must stop him NOW!!"

The whole Assembly starts shouting grievances at the Prime Minister.. On the screen various list of acts by the Pharaoh's men as various delegates are yelling and screaming..

The Prime Minister has to get the Guards to fire into the air to get all the Unarmed delegates attention.. After a few seconds of live fire the whole group goes quiet as the Prime Minister takes a deep breath.. "Ladies And Gentlemen.. their is a very simple way to to stop Pharaoh Thoth II.. We all know he is a dead American inside the body of a mummy.. Also today is July 3rd.. I have a daring purposal.." Prime Minister Mohamed ElBaradei looks out at the men and women assembled.. Taking off his glasses, "I purpose we strike at this American tyrants soul.. In a way only we Can.. Our people cry to us for help and The Pharaoh has given us a deadline.." Switching to Arabic, "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Getting louder and still in Arabic, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Silence Fills the bar as the Translation is read..

Still in Arabic the Prime Minister Growls in defiance, "We out F#$%ing American the F#$%ing American.. We F$%ing refuse to speak another Allah D@#$ed word in English in our own F#$%ing Assemblies.. Tomorrow is July Fourth.. I purpose we do NOT write another god D@#$ word under threat of armed guard.. The Pharaoh wants us to write a law of the land.. Very well I purpose we start with the first Principle.. We are F#$%ing FREE!! We stay the Night, We work until sun Up.. We F#$%ing give orders to these guards that ALL of Egypt will temporarily adopt the US constitution to govern the land while we write our own.. then Tomorrow, we deliver not another rulling or word.. We deliver a Declaration of independence to the Pharaoh himself as the Americans celebrate their independence we take our freedom back from this demon.."

Total Silence fills the bar as The vote is taken on the two counts..

"Holy S@#$.." Lisa Rose watches as the Delegates Somberly look as if they have signed their own death sentences, "He.. this.. Holy S@#$.."

As one by one both sets of Delegates vote Yes to the first part, the Prime Minister calls for the Second point.. Unanimously a loud chorus of yeas yell it easier to ask for the no's..

"Did he just get them," One of the Marines is wide eyed.. "Gunny.."

Before the male Gunny can answer, Lisa Rose speaks.. "If they want to be free they have to earn it.. He is playing a different game then power you cock suckers.."

A group of men in all black come in and walk over to Lisa Rose.. "Ms. Rose.. If you have a few minutes the Secretary of State wishes to speak with you.. In Private.."

Lisa puts her arm Around the Gunny, "Dear boyfriend do you mind coming with me? "

The old Gunnery Sargent with a wedding ring on smiles, "Why of course Darling.. However we will wait in here for Mr. Kerry.."

"Please Gunny," One of the Agents started to move.. He freezes when several Marines are standing behind them, "This is uncalled for.."

"If you want to speak with our little Lisa.. This is a fine place.. Otherwise it will be at her attorney's office," The Gunnery Sargent speaks..

"We declare beyond any doubt that July forth is now our Independence day," the Prime Minister yells in Arabic!

The same villager speaks, "And What happens Mr. Prime Minister if the Pharaoh comes for us?"

"The we die freemen in the name of Allah.." The Prime Minister looks at the Assembly, "I have no interest in building pyramids for our Pharaoh.. Do you?"


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RE: Beware the power of Evil's might: Rise of the Republic of Aígyptos - by Armonica_Templar - 06-27-2016, 06:59 PM

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