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The cancer research that pharmaceutical companies won't fund
Humans are just an economic commodity, we sell part of our lives in order to get things we want. If all drugs were free the big pharm would  no longer be and we would die from small things.
Life and death is all part of the content that makes up capitalism, I dont like that people are let suffer and die to make money but its all part of the same system that makes it possible for me to have a TV a PC a car, food in my fridge ect.
Capitalism is not a good thing, far from it, but at the moment its the best we have.
We need to think if we attack part of the system by taking down big Pharm, what affect will that have on the rest of the system ? Capitalism is an interlinking system, take part of it away and its almost impossible to know how it affects everything else in the system.
Its a shit system in a shit world, but it works most of the time.

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RE: The cancer research that pharmaceutical companies won't fund - by Wallfire - 05-31-2018, 10:25 AM

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