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CERN & The Pole Shift
Now we get to the part where they have to show you the CERN symbolism through television adverts/films/tv shows.

In this advert, it shows a car going through a portal into another dimension. But when you see all the other symbolism, you will always notice the real meaning behind the mainstream advert, here you will see a ‘Peugeot’ car, the logo for Peugeot is a lion which represents the ‘beast’, the portal represents CERN, so the beast is coming through a quantum portal from a strange computer room into the real world, then as they are driving over the bridge a whale jumps over them as if it was ‘free’ and at the same time shows the whales ‘belly’ as it jumps over. This represents the ‘belly of the beast’ being set ‘free’ into the ‘physical realm’ and the humans are acting all happy. And even says at the end ‘’enter a new dimension’’. This is how they work, hidden in plain sight. To the untrained eye you would think it’s just an advert. Watch it, then reread what I’ve just put-

Same goes of Audi, the beast (roaring car) coming through the dimensional door, the cracking of the veil, the abyss...coming into the physical realm-

Coincidence? No such thing.

Here’s a video of how CERN has been shown on television for years, ‘RoundSaturnsEye’ YouTube channel has been exposing these for years, if you are religious or not, I’d suggest watching them as he does give good explanations of how they show you things in plain sight-

Here’s another, the illuminati are very satanic, rituals are needed to gain the negative frequencies they need. They are the ones that are controlling this prison planet.

CERN symbolism everywhere.

The opening of the tunnel, as you can see, all represents the god they serve, a ritual and here it’s the exact same concept, the zombies coming out of the abyss, the demonic ‘entities’ coming through the veil. The cube of Saturn represents the matrix (saturnalia) pagan.

Same again here, dancing through the matrix, the cosmic dance, ritual, in the ‘barren land’
I could add hundreds of videos here but by now, if you’ve watched the above, you’ll catch the gist of what’s really going on and how they are manipulating frequencies to bring hell on earth, literally.
What’s the biggest tool of the underworld?
What does this have to do with the pole shift??

First you need to understand what causes the pole shift.
Every ancient religion/scripture/prophecy/book/tablets/carving/painting all depict what they experienced and showed us what they saw in the skies, how the water came to shore, how they had to run to the mountains, how they saw green men in the sky (plasma discharges) , how the clouds rolled back, how the earthquakes occurred, how the volcanoes erupted, how the fish of the sea died, how the land animals perished, how mountains were moved, how deserts became oceans and oceans become desserts, how the birds fell out of the sky etc etc which refers to the bible -

‘’Because of this the land dries up, and all who live in it waste away, the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away.’’ Hosea 4:3

The civilisations from all over the globe spoke of the exact same events through the same years even though they had no form of contacting the people around the world, and then thousands of years apart the same story has been told from different parts of the world also.

That’s pretty compelling evidence in itself but it doesn’t stop there..
There are cities that have been found under the oceans that was covered with water suddenly and there has been big boats found in mountains- that itself speaks volumes.

But what causes it?
All ancient civilisations carved/painted more planets in our solar system than we are taught, ‘nibiru’ is the ‘planet of the crossing’ that is spoken of extensively in the ancient Sumerian teachings and is part of the ‘nemesis system’.

Nemesis is the central star mass and is a brown dwarf star, very dense, helium, lithium, iron oxide..the electromagnetic properties of a brown dwarf is very strong, the system has a very long elliptical orbit around our sun, every 3650(ish) years this system comes back into our solar system and creates an immense amount of galactic energy through our entire solar system.
When you watch data, you can connect the dots quite easily.

The system has to come back through our Kuiper belt (asteroid belt) on its way to reach its perihelion around the sun, 20 years ago, that’s exactly what it done and that’s why every year we have thousands more fireball/near earth asteroids events than the previous years and the previous years before that, the magnetic power of the system grabs tons of debris as it passes it and the system knocked tons of debris towards us as it came through.

Remember the NASA live announcement about finding a solar system on the edge of ours last year? Well this is how they work, truth mixed with disinformation. They said the stem has a brown dwarf star as the central star mass with 7 orbiting planets and they called it the ‘Trappist 1’ system, which is a Catholic religious order so you know who’s behind it (illuminati) as always. So they are describing the exact same system we have spoke of for years..And spoiler alert [Image: 1f6a8.png]? it’s not 39 lightyears away, it’s right in our back yard.

The elite have known about this for a very very long time but 1987 was the year where some of the government agencies caught hold of what was happening and word spread, it made papers but was swiftly stopped from ever being published again due to the amount of panic it was causing, since then, the elite have been preparing behind the scenes building massive underground bases known as ‘D.U.M.Bs’ (deep underground military bases), sorting seeds of every plant species on the planet, cryogenically preserving species of the animal kingdom and been waging wars with anyone that doesn’t agree to follow the ‘new world order’.

it’s been the biggest cover up in human history...why? Because the very top elite know that the world would be put into absolute chaos overnight if they went public with this and they would have the biggest uprising in human history, their goals wouldn’t be met so they keep you in a lower state of consciousness...keep watching the Kardashian’s, nothing to see here.

Then you have to understand how the inclination of earth plays a vital role in CERNs goals, earth was locked in a 23 degree tilt for the few thousand years until around 7 years ago, when the system was within range to have a electromagnetic portal connection with all planets in our solar system, as we rotate around the sun each year, at one point of the year we pass the incoming system (still millions of miles away but it’s extremely powerful) and as we pass it, magnetic repulsion takes place, our South Pole dips towards the system like two giant magnets battling forces, this in turn creates a ‘earth wobble’ thus leading to the earths inclination changing gradually.

They have underground cities/labs in Antarctica which is why you can’t go to certain areas of Antarctica which is governed by a worldwide treaty, they also have a energy hub that runs all the way from Antarctica right up to the North Pole on the ocean floor, it’s interconnected at both poles so they maximise the energy from the charged particles that come in on the solar wind. You can actually find the ‘seabed wall’ on google earth but here’s a video showing you it. Watch it all.

There is also a reason why the great pyramids of Giza are at the centre of all land mass and replicate the constellation ‘Orion’, as do the Mayan pyramids. They were built to harness energy when certain planetary alignments occur and they also want to replicate the ‘heavens’ which is why they also use the term ‘as above, so below’ because nibiru is said to come from the constellations Orion, hence the replication. The annunaki are spoke of in the ancient Sumerian tablets profusely as the gods, however, they are connected to the ‘fallen angels’ also who work with the underworld to make us a Slave system.

But not all are bad, there is more good than bad, however, the bad have the manipulation techniques to make us think the good are the minority, that’s the way they want it, the elite depend on YOU needing THEM which is why they spread so much hate/divide/fear so that you feel the need to have them to keep things calm. Yet they do the opposite.


Messages In This Thread
CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 05:59 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:00 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:01 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:02 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:04 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:05 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:07 PM
RE: CERN & The Pole Shift - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-21-2018, 06:11 PM

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