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Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning
We had been asked by USSB Main directive to go to a planet called Midgard and try to establish some sort of dialog with the sentient life forms there that had been detected and monitored by USSB drones..

How do you establish a dialog with a creature that looks like a mythical earth dragon in every way except for the breathing of fire part ? Instead of fire the Socory (So-core-ee) spat a kind of venom, like a spitting cobra does back on earth or the Martie on Salome that would dissolve most things into a puddle that could be eaten (sipped) through a straw; it was purely a defense mechanism on their part, for with claw and teeth they would be the top predator on just about any world you could think of without artificial weapons . Either way unless you are covered in Dragon scales or some other form of protection when spat upon, it would be like having a very strong quick acting acid poured upon you.

Absolutely not a nice way to end ones life.

I was rather puzzled at first glance at why anyone would interfere with Midgard's natural evolution for I could not see them ever establishing BULK travel or even interstellar travel.

The dragons of Midgard were able to fly where ever, whenever, they wanted to, by their own power so instead of looking up and wishing they could fly..... they could just spread their wings and in a cloud of dust and loose debris, become airborne, naturally. They tended to live in what most would consider small rookeries on many of the big mountains the Midgard landscape possessed.

The Socory were omnivores and could eat just about anything which was surprising considering the ferocious looking head and teeth. I initially had them pegged as meat eaters all the way but once again, the old saying of, you can't judge a book by the cover comes to mind. The good news, in my opinion, was with their claws, they always had a ready made tooth pick that could reach the most stubborn food wedgie.

One other interesting fact about their society; the were true conservationist. They never depleted a species of plant or animal beyond a point of no return and they even had breeding areas where they helped some of the food stuff animals prosper. Kinda like farming only with more of a hands off approach.

The whole planet was a very active seismic body that produced huge earthquakes, mountains, and floods due to it's close proximity in orbit with a 33 earth mass gaseous planet that had a rather eccentric orbit. This 4th planet's orbit brought much of it's gravitational effect once a year to Midgard's land, sea, and volcanoes, which seemed to erupt in a seasonal kind of way just like clock work ....

Good place to be able to fly, no?

Tiki our ship carried us unerringly to the Midgard system and once our orbit was established we preformed a typical survey of the planet. There had been survey's before but not in the last couple of years.

Layla my pair bond mate, our two grown children, Fhaa and Sky (and of course Tiki the wondership) watched and waited for the survey to be completed and sent back to USSB Main. We then got down to the business of creating a dialog with these beast without being turned into a quivering blob of acid induced road kill.

The background on these Dragons of Midgard was actually quite interesting. They were an old race that had evolved from the typical dino stock which many planets go through. Big difference here on Midgard was there had not been a huge celestial impact to wipe out most of the life forms inducing a planet wide reset for life forms. The eccentric orbiting 4th planet had taken all the life threatening impacts (there had been 3 major impacts) for Midgard over the eons; lucky, lucky, lucky.

Tiki sent two holo droids out to strategic orbital locations and when they were in place we as a family were holographically sent to where the local Dragon master, (who was called Auhas), was presently in attendance.

Timing is everything. As our USSB mission brief had noted, Auhas was at the great gathering they held twice a year (298 earth days was one Midgard year) for all the Socory (dragons) to get together, fraternize, meet and greet future mates. There were and would be discussions before the council about any problems the different rookeries might be having in this open air event. It would have been hard to get so many Socory, that can measure over twenty foot long into one enclosure, so the meeting place was held every half year at this particular place on a mountainside. There were several stepped made Dragon terraces of which at the very top was Auhas and the Socory council.

The Dragons communicated via verbal sound waves on occasion but mostly (as any civilized entity does) they communicated telepathically. No, they were not on par with even my Bio-chip USSB telepathic abilities but at least we could communicate thoughts and word pictures and hopefully start a lasting dialog without all the mental gymnastics and covert thought patterns we would have had to use if they were non-telepathic. Verbal discourse was out of the question for us, unless you took the time to decipher about one hundred and fifty different roars, grunts, and burps they produced; Dragon faces and lips do not do well with things like formed words.

Getting mad or a sign of disgust was usually displayed by passing a rather obnoxious gas (farting) towards what ever they were displeased with, if the mental telepathic sparing failed with an opponent. Trust me, from what I gather, a dragon fart is not something to be taken lightly.

My family and I materialized before the council standing shoulder to shoulder and facing Auhas and all those who were gathered on either side of him.

Auhas was an old Dragon by the look of him and as we stood there and all eyes turned in our direction he stood up and in a Dragon sort of way, offered us a greeting.

His greeting consisted of, “I see you”.

Layla replied, “Auhas we see you and come as uninvited friends”.

“Never have I seen such as you before... There are low land creatures that have similar body builds but are crude compared to yours. We call them Sipat”.

A mental image of a small diminutive ape like creature appeared in our receptive minds and I was glad to know they are not usually eaten according to the information I had previously gleamed through USSB Main.

“State your purpose in appearing before us”.

Fhaa was next to speak, “ Auhas we belong to a culture that flies between the stars. We have come not to interfere with your great gatherings or your worldly endeavors but to invite those who wish to join us, to travel amongst the stars. Your species could be even greater than you already are. All of you could become part of the millions of sentient beings that have joined USSB to investigate and learn the mysteries of the entire multiverse”.

Auhas was forming questions in his mind but I abruptly shut them down by thought transfer, “Auhas we will leave your gathering now and let you and others think about what we have said. We will return in two days time, or at the end of this gathering, to listen to your questions and discuss your decision”.

With that we joined hands and our holographic appearances elevated straight up and out of sight into the heavens.

Tiki had managed the Holographic presentation perfectly; and I told her so.

The abrupt ending to our Socory meeting was all based upon what was known of Socory protocol. USSB had been monitoring these council meeting for thousands of Midgard's years and anything that was brought before the council was always considered and then a list of questions would be put forth by the council a few days later. If the member who brought the question/suggestion to the council could answer the follow up questions then a determination would be made in favor or against with regards to the petitioner. If there were still unanswered questions then once the answers were provided a determination could be made.

The Socory really were an inquisitive lot for a bunch of flying lizards and they had questions without answers probably since the first Socory took to the air. USSB could answer all their questions and give answers to stuff they have never even dreamed of. Either way it would be their choice. I was still trying to figure out how they would fit on some of our ships unless they entered through a cargo door ?

For the next two Midgard days we did some solar system exploring but except for Midgard the outer planets contained nothing but some beautiful landscapes along with a few fungus and the occasional bacterium. This was basically a dead system except for the Socory home world.

As promised on the second day I alone presented myself holographically before Auhas and the council. The elder council and Auhas wanted to learn more so I spent some time telling him and the council how I had become part of USSB, where I was from, and some of the things I had experienced since joining. They were all keen listeners with quite minds and their thought processing was much quicker than I had expected.

Auhas was over 1200 Midgard years old as were several other members of the council. The oldest I detected was a female 1618 years of age.

What I told them must have worked for Auhas volunteered to receive a bio-chip to learn and pass on to the council and all the Socory his perceptions.

With all the sentient beings that compose USSB who would have ever guessed we would have our very own dragons that would join and become part of the USSB universe ?

The Socory might come in handy as allies on some of the primitive worlds where USSB was trying to sow the seeds of scientific advancement. Regardless once again a species without BULK Travel was being brought into the USSB universe which kinda made me jealous..

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RE: Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 04:16 AM

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