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Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning
Being Tom Ngan, Cricket already had a superior natural telepathic ability yet when magnified by the USSB Bio-chip and 4 USSB ships (if you count Tiki) she could crush a beer can with just a thought or rip a primitives ears off or worse.. I for one was really glad she was on our side and was here to settle any differences that might arise.

As expected Cricket's arrival must have set off alarm bells some place in this station for the next thing that happened the Bug God appeared before us. Again it was 20 foot tall and just stood there looking at us.

“Welcome, there is no need for a hologram of yourself. I have come a great distance in an instant to be with you,” was Cricket's greeting.

“Who are you,” was the Buggy God's question .

In a flash Cricket was standing inside the hologram of this Bug God as she said, “ Come to me now as I have no tolerance for disobedient children”!

The Bug God hologram disappeared.

We waited for what seemed a rather long time before the main entrance door was opened and half a dozen Buggy Grays entered. None were taller than Cricket and all seemed to be obviously armed by some type of energy staff.

Upon their entry Cricket did a bit of godly control and ripped the energy staffs from their hands an flung them into a twisted heap next to a rather pleasing landscape picture.

“How dare you come in my presence carrying weapons! Are you so stupid that you believe your technology could have any effect upon a true God”!

There was a very pregnant moment of silence before the shorter of the Grays stepped forward and started to communicate telepathically. He was stopped in mid thought and step. Then the whole bunch of the Grays were picked up and there legs were forcefully folded under their bodies as they were then placed gently on the floor in a Lotus type position.

I guarantee that got their attention !

“I have come to be with my children and see how they have nurtured this small part of the universe I have given them to tend. What I have found is very displeasing to me and all before me will be rectified before I leave. Make no thought of your own, but listen to me, or I will snuff your life force out and create another more receptive to my wishes. IS THAT CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD “!

There was total silence for a second and then the shortest of the six bugs tried to rise to it's legs as it telepathically started in with, 'how dare She come and claim to be a god'. It actually got almost to its' knees when both legs were ripped from the torso and thrown across the room into the existing pile of energy staffs. Before it could mentally scream the head was removed and also smashed against the wall next to the legs.

The remaining 5 Grays did their best to bow from their sitting position.

“Avoid eye contact” seemed to be the thought of the moment !

“I love all of you for you are my children but as in any family there can be a bad seed. A bad seed is not tolerated in my presence”.

I had to admit Cricket had this whole god thing down fairly well. I kept waiting for the “please me and live in happiness or piss me off and for all eternity you will suffer” kinda line... But she was better than that. I did think the whole loving them after ripping ones head off was a very godly touch to this story which seemed to be repeated anyplace many religions had a foot hold.

Cricket's hologram then went before each of the Grays and touched them one at a time upon their heads blessing them by saying, “Stand before me my child”.

They all did with heads bowed.

In the back ground of our little meeting there had been warnings sent out to all the other Grays at the station. The message consisted of there was a danger and a presence on the station that was claiming to be a powerful god with a moniker/story of 'it had created all that was'.

There were request to find any ship this god might have arrived in and the whole station was put on high alert. There was a group of about 1000 Grays which had gathered in one section of the station and were arming themselves for an assault upon our suite and little gathering.

That particular section where the arming was taking place suddenly became detached from the main station and began to accelerate towards the nearby sun; compliments of USSB force field and Cricket et al. The detached section stopped in mid flight about one third of the way to the sun. Those inside were temporarily lucky the life support system was self contained. Of course they sent out an emergency retrieval message to all nearby ships and as the ships approached the now disconnected section an antimatter torpedo phased and materialized in their mist and poof all were vaporized in the blink of an eye.

In total there were 1872 Buggy Greys destroyed.

Cricket told our visitors of what had just happened and even provided a mental picture show of the destruction. The torpedo had materialized and destroyed the ships and the segment of the station faster than the speed of thought or before they even knew what was happening.

“The alert status will be terminated and all these childish forms of resistance will come to an end or I will send this station and all you ships into the sun”. Cricket did not even raise her mental voice but instead relayed this in a matter of fact, no nonsense, communique that almost sounded sad in my mind..

Whatever; it worked !

The 5 remaining Grays sent the mental message to stop all resistance and basically ended up with the thought, 'our USSB god was the real deal or close enough until something bigger and better showed up'.

It was absolutely time for some serious 'suck up' by the station Grays to our little band of USSB Sentients !

Cricket told them to, “Leave us and prepare the main gathering hall, for I would speak to all my seedlings on this station”.

These bugs did not know how to Bow and walk backwards but they really did try.

After they departed Cricket tore chunks out of several of the holographic pictures in the suite and destroyed the hidden spying devices..

Then her hologram telepathically said to us, “ I will see you at my side in the conference hall,” and she then winked out..

A rather short time later a glowing ball appeared and asked us to follow it to the main conference hall. This meeting hall was at the core of the station and was absolutely huge. There were a guesstimated 28,000 bugs in attendance without any other non bug type of Sentient present.

The ball of light guided us to a podium at the front of the room and as we held hands in a semi-circle we all bowed deeply from the waist. We held this position for the briefest of seconds and then Cricket appeared before us in her super hologram form.

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RE: Happiness is USSB, Layla, Tiki, and me. The beginning - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:31 AM

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