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Project DPR: Codename Templar One (rewrite)
In 2089 Captain Colt came back int time to his Thirteen year old Body

Donning his Grandfather's old call signal, Andros went about executing missions 
Technically under the Command of Admiral Creast

After the battle of the White mountains
Admiral Creast recommending the call signal stay retired

The DoD tried to replicate Andros Colt's sucess.. It failed

In search of Answers the JCS tried to find the family of the recent Templar One
Under the excuse to deliver the flag and medals to the family,
The JCS got a surprise..


"Son," A man man with four stars follows a teenager out of the Legion Hall. With his cover on, "You.. You were Templar One?"

Andros stops and turns, "Commandant Amos.. I rescued your under trained man.. I do not owe you S#$%!"

Commandant John Amos holds up his hand to a bald man man.. "I.. Thank you for that.." Swallowing hard, "Captain.. We.. We .."

"Commandant.." Rolling his eyes Andros sighs, "What does my beloved Corps need?"

Another Four star steps out placing on his cover. His naval uniform is crisp and clean..

"How where you able to not die.. Yet Two of my Recon and one of John's SEAL's were KIA.. And one of my other Recon is home disabled.." The commandant spoke with conviction, "There is no way you.."

"Commandant.. Yours and The Chief of NAval operations selection process.. The JCS's as a whole.. Sirs.. You are going to lose every agent you select.. You are to politically correct.." Andros speaks coldly, "You two and the numb nuts sec def are the reason those three are dead.. Get used to placeholder status.."

"Son," The john, CNO, stops himself.. Closing his eyes, "Seventy two medals from different agencies.."

The Sargent Major of the Marine Corps takes a deep breath.. And looks at the Commandant..

"Take you .. You should have been throwing a pissy fit.. You.. Better be glad this is not my military.." Andros Points back inside, "The MCPON and you would both be in the brig facing a firing squad.. If the CNO or Commandant did not shoot you themselves.."

The Master Sargent of The Marine Corps had his fist balled up..

"That is the problem with your selection process right there gentlemen.. I would be fighting The woman in his position where I am from, for my life.. Especially if I called her a C#$% like I just did you.. None of you are psycologically tough enough to wipe my A$$.." Andros was relaxed as he glared back at the Sargent Major of the Marine Corps..

Another man stepped outside from the doorway, "Son.. What your saying is their is a lack of meaness required.. To many mom and apple pie types.."

"Sargent Major Battaglia.." andros shook his head, "Seeing the problem is not solving the problem.. It is not even the first step here.. Listen Admiral Greenert.. I am not special forces where I am from.. I am qualled to lead them in battle.. Till a more competant JSOC officer can be located. The MCPON tried to tell you inside I just modified the suit.. Yall must have missed something.. Well If he wants he can fight me without the armor.. I will retire him.."."

Admiral Greenert held up his hand, "Son.. No.. Its Captain.. " Closing his eyes, "I want your notes on how yu made the mods.."

"No can do Admiral.. It is not the technology.. The Commandant will explain to you that you are a F#$%ing moron in polite politically correct terms.."

"Its the soldier/Sailor/ airman," Battaglia spoke.. "The kid.." The Sargent Major growled it out almost, "Is trying to say Admiral the enemy will adapt and overcome the technology.."

"The errors in the Dread Pirate Roberts selection process combine with poor training," Barret finishes the thought..

"Captain," Admiral Greenert gets a middle finger from Andros..

Andros walks away as Diana comes out, "Littleman.." She catches up, "You did not tell me you.." She stops as Andros is cold, "I am not tryng.."

Andros holds her, "I am ok Dy Anna.. We have that trip tomorrow."

Admiral Greenert has a pissed off look on his face..

Cmmandant Amos holds up a finger to the CNO, "Captain Colt.. Tomorrow is the Thirty First of October.. From the report I got.. Its the Day my beloved Corps made one hell of a stand where your from.. How many more are gonna die because Naval Officers dont do there jobs?"

"Commandant," The CNO has force in his voice..

Andros has a tear fall down his face.. "Commandant.. I will select one candidate to go through the selection process.." 

Admiral Greenert stops when he sees a smile cross Amos's face, "Go on Captain.."

"My candidate will go up against your whole pool of candidates.. You all select via your politically correct processes.." Andros glares at the commandant,"I will speak with rear admiral wilson and Rear Admiral Jensen.. They will run the selection processig.."

"Selection Processing," Commandant Amos had a look cross his face..

"IT will be oversaw by Admiral Creast, Admira De'Chez, and General Reichs.." Andros looks at the commandant, "The participants must ALL be volunteers.. Well not really.. Non volunteers will be culled.. "

Admiral Greenert gets a look n his face, "We can send all of the other candidates we want.."

"However.. You have no say in the process once it begins.. Orders over the process will be ignored.. Gentlemen.. Send you best.. They wil be sent home mewling.." Andros laghs, "It is my condition.. Creast, De'Chez, and/or Reichs will host the training.."

Battaglia pauses, "Sir.. It wont pass muster.."

"That is why you have no say.. Or reports.." Andros grins evilly, "Commandant..My selection.. I take my pick of the litter.. Recruit Donna Darlin at paris Island.."

The Sargent Major Barrett has pad and is writing, "Recruit Donna Darlin.." He pauses, "You are suggesting a woman for the next Templar one?"

"No.. I am suggesting a woman for a try out.." Andros looks Commandant Amos in the eyes, "You might need to stop the busses leaving paris island General.. She kinda has technically been dishonorably discharged from the Corp.. But she has not left your island yet?"

The MCPON steps out, "Sir.. You cant be.."

"October 31st Commandant.. She was had got a job at pendalton.. Three days later.. Her dishonorable discharge was over turned.. For service to her country in the finest of marine corps traditions." Andros smiles, "My pick to compete against your so called Specops.. Sir.. I am betting on her against all of them..It will come down to if she wants it.."

"Barrett.." The Commandant looks at Andros in the eyes, "Stop my recruit from leaving My Island.."

Barrett is on the phone immediately, "Stopping your recruit from leaving paris Island Commandant.."

"Amos.." Admiral Greenert looked at his commandant..

"I have lost two marines, with one permenantly disabled.. "Commandant Amos narrowed his eyes, "Their is no gaurentee those three will sponsor this effort.. "

"Just talk with Regina, Commandant.. I am still mad at her," Andros walks away..

"Son," Commandant Amos calls out..

Andros flicks them off as holds Diana arm.. He stops for a second, "Sargent Majors.. A word of advice on the recruit.. Darlin is one of the finest marines I have ever served with.. One of the best and most.. Most Reliable in the field.. She does NOT respect the new school corps. Because they are all pu$$!#$ in her eyes.."

Battaglia smiles as him and Barrett nod to each other, "Understood Captain.."

"I will pretend I did not hear that," Admiral Greenert shook his head.. " This military in the future is.." Admiral Greenert looks at the Sargent Majors and then back to Andros, "I see.."

"Psychology Admiral.. The good Captain was just explaining who this recruit Darlin is," Barrett stops when he hears something on his phone.. "What the F#$% do you mean you cant locate her? You are telling the commandant you LOST one of his recruits !!" After a response, "I do not give a S@#$.. The bus hasnt left you said.. The commandant is on his way.. Himself! I recommend you FIND her!"

"With the Chief of Naval Operations," Admiral Greenert looked at the Commandant. "I am curious now.. Lets go meet the good Captains recommendation for the try out.." Chuckling, "They lost her Commandant?"


Admiral Greenert was tryng not to laugh as Barrett stood there glaring..

"So now.. This recruit was unsupervised.. She managed to steal thousands of dollars of crap off of my beloved island under YOUR noses," Sargent Major Barrett yelled as Drill instructors where dumping ALL the green bags from the bus..

"Commandant," Battaglia had to stand facing away from the scene.. "I am seeing it Commandant.."

Commadant Amos had his fist clinched, "Sargent Major.."

"Amos," Greenert managed not to smile.. "Are your drill instructors going.."

The four stars turn at the sound of a commotion, "Let me the F#$% GO! "

A female former recruit, in hand cuffs and cuffs around her feet, is being dragged by two MP with bloody noses. 

MCPON Stevens had a black eye as he walked funny.. "Admiral.." The MCPON stands a little funny, "Recruit Darlin is not even her real name! She bit.. Scratched.. and kicked us.. She should be in the brig.. Not.."

The Commandant held his hand up, "Stand her up.. remove the cuffs.."

The Female recruit jumps at the MPs after she is uncuffed. The two flinch,"General.. I want to press charges against these men.. They did not.."

"Admiral Greenert," Battaglia points behind the Admiral.. "A member of your staff is trying to flag you down.."

Everyone turns and sees nothing.

"Sargent Major I," Admiral Greenert tuned around in time to see the recruit hit the deck.. "I see."

Standing up with fire in her eyes, "You mother F#$%er.. You think I.."

Recruit Darlin went to kick Sargent Major Battaglia, only for her to hit the deck as her leg went out from under her..

"Welcome to my beloved Corps," Sargent Major Barrett was smiling from behind the recruit.

The Drill Instructors where all standing at attention and staring forward..

"I see what the good Captain was seeing sirs," Battaglia was circling the recuit as she stood back up..

"I was discharged," Darlin was hit in the back of the head by Barrett making her tense up.. "Sargent Major!"

The Commandant pointed at a folder on the pile of stuff, "You were stealing from my beloved Island?"

"A complete disrespect for authority," Admiral Greenert moves his jaw sideways..

"F@#$ you c#$% suckers.. I will be pressing," Darlin dodges  Battaglia's hit to the back of her head..

Again she goes to the ground..

"Admiral," MCPON Stevens shakes his head.. "Sir.. She is not.."

As the file is placed in his hand, "It is an internal Marine Corps issue Master Chief.." The Commandant takes out a piece of paper from the file, "Recruit Donna Darlin.. Dishonorably discharged.. Joined under a fake name and social.. Theft.. Assualt. multiple article 134's.."

Standing back up as the two Sargent Majors circle her, "F@#$ you.." Donna responds slowly, "Commandant.."

The Commandant places the discharge back in the folder, "This your file.."

"No.." After a few seconds donna comes to attention, "Sir!"

"Good.. " Commandant Amos took out a lighter and set the file on fire, "Glad to hear it.. Little Lady your are going with me to Nellis.. Sargent Majors.. If she starts S#$%.. Toss her out the back of the C-130.."

A cell phone in her pocket goes off.. Sargent Major Barrett takes the phone out.. Seeing a florida number, "Good afternoon.. "

"Good Afternoon Sargent Major.." Andros's voice came through the air, "Donna darling.."

"You mother F#$%er!! you sold me out.. The are going to kill me.."

"Donna.." Andros smiles, "The Commandant of the Marine Corps is taking you to a wetworks tryout.. The only way not to get in trouble is graduate this program.."

Donna takes the phone, "You F#$%ing told me you would help me.. I am so gonna kick your.."

Donna's own voice comes from the phone, "I was so stupid and young.. Commander.. I blew my chance at a better life.. I mean I appreciate everything but.. Sir.. I missed my opportunity.." Andros's older voice came out, "Deserie.. Your a sargent now.. The need old theives.. They are idiots and do not know real life.."

Donna paused, "You.. You know my name.."

"I am from the future Donna.. In my now fourteen year old body.. This is your chance.. It is going to be like everything else you dealt with your whole life.. Their is no time to work out your feelings.. No time to grow up.. You get one shot.. If you want it.. Come to Nellis.. "

"Then everything will be rosey peachy keen!"

"No.. You step on that plane you might die in training.. " Amdros sounds somber, "Nobody will stop you if you get on the bus and leave.. However.. That plane ride leads to the first step for everything you ever wanted.. Your gonna get hurt.. Most likely fail.. Because.." Andros switches to Donna's older voice, "Are a stupid C#$%.. Just one chance .. a Lucky break was all I needed.."

"There is no such thing as a lucky," Donna does not finish the statement.. "We make our own luck.."

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Project DPR: Codename Templar One (rewrite) - by Armonica_Templar - 03-19-2018, 08:43 AM

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