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Birth of the Psi Lords: Part one
This was a Dream I woke up from..

"Whose god D@#$ed idea was this? Simpson?" 

"General Thurebreed.. The orders said to take them and split them up among our units.." a Lt. Colonel shook her head, "The Sec Def himself gave the order."

"Get me Mattis now," Thurebreed was pissed. "I am supposed to put people with mental health problems in our new armor. F#$%ing little extra special snowflakes."

A middle aged soldier shook his head as he glared at the general..

"You got a problem," Seeing the US Navy designation. "Sailor."

"Yes I do.. First off You should learn to keep your D@#$ mouth shut about your orders to the men beneath you.. Second, you have to send me to the chaplin's office when I ask.. Then to Navy, well air force medical.. And then JAG.. You have no right to interfere as clearly outlined by the UCMJ. So F#$%you! You cock sucking chairforce Army wannabe.."

Balling up his fist, "I am going to enjoy this.." Thurebreed Walked forward, "I am going to make you say my name.."

Simpson narrowed her eyes and jumped. Grabbing the General, "SIR! It is trap.."

"You got about two second yesterday to get your hands off me," As she let go of the General he growled angrily. "Simpson!"

Reading the name tag, "I will be god D@#$.. It is you McCawt.. General, you were about to hit a civilian."

"What the F#$% are you," General Thurebreed frooze and steps back.

McCawt just narrows his eyes staring forward..

"It is you.. You mother F#$%ing Bastard.." Whispering as she leaned forward, "BikerMama69.."

"BikerMama," McCawt laughed. "Is he always this stupid?"

"Lt. colonel?"

"I know McCawt online sir. He said if we ever got stupid enough to draft him," the Lt. Colonel laughs..

"He would demand Religous, Medical and Legal.." The General looked at the new arrivals with curiosity, "And the not enlisted yet.. he was drafted?"

"Not that hard to skip general.. Just got in the wrong line with my paperwork. Grabbed my new duds and was sent here without signing S#$%," McCawt laughed.

A man with an Anchor and two stars on it shook his head as he walked up, "I thought I kicked you out of my Navy.."

"Put me inn the brig.. I am not working with ET1 Ray.. There aint no D@#$ situation that bad that it requires that A$$ kisser back in uniform.." McCawt shook his head but whispered, "I hope your ex-wife took every thing."

"It is MASTER CHIEF sailor. You think you can pull the same S#$% you pulled in San Diego.." Chuckling," I will be watching you personally.. I find a single supply missing I am going to assume it was you straight out!"

"You know this sailor?"

"Papers sailor.. General Thurebreed will sign them right now," Master chief Ray snatched the papers out of McCawt's hand .. "I do not know why he is here sir.. He can steal supplies if we need them.. The only good D@#$ thing he can do! You cant give him an inch sir.. I will keep an eye on him and out of your hair.. I have a few heads that need a toothbrush taken to them! General."

Reappraising the situation, "Raise your right hand or I will have someone do it for you.." The Four Star Air Force officer smiled as he proceeded to swear McCawt in..

"God D@#$ mother F#$%er's," McCawt sighed and then signed under the general.. "Fine I do.. You may now proceed to the goat F#$%ing.."

Ray took the papers, "Lets walk them to JAG ourselves McCawt.."

McCawt flicked off Ray..

"I will send a toothbrush myself," General Thurebreed shook his head.. After he gets back from JAG per his request."

"So you swore me in sir?"

"Yes I did.. Master chief, keep these SOB's away from my men.. I do not want these idiots with special needs interfering with my command.. Mattis thinks these Damnable invader aliens are telepaths my A$$!!"

"McCawt just go with Ray," Lt. colonel Smithson whispered.. "We will talk later.."


A female Lt. JG came back in, "Welcome back to the Department of the Navy.. It is official Sir.. Millington sent back the approval" The Lt. JG shook McCawt's hand, "You will need to get the proper rank on.. Lt. McCawt."

Master Chief Ray started to speak then went wide eyed, "Sir..Lt. McCawt.. You.."

"Was, sworn in personally by General Thurebreed.. Signed it right in front of you.." McCawt grinned evilly, "Master Chief.. You delivered the paperwork to Lt. JG Dawson here on the General's Order. Made sure it was fast tracked at Millington.." Picking up the paper work, "It is all right here for my copy Master Chief!"

"You F@#$ing SOB," Master Chief Ray took a deep breath..

"General Found out me and Ray had a past.. So he assigned him to me," McCawt shook his head. "I will let the first one slide. So what took so long?"

"Sir.. S#$% your on General Thurebreed's staff.. We are running NJP's.. Cheif Roach is.. We.."

"God D@#$.. That Prick," McCawt shook his head. "Master Chief.. " Looking the pissed off Master Chief in the eyes, "Lets go speed this crap up.."

McCawt walked behind the JAG counter and was followed by a steaming pissed off Master Chief..

They entered another area Followed by the Lt. JG, "Sir.."

Seeing an old manaquin with Lt. Bars, McCawt took them off.. "Lt. JG.. "

"This war must be screwed if they let you back in McCawt.." A chief frooze when he saw McCawt with the Lt.'s bars, "God Da....."

"Would you do the honors Lt. JG Dawson," McCawt stood there as Dawson pinned the bars on McCawt?

"Sir, "Chief Roach stood at attention..

"Good to see you again you old D@#$ fraud.." Looking at the lower level enlisted, "Why the F#$% are they not working?"

"This will not stand McCawt.." Master Chief Ray took out his phone, "Get me General...."

Lt. McCawt slapped the phone out of the Master Chief's hand casually, "I have the paperwork he SIGNED.. MAster Chief.. Shut the F#$% up or I will have some of these ijuts toss you in the brig."

Roach eyed Ray but never moved, "Sir.. Mostly stupid S#$%.. Underage drinking, a few butte hurt NCO's, and well one thing I know you will not approve.."

"Lets Get this S#$% moving faster.. We have ten minutes to get this done.. All 200 NJP's if I guess correctly," McCawt looked down the line.. "General Thurebreed is a Chairforce hard charger.."


A stapler went flying across the room breaking on an empty wall,"Simpson.."

"General is there an issue?"

"No Mr. SecDef.." Thurebreed wrote something down, "Just dealing with something quickly.. Stapler got bumped off a desk.. General Mattis.. This plann is stupid in my.."

"General.. Our experts have determined this to be our only cause of action. The Former Military with mental health issues seem to have what they called an immunity to this.. The Anomalous cognition the aliens have master.."

"General Mattis.. That is in my opinion a load of S@#$.. Your experts are idiots.."

"Who is this," A voice responds.. "We have years trained as the governments most elite units of remote viewers.. Do you have any experts.. We know you dont.. The Invaders I warned about are her.. Mr. SecDef.. This General will screw up very carefully laid plans.. "

"Thurebreed.. You will accept the recomendations unless you or any of you others can get me a better plan.. We have.."

"Your a F#$%ing idiot then General Mattis.." Lt. McCawt spoke as he walked in, "General Thurebreed is correct.. The idiot on the phone is so wrong he doesnt even know it..  Expert on remote viewing my left nut!"

"McCawt," Lt. Colonel Simpson grolwed it seemed..

"And just who the F#$% are you, "The pissed off voice responds?

"Lt. McCawt.. Just promoted by General Thurebreed.. I am HIS expert on all matters involving Psychic warfare.. Who the F@#$ is this?"

"McCawt.." The General is shaking in anger..

"I do not answer to you at all.. Lt.. there are no experts that we do not have! "

"I will be god D@#$.. Genneral Mattis that sounds like Ed Dames.. Right.." Lt. McCawt laughs insanely, "Your taking advice from that idiot.. God .. Ask him if he caught that terrorist shipping supplies through the air into american air..."

"You shut the F#$% up Lt. McCawt.. That was a bullS#$% prank those a$$holes played on me.." 

General Thurebreed sat back and held up his hand, "Mr. Dames.. "

"Genneral Mattis I want that imposter relieved.. Thier is no person in the Remote Viewing community by that name.. If you tell anyone about the rest of that prank your done!!"

"General.. " Lt. Colonel Simpson speaks, "He had several long post on three sites on Remote viewing.. "

"I apologise General Mattis.. It is my fault General Thurebreed does not have my report, I am one of the Special snowflakes you stuck him with... "

"Give me what you have so far Son, "General Thurebreed drummed his fingers gambling..

"It has to be a trap like you suspect.. One, thier is no such thing as immunity in the natural world.. Their is only a level of resistance. A remote Viewer of Dames level should not be selling S#$%.. Words and how they are processed are very basic part of RV.. It is resistance.."

From Mattis's end, "Dames?"

"Sir.. It is immunity.. not resistance.."

"General Thurebreed.. What is the difference between between.." Lt. McCawt was interrupted.

"A bullet proof flap jacket and bullet resistant flap jacket, "Mattis answered a little pissed off. "What is the report? Cut through the S$%^ Lt."

"General Thurebreed is correct that this whole plan is BullS#$%. Telepaths have to work with preexisting ways of thinking.. His plan of direct assualt only needed simple things added to it.. Like painting every tank and plane differently.. Put pictures in their cockpits that have stories,that children drawled them will suffice.. have every individual play different music.. You will lose only a small amount of efficiency. S#$% general, play porn if they want.. Just make sure everyone is on a different page with the art and music choices.."

General Thurebreed narrowed his eyes, " It is a hell of a lot easier then getting these OTHER D@#$ snowflakes integrated."

A different voice speaks, "That was option B General.. Lt.. This is Morehouse.."

"Sir.. I read your book to," Lt. McCawt spoke. "What the F#$% happened to the rest of them.. Targ, Smith, Bu.."

"They are dead son.." Morehouse spoke, "Ed.. He is saying that we destroy unity of efforts partially, but retain the discipline of command .."

"Like Sherman sir.." Lt. McCawt narrows his eyes back at the General.

"David.. You agree with General Thurebreed's Lt.'s report?" General Mattis spoke quickly..

"It makes sense. He is saying create a psychic chorus that they will get lost in, but what makes you think kid that my idea will fail," Dames seemed to growl as he responds instead of Morehouse. "Imagine a forrest and we look for the tree blowing a different direction.. He is suggesting we have multiple winds..

"Because this order was given two days ago to bring us in right.. Means it was issued and discussed abouth four weeks ago.. I suffer From Bipolar Disorder type one NOS along the first Axis from DSMV -IV." After a short pause, "They.. The Aleins tracked me but stop cold.. I was told I was paranoid.."

Silence comes from everyone till the Lt. colonel speaks. "McCawt.. Where is your girlfriend?"

"Bikermama.. She.. She is with my best friend.. " Swallowing hard, "I.. The bastards attacked and I tried to fight but .. I called her by a different woman's name.. Long story.."

"They tried to.. F@#$ me," Dames spoke.. "It happens in RV all the time.. But our reports said.. The straycat.. It was just a stray cat.."

"Not if it was a reflexive defense," Morehouse spoke. "Lt. Your saying they were using Anomalous Influence.. "

"Yes sir.. It dawned on me by how they responded."

The General was lost, "Lt. Explain for me and the SecDef.."

"He has been trying for years to develop mind control off the CRV protocols," The Lt. Colonel walked over slowly as she saw a tear fall.. "Lt. You have not taken your meds either have you.."

"Cant mam.. And yes She is right.. David.. I broke it down to the base priciples but.. My experiments have had.. S@#$.. Can I tell you which websites have my notes.."

"Give me the sites.. We can track them down," Mattis growled.. A voice spoke quietly for a few seconds, "NEver mind.. NSA has grabbed them.. I want print outs here. NOW!!!"

Master chief Ray walked in, "Sir.. I got ahold of Millington.. they wont do S#$% unless you personally..."

"Shut the F#$% up Master Chief," General Thurebreed spoke.. "Sir perhaps we should reconvene in say an hour.. Let me get my Lt's report condensed.."

"Holy S#$%," David responds.. "Your saying that Analytical overlay was the main defense.. Test subject 000-00-0001 responded by interpreting the data as test subjects mind saw fit."After a pause, "A successful link.. "

"I muddied the test results by accident sir.. Those are suspicions not verified by independent testing.."

"The namer Guesser took the," Dames stopped cold.. "Lt. Where is the rest of the research? How the h#$$ did you...."

"General.." Mattis spoke, "I am classifying all this need to know..Boys, this is not a secure enough line.  Get me your Lt.s Full report in say two hours.. I need solid proof to call off this attack..Carry on.." Mattis cut the line..

"All right snowflake," Thurebreed narrowed his eyes.. "Outline this Psychic warfare Crap for me!"


Looking fit to be tied, Master Chief came to attention. "Sir I hope we can work past our past differences.."

"Shut the F#$% up you A$$ kisser.. Lt. Colonel?"

Shutting the door, "General Thurebreed is using your template to brief his command staff and other theater's of operations General's on the basic's. He sounds like a d@#$ expert and fielding basic questions. It is official Lt." Lt. Colonel Simpson shook her head, "That was quick on having The command staff's lunch delivered.. How the hell did you do that?"

"I called up the Cooks and growled," McCawt grinned. "That and I let several of them off to their chief's non-official punishment.. That or it was brig time and hard labor.."

"McCawt," Simpson looks at the Master Chief..

"I am keeping him.. He is a worthless co#$ sucker, but their is no need for the General to go back on his orders. " McCawt was now an inch from the Master Chief's face, "I told you when you F#$%ed me that you would be saluting me one day.."

"Yes sir," Master Chief Ray stared forward..

"Now.. We need to get this crap up and running military style.. Master Chief.. Assemble the whole D@#$ Chief's mess and other branches E-7's and above..Say at about 1445.. I will not have any of the crap I had when I was in.." Seeing the look of hatred in the Master Chief's eyes, "That I will take.. You have an extra ten minutes to tell them the crap I am going to pull.."

"Aye sir," through gritted teeth.. "Senior NCO meeting at 1455.."

Master Chief Ray walked off trying not to blow his top..

"Lt. colonel.. Will you get me every O-2 and below down to warrant officer here.. I need to get them started on their Preparatory briefing Mam.."

Simpson had a look of doubt of her face, "You lying sack of S#$%.. Your gonna have the little officers run a surprise inspection.."

"Bikermama.. You want to find out about it and join them?"

Simpson grinned evilly herself, "Wouldnt miss it for the world.."

Two men in business suits walked up.. They flashed their badges, "Lt. McCawt.. Department of Homeland security.."

"We have been assigned as your new security detail by orders of President Trump.."

Taking thier badges and shaking his head, "Idiots.. Not you gentlemen.. S@#$.." Looking both men in the eye one at a time, "We have to do something first.. You have to change your dress. And yes I will give your people a complete copy of the brief I gave the General.."

Both DoHS agents went wide eyed with fear for a second.. "Lt.."

The other agent took a big sigh of relief, "Thank you Lt. McCawt. May I call that in?"

"No.. General then itemized for your department."

"Yokels," the Lt. colonel smiled as she walked off. "Carry out your plan as you outlined..Oh.. The general said next time you F#$% with him, he will have you shot."

"Yes mam.." After she walks away, "Tell your boss.. That I refused to help, but then tell his secretary you have the full report of the incident.. BEFORE you talk with him.."

Both men have confused looks on their faces..

Messages In This Thread
Birth of the Psi Lords: Part one - by Armonica_Templar - 02-18-2017, 02:07 AM
RE: Birth of the Psi Lords: Part one - by guohua - 02-18-2017, 04:44 AM
RE: Birth of the Psi Lords: Part one - by guohua - 02-24-2017, 04:42 AM

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