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Sit back, relax and spend the most amazing, incredible, bewildering 4 minutes of your

There is a man called Theo Jansen who, since 1990 has been creating "new forms of life".

Not in a lab, from DNA or pollen or genetics or alien spores.... but from plastic tubing and old coke bottles!

His "StrandBeest" are skeletal structures, made from the aforementioned items, powered by nature (the wind) and capable of capturing and storing energy from the environment, in the form of compressed air.
They have "wings" and/or sails whose motion in the wind drives various bicycle pumps up and down repeatedly pumping air into the sealed bottles.

Once the correct air pressure is reached, a valve releases the power of the compressed air into the limbs of the "Beest" and miraculously, hypnotically... it starts to walk!

Like a huge insect of some sort, rows of mechanical legs perform a magical Mexican wave of footsteps, propelling these creatures along the beach that they stand on.

It is Theo's ambition that these Beests will one day be "set free" to roam the beaches in herds!!

The technology behind this is superb, and it's simply jaw-droppingly amazing to watch.

I hope that you enjoy this as much as I do!

Theo Jansens StrandBeest.

More information at STRANDBEEST DOTCOM

kindest regards,

(PS - I'd love to see an "Inventions" forum in the Tech area!)

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Sit back, relax and spend the most amazing, incredible, bewildering 4 minutes of your - by gordi - 05-21-2016, 11:16 PM

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