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Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping Ramifications
Good. I've said time and time again, there are just too damned many people in this world, and the entire human race is genetically dumbing down over it. Average IQ's are dropping, because people are artificially being kept alive who would have, years ago, died from stupidity and taken their genes with them, and out of the gene pool. Yeah, I'm a harsh bastard, but survival sometimes requires harsh bastards, whether survival of individual families, nations, or the entire human race.

Years ago, I had a friend named Dave. he was killed in 1993, just one month after the birth of his third and last child. He used to be fond of telling me that "in the end, the wild will win", and the older I get, the more truth in that statement I see. Nature has a way of keeping things in check. The classic example is Alaskan Lemmings and their every-seven-year suicide march, when hundreds of thousands of lemmings, answering their overpopulation call, march en masse off of cliffs and into the sea, committing mas suicide. That works, in one form or another, for all species. Deer, for example, when they get overpopulated, eat all the forage available and die of starvation in droves because they didn't keep their libidos in check.

ALL species. Humans included.

I believe that is what we are seeing in operation with declining birth rates. There are now almost 8 BILLION people on this planet. Just in my lifetime, I have seen the world population increase by over 250 percent. That is more than 2 1/2 people gobbing up space that one person used to occupy. It couldn't go on like that forever without overloading the carrying capacity of the planet. Like deer overpopulation, humans would eventually starve out for lack or resources until the population got back down to manageable levels.

Nature has a number of mechanisms to combat that problem. War is one. Starvation another. In humans, psychology seems to be ruling that roost. People are fearful of the future now, and that is translating to waiting or forgoing having kids at all. Who wants to bring kids into an uncertain world where they may not survive?

I'm as susceptible as the next guy to that sort of pressure. My grand dad had 13 kids. My dad had 5. I had one, just replacing myself in the world. My brother had none. My son has 3 so far, so things may be looking up as far as demographic shifts go. My genes will stay in the pool for at least another generation, and probably more. With any luck, the shift will entail a concurrent rise in the species IQ as the dumber specimens are allowed to die off.

Africa, despite the high birth rate mentioned in the article, is not immune to the dictates of nature. They already have a fairly high barbaric penchant for killing one another off and an inability to feed themselves, and that will only get worse as resource pressures increase in response to rising populations there. 

Just look at Rhodesia. The natives were incapable of feeding themselves, and when white farmers came in and started producing more food, the population increased due to the higher standards of living. War broke out, lots of folks were killed, and the white farmers were either killed or deported, run off of their land, so that natives could take over the farms. Then the natives stopped farming the land, for lack of ability and will. They wanted native control, but did not have the foresight to realize that control of land means nothing if you are not doing anything with it. More people died. The economy went to hell. Now they are trying to get more white farmers to come back to feed the natives, but not many are taking up that call. They know what happened last time.  

Look for more African wars, prosecuted more ruthlessly, as population pressures increase. Also look for more massive migrations from Africa as Africans seek to leave there and take over new lands with new resources in their attempt to escape the overpopulation bomb of their own making.

Some of those lands they attempt to take over will be yours, and mine. Best get prepared for it, because it's coming.

In the end, the wild will win.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping Ramifications - by Ninurta - 05-25-2021, 06:51 AM

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