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Teen charged in death of 4 year old boy
A young, angry black teenage (adult) guy, likely raised in an environment that has him a victim of white oppression and that praises violence and illegal activities as problem solving solutions. The only path to manhood for this kid is street gang thuggery, violence and murder. Tie that in with extreme racism against non-black lives and this is how it plays out.

Now, add in a completely non-functional and broken white family that could be characterized as white trash. Were they living on the street, a condemned building or a drug house? They obviously had no concerns for the life of this four year old, if they did, the police would have been called in during or right after the home invasion and kidnapping.

Maybe the four year old was home alone and the black guy killed him in the room he was sleeping in then dragged him into the street. Maybe no adults showed up until a day or two later? Why hadn't any of the neighbors called the police when this happened or CPS long before hand? Who knows until the facts of this case come out into the open, but it sounds really bad all around.

The destruction of traditional American values and family lifestyle seem to be the main contributor to this type of incident. I blame the progressive liberals with their Gramsci communist game plan of "change from within" and their "Rules for Radicals" play book.

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RE: Teen charged in death of 4 year old boy - by Michigan Swamp Buck - 05-19-2021, 03:13 PM

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