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Detective Doctor or Why I Took My Cat To The Vet
Today was Mr. Worm's scheduled dental surgery.  The instructions were simple.  No food after 10:00 PM the night before and to drop him off between 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM.  I knew the no food part would be an issue as whenever the cat is hungry he lets the world know about it day or night.  I vaguely think I fell asleep after 3:00 AM somehow.  Three hours later I was awake as I set the alarm for 7:00 AM and always wake an hour before the set time.

Long story short - it took me about 30 minutes to catch him to put him in the pet carrier.  Once done and about to head out the door the carrier partially feel apart meaning additional searching for Mr. Worm after I fixed the carrier.

The vet called me twice during the day.  First to tell me what the plan was after examining Mr. Worm.  The second call was to tell me that they removed both fangs and 4 additional teeth.  At least one of these was broken in half, another cracked in two, as well as one that was just dangling.  So Mr. Worm has been going through a very unpleasant time with these poor teeth.

There was some additional surgery that was debatable as to it's need especially adding $200 to the bill.  That would be the removal of a small amount of root left when the teeth were removed.  She explained the good and the bad to me.  The good is that once the extractions healed over that it would prevent any possible pain left by the roots.  She was also hesitant to remove the root as Worm had been under for long enough at that time.   After considering his age and such I agreed that the roots could wait for another time, if any.

Mr. Worm was pretty doped up when I went to pick him up.  However once I set him down in the carrier at home he wasted no time getting out of it.  I left him alone to get used to being home without the threat of being put back in the carrier.  It took him 20-30 minutes tops before he was ready to come to my room and sit next to me on the floor to be my best buddy.  He has been drooling big time since home as the doctor said he would.  Now that it's been about 3 hours and his is happy on the top of the cat tree the drooling seems to have stopped.  

Further instructions are to feed him just a little today as well as limit water use too.  I set out some soft cat food in a broth to give him something once he was hungry.  This is where dad, all knowing king of the asses came in and gave him a bowel of ice water.  I emptied it out explaining how painful that could be on exposed roots and such.  The ass said that he has two years experience having teeth pulled and ice and milkshakes helped him.  There is a second bowel that just has water in it so I will limit blowing up.  However by cat food was not good enough according to dad so he added some canned tuna next to it.

It's just another reason I hate being here.

Hopefully by noon tomorrow (if dad stops feeding him) I can get an idea if Worm has eaten any as I am to call the vet if otherwise.
If I am not here then I am probably someplace else.

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RE: Detective Doctor or Why I Took My Cat To The Vet - by LookingForABetterLife - 08-13-2020, 01:42 AM

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