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Seattle, Wa. Do you think this is wise?
(07-27-2020, 10:15 AM)F2d5thCav Wrote:
Quote:"Yields results" is an understatement

One of the things about communist societies that is poorly understood (if understood at all) in the West, is that, after the violence ends, how utterly corrupt those societies become.

There is -no- social equality.  There are ordinary folks, the paid agents of the surveillance state, the officials of that state, and the top ring of the elite.  Each group lives better than the other, and anyone who is foolish enough to speak up about the injustice of the structure is jailed or 'disappeared'.

Because of that, each group that doesn't have all of the benefits seeks to better their situation via shortcuts and 'unofficial solutions' [read: bribes and favors].  Over years, that behavior becomes so ingrained in the group mentality that it is almost impossible to shake even when the communists lose power.

The communist style of government more or less permanently damages societies.  The former Warsaw Pact countries still live under the shadow of these effects.  Russia and Ukraine are incredibly corrupt; whether they eventually get away from that mentality is an open question.

We think we have problems with corruption in the USA.  Yes, there is a problem with corruption in the USA ... but we haven't seen anything yet.  Communism, in any form, is not a place a country wants to go, because, once there, there is no way back.


Quote:There are ordinary folks, the paid agents of the surveillance state, the officials of that state, and the top ring of the elite.  Each group lives better than the other, and anyone who is foolish enough to speak up about the injustice of the structure is jailed or 'disappeared'.

The ordinary folk are the majority, yet they are invisible. My family is very diverse. I don't see us as having any culture, outside of what I guess one would call, an American culture. When people are lumped into a culture tag that is attributed to anyone, strictly due to the color of a person's skin, it is racist and potentially deadly. It fertilizes prejudice, and encourages bigotry.

When people hear Black culture, they immediately think inner city ghettos, poverty, crime, guns and killing. Because that is the image the media fosters. Yet the people that live in those areas represent less than one percent of the people that identify as Black. When people hear Black culture, the don't think "The Huxtables". While all people that identify as Black don't live like the Huxtables or the Banks, they are closer to them than the inner city ghetto. You have far more Carlton Banks than thugs and gangstas, but they don't get as much air time and are invisible.

The chaos or supposed revolution that is being televised, does not benefit the majority. In fact in many places there are just as many Whites as Blacks involved in the rioting and destruction. The majority have homes, businesses, children, and aspirations that are just at much at risk. They don't get a pass because they are Black. The majority are actually the most vulnerable, because they are a perceived threat by both sides. Worse is that they have no voice. Neither side wants to hear what they have to say, and will put them down if they do speak up. Unfortunately some of them are being put down permanently. RIP has never brought anyone back.

I said when this insanity started, that all this crap, all of it, is a orchestrated. I have seen nothing that has changed my opinion, in fact I am more convinced then ever. The news and the media are distributors of confirmation bias. You can find information in almost any form you choose, to support whatever you already believe. I try to vet the information I get from the internet, and it is nearly impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff. They are ingenious at putting lipstick on a pig and dressing kings in nonexistent ermine. I try to keep myself focused on the reality that is around me. If the virtual world starts to bleed into my real world, then I will likely respond differently.

As far as the closing of jails, it has been done before. England sent them off to America and Australia. Cuba sent them to America. I am sure there are other countries that got their share at one time or another. I hear the Acrtic is available.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

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RE: Seattle, Wa. Do you think this is wise? - by NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-27-2020, 02:32 PM

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