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Ilhan Omar Calls For Dismantling American Economy And Political System
(07-08-2020, 09:26 PM)putnam6 Wrote:
(07-08-2020, 01:57 AM)senona Wrote: Her comment sounds sorta in line with what has been circulating by AOC.

There was a post, a picture of a tweet by AOC back in May, that looks legit and she says to tear the economy down so Trump can't win.

Of course, Facebook claims it to be false according to their so-called (biased) fact checkers.

Both of them are always coming up with crazy shit.

To add to that, what pisses me off are these rich fuckers a.k.a. politicians, playing their stupid games either due to it being election year or just because their way of thinking is fukked up, and the ones who are gonna pay for it are the American people and small businesses.

They do not care if Mom & Pop lose their business.
They do not care if millions of people lose their jobs.

The D.C. players simply do not give a shit about you or me.
They have money and are clueless as to the struggles that average Americans go through.

Democrats or Republicans, they are both the same.
All they care about are their agendas and money.


However, having said that, the Democrats are really upping the game with their continuous antics, creating fear whether it be the virus, riots, back to the virus, oh wait we are still in the first wave even though we told everyone that we were entering the second wave of coronavirus. Oh, the second wave will be way worse when it hits, be prepared. BTW, there may be a new pandemic on the horizon, coming from China. Something to do with swine. But wait, even tho we are telling the public it will be another pandemic, there have been no cases reported of it being transmitted from swine to humans.

O-M-G ..... just stop it already!!

Yes, it's the MSM reporting all this crazy bullshit, but it is the Dems who gives them the script to read. Smdh

Will have to admit, I will be glad when the election is over.
Guarantee half that shit will fade into the sunset.

Unless Trump wins.

Then it's gloves off from the Left, I'm afraid.

Oh what a year this has been, and we have the other half to go. (((big sigh)))

That's exactly what AOC said and it's definitely the Democrat mantra, remember at all costs? The left has been overrun, LOL hell some of the right has been overrun by self pretentious idiots who believe Karl Marx and Lenin are more right than our own forefathers the writers and signers of the Constitution.

Not to sound melodramatic but this election might be the last hope for our American dream and true freedom. 

Yes, I do worry about this election year more so than any other.

The Dems and MSM have thrown everything they can think of at Trump.

Then they took advantage of the coronavirus and made it into a pandemic, scaring the shit out of half the population when the impeachment didn't work.

Went from social distancing straight into the riots and protests over the death of GF without a worry about the virus.

Or at least not until the riots and BLM lost steam.
Now it's back to the virus.

So what is their next move????
THAT is what is worrisome.

At what costs will they go to make sure Trump does not get re-elected?

I guarantee they would gleefully sacrifice as many American's jobs and businesses if it meant getting goofy Biden into the Oval Office.

The Dems are already getting the MSM to say that the polls show Biden in a wide lead.
Of course, we know how their "polls" helped  Hillary in 2016. minusculerolleyes
Just saying.....LOL

And there are DC players on both sides of the aisle that want Trump out.
Trump is just not part of the Establishment, which means they cannot control him.
And they are very desperate to remove Trump.

So anyone want to guess what their next move will be?! LOL

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Ilhan Omar Calls For Dismantling American Economy And Political System - by senona - 07-11-2020, 04:53 AM

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