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The Reset

I  remember how some people used to say they could not wait for a total reset of civilization. They dreamed of the day when the people would rise up against some of the evil Governments, Banksters, or whoever they felt was oppressing them. Little did they realize that the reset would come from a place where few were looking or expecting. Most people were not even slightly aware of the new and real calamity that had been brewing for thousands of years; just waiting patiently and moving so slowly that only the most observant researchers could notice.. Those who spoke a warning were dismissed with the tired old phrases used on anyone who disagrees with the officially accepted and monied directed norm.

Hundreds of societies around the world were in disagreement with many of their government's official stances on a variety of subjects but what could they really do, for the citizens were busy just trying to make a living and survive. The people had been lied to, many times before, just so their government could instigate another tax scheme or cover their tracks in what most would consider wrong doing; more and more taxes was always the call with few exceptions while national security was a blanket cover for all wrong doing.

The actual reset caused Earth's climate to become more extreme with overall cooler summers and extreme winters. Rainfall patterns that mankind had become accustomed to for crop production changed all over the world causing food production to gradually become more problematic as farmers scrambled for water to irrigate their crops. It was cooler in many parts of the world so there was less evaporation thus less rain fall.

Pretty simple really, for you see all the hype about Global Warming, was one hundred and eighty degrees off target. The much anticipated reset for mankind actually became noticeable before the year 2000 but there was no money for new Carbon taxes with the truth, so the facts were ignored to help with the one world government tax scheme and the dreamed of, distribution of the world's wealth to the elite..

The Global warming crowd finally had to change their program from Global warming to Climate Change and finally to Climate Disruption for their computer models did not match what was actually happening on planet earth. These much touted computer models had proven time after time to reflect only their own computer creations and not actual observations or anything resembling the reality of what was currently happening to earth's climate. One big problem with the much advertised and spoken of global warming/disruption was even when using the most optimistic numbers, they showed only an .8 degree warming from 1900 until 1998. No matter, that was enough to stir some very smart thinkers into how they could make money and control the worlds population all in one brilliant propaganda psyop.

There was no funding for the few scientist using real (unadjusted for a political outcome) temperature data after 1998 and the obvious actual truths of the data collected. Even historical cycle data spanning thousands of years was ignored so their plans for the population and their insatiable appetite for money and power could continue .. Were certain areas of the earth hotter ? Of course they were; and of course those temperatures were reported all over the news while the record colds and snow fall was ignored or blamed on man made CO2 and Global warming, even when the snow was 20 feet deep for the first time in record keeping history around many places of the world.

Just to add, there was plenty of real hard science from ice core samples showing that in the last 400,000 years earth had been this warm or warmer 4 times and that during the Cretaceous period CO2 was at least six times higher than the present. When the continent of India and it's tectonic plate collided with the Chinese plate the resulting mountains that rose to over 30,000 feet caused much rock erosion. This erosion sucked most of the CO2 out of the atmosphere and placed it into the oceans of the world thus depleting the Cretaceous CO2 to a level of less than 150 PPM. Big ice age followed !

We are now in a warm period of a very cold cycle and as luck would have it with all the CO2 we as a species have added to the atmosphere has helped our global temperatures remain more or less stable for the last 10,000 years with brief interludes of severe cold and heat. The added CO2 enabled our avoidance of the already scheduled ice age; that was until 1998. There were indications that this balance was not to last, for the earths orbit and axial tilt overcame all the added CO2 of the last 5000 years.

Some scientist warned and put forth put forth the theory that without the CO2 that had been added we would already be seeing glaciers covering most of the northern latitudes, but their theories and warnings fell on deaf ears regardless of the historical data..

Long term climate and weather was complicated due to what some would call the noise or normal fluctuations in temperature and water vapor in the atmosphere which skewered the short term data collection, however the trends were showing a cooling.

As usual, historical facts did not further the agenda nor satisfy the brain washed masses or highly funded mouth pieces on both sides of the argument.

Geo-politically speaking the Communist Party no longer ruled China. In its place was a plutocratic-military regime known as the Peoples Committee. Out of this Chinese 100 man committee there was one chosen to lead the country. This chosen leader could be removed by a simple popular vote by the remaining 99. Xio Shou Li Ping was the current committee head and he was the one smart, totally ruthless, leader that was chosen to lead the Chinese to their proper place and stature in world events..

Shortly after Ping's rise to power China severed all its ties with the U.S. to include recalling their Ambassador. Stock markets all over the world crashed over night, which the Chinese knew would happen. Their reasoning had been along the lines of, “America was a declining empire, which was holding China back from vital access to sea lanes and energy resources,” much as Japan had once thought; which had led to the USA getting into WW2 after the attack of Pearl Harbor. Also with China's economy in serious trouble even before the stock market crash, the Committee deemed it better to bring all the focus on an external source (USA/NATO) for their problems, than anything internal.
The Chinese had watched many leaders of western countries always blame someone else for their countries problems, which seemed to mollify their citizens, so why not emulate ? The Chinese committee members were very far sighted but could also grasp a new idea and turn it to their advantage. In China the blame game was working quite well with the stirring up of Chinese pride and resentment of anyone who would stand in the way their preordained and destined greatness.

With the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” philosophy, China launched a surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet, resulting in its near total destruction; Russian aircraft and Submarines assisted in the attack and made sailing even from the opposite East coast of America a very risky proposition for U.S. Fleet operations. Russia had been a declining power for more than three decades while at the same time China had emerged as a global giant with both economical and militarily clout. The legacy of these two empires left each feeling they should be playing (bigger and better) major roles in world affairs. China had the lead and Russia chose to follow as the thinking was, “America and Nato would be squeezed between their hammers (industrial production) and beheaded with their sickles (their combined military might)..Old cymbals which still rallied their populations.

Threats of Nuclear retaliation were just that, empty threats, for Russia and the Chinese Committee were both very forth coming in their statements that as soon as the first American nuke or ICBM was used they would both fire on previously targeted U.S. Cities and infrastructure. Even the America military leaders after careful consideration advised against starting a nuclear war when most their communications, GPS navigation systems and high tech navigation assets were now totally useless.

This was all due to the undisclosed Chinese and Russian spaced based offensive laser weapons which had targeted most of the western satellites and methodically destroyed almost all of their targets in the first two hours of this new conflict. The NATO powers had these weapons too ever since Reagan’s SDI days, but they were targeted and destroyed before any could even be used.
So much for international treaties, No ?

So, with America's spy and GPS satellites destroyed during the opening of the war the U.S. and allied fighting forces had basically been brought back to an almost WW2 level of command and control. The USA/NATO tried launching new spy satellites but they were shot down by Russian or Chinese ASAT (Anti-satellite weapons) before they even achieved a stable orbit. Then the launch sight was destroyed and all near by support facilities.

Messages In This Thread
The Reset - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:40 AM
RE: The Reset - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:41 AM
RE: The Reset - by 727Sky - 06-02-2016, 03:43 AM

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