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The not so Free Press: Tales of Andros's walkabout VI

Dweller took a deep breath as he walked up to his work..

"Mr. Dweller," An older hispanic male smiled and held the door..  Several people in security with blacked eyes glared but looked away, "They are waiting for you in the bull pen.." The older hispanic man handed Dwelling an id with press credentials, "Take the main elevator.. "

Seeing a familar red cross, "Eli.. You.."

Whispering as Dwelling took the press pass, "Your wife is safe sir.. We are on the job.." Going loud, "John wants you upstairs immediately.."

"I am just the IT guy," Dwelling leaned over.. "The blacked eyes?"

"They tripped and ran into door knobs Mr. Dwelling.." Putting his hand on Bart's shoulder, "Their friend took a vacation to arizona.."

Dweller nodds his head and whispered back, "Let me know if you need to bury any bodies.. " Looking at the security guards, "I got a new shovel.. Needs some testing for quality control.."

Eli laughed as Bart walked up to the ID scanner.. 

Taking out the new ID and running it, "S#$%.." It popped open quickly, "My old ID had to be ran.." Dwelling shakes his head at the guards, "You good people are pricks.."

A young intern comes out of an elevator, "Mr. Dwelling.." She quickly looks over the off the rack suit and shakes her head, "I am your new assistant.. Bambi Frons.. You dress like a commoner. I mean.."

Several other beat reporters shook thier heads and got out of Dwellers way, "What is their deal.. We.."

"Sir.. Mr. Murdoch is chewing out the editor.. They want you upstairs NOW," Bambi is dressed slightly conservative and slightly slutty.. He natural black hair looks perfect as the elevator doors shut, "I .. I want to take this oppurtunity to.. To thank you Mr. Dweller.. After what happened at my last internship I thought I was done in this industry.. I will do my best to make sure you are presentable.."

"You .. I chose you," Dweller looked forward catching the confused looked before it crossed his face.. "What.. What is wrong with my suit?"

"Nothing sir.. " Bambi swallowed hard, "I.."

Hitting the stop button, "Listen.. I have .. I do NOT want a yes man for my secretary.. Personal assistant whatever the PC title is.. "

Tears fell down Bambi's face.. She went down to her knees, "I understand sir.. I will do.."

Jumping back, "Child.. Look at me.. I.. No.. Stand up.. That is not what I want.." Looking down at the assistant as he stuck a hand out, "I want my coffee running freely.. With bottles of water every so often.. It may sound sexist, but I need to be kept as free as possible.. Get up child.. I am faithfully married.."

Taking Dweller's hand confused, "You said on the phone we would be working long hours.." Embarassed, "Oh.. You litterally meant long hours.. Working.. I.."

Facing forward, "We will talk later." Not variating his tone, "Lets go over what we talked about.."

Hitting the button as Bambi copies Dweller, she goes over quickly the basics of the conversation.. "I misunderstood.. You said I was green but you thought my record showed I had potential.. My.."

"Lass.. Whatever happened in the past.. Learn.."

"Learn from it and grow from it," Bambi smiled.. "You actually meant it sir.. Said it was your catch phrase.." The redness left Bambi's cheeks, "That accent is cute.. Sir.. You seem a little different.."

"I am going to beat that little SOB to death with my bare hands.. Schedule it for me my dearie," As the door opened Dwelling saw the looks from the first floor reporters.. "Yes sir.. I am going to.. Make a note Mrs. Frons .."

One of the men swallowed hard, "Mr. Dwelling.. They are waiting for you.." Shaking his head, "You could have dressed better.."

Bambi stepped out first, "Bill right.." Bambi smiled, "Mr. Dwelling did not ask for your opinion.. " Leaning forward, "Get the F#$5 out of the way.."

Bill stepped back as Bambi walked out.. Dwelling followed, "Mrs. Frons.."

Bambi walked over to an older looking man waiting outside of the office, "Johnathan.. " Bambi smiled politely at the old school looking reporter, "Johnathan Admas.. May I borrow your tie.."

Surprised she knew his name, "Mam.."

"Mr. Dwelling needs it to look more blue collar instead of .." Taking a deep breath, "Instead of mixing styles.."

"My tie is fine," Dwelling was a little mad..

Admas smiled and losened his tie, "Son.. She is right.. I was surprised when you called me last night.." As the two men shook hands, "Put it on.. Better to be what you are with the Ivy league types then a mix.."

"I am going to skin him alive," Dweller shook his head.. "Johnathan.. You are the old PI .. I fixed your computer for you.. "

As he helped Bambi put his tie on Dweller," You brits have a weird sense of humor.. I can look into those cases you asked me to.. I appreciate you going to bat for me bossman.. I can live working for a blue collar reporter.."

Dweller shook his head, "Little A$$hole.. Ican form my own team.." Trying to straighten his tie, "I.. Screw it.." Dwelling opens the door quickly, "You needed to.."

Rupert Murdoch had a very unhappy look on his face, "I have kept my end of the bargin.. Mr. Dwelling has been promoted with his staff of his chosing" Murdoch spoke to someone not on the camera, "Now.. Tell the chair to stop the investigations from all seventeen countries.. Please un freeze my personal accounts.. I would like to put fuel in my car.. And pay my household staff.. And refill my refridgerators.."

The voice spoke, "The loyal opposition.." Everyone turned and looked at Dweller, "Mr. Murdoch.. Why are you upset.. What If I told you that man will earn you more then five times what you pay him.."

"Really Mr. Lynch.. He is not a trained reporter.. How is he going to produce copy," Murdoch shook his head..

"Not at first.. God. We walk dogs, not on water.." Lynch's voice was firm, "At first he will ghost write articles for your post, copy, click, fake net news title.. It will take time but.. The people wit dem fancy degrees will be used like little B#$%^es.. Every story he writes that you select someone to post will be verified and accurate.. You wont have to double check his sources.. Honesty above reproach.. Hell you will be able to use pretty bimbos and cute country boys with no brains.. "

Murdoch narrows his eyes, "I still do not like this.."

"We could just kill you and replace you with a body double.. Mr. Dweller is more valuable in his position as senior copy writer then you are as a billionaire to us.." Lynch coldly states, "He is the free press.. If your nice and ask him he already has two stories on tap he has been following.." 

"John," Dweller whispers..

Unhappily , "Let me see what stories he has.. Mr. Murdoch.." John takes a deep breath, "Sir.."

"It is allright John,"Lynch speaks.. "Let me be clear.. Mr. Murdoch has enemies.. VERY powerful enemies.. You will not interfer with MR. Dweller.. Mr. Murdoch has nothing else to say," The transmission was cut..

John glared at Dweller, "All right Mr. I have friends.. Prove to me that you are worth being one of my reporters.."

Bambi hands a couple of printed sheets from a breif case she had picked up, "Mr. Dweller.."

John takes the papers before Bart can look them over.. Reading them John goes wide eyed, "Are you serious? " 

Bart has a confused look on his face. Not wanting to blow this, "Which story did she hand you first.. We were rushed to get here.."

One of the pissy reporters started looking over Johns shoulder, "Wait.. A massive Price Fixing scandal.. JP Morgan and.. Holy S#$%.. You cant be serious it.."

"Your sources," John sits down.. "This has to go to a major publication.. Aluminium Price fixing.." Looking at the reporter, "Go pretty this up.. " John Drums his fingers, "Ok.. Mr. Senior Copy writer.. I want to verify your sources.."

"That.. That is," Bart looks at the paper and sees the hand written notes are not in his hand writing.. "A work in progress sir.. I.."

"No need to be bashful.. Ok.. I see why your friends picked you.. Let me talk with the Times.. You will ghost write with Wilfred here.. We will pass it to them.." Seeing a pissed off look on Wilfred's face, "This is good.. If anyone ask.. You did this Wilfred.. We need to ease Dweller in with the boys.."

"Sir.." Wilfred was pissed, "He is not a journalist.. He is the IT guy.."

"Not anymore.. This is good material.. " John sighed, "Do you have a better story? Better Copy? No.. Then shut the F#$5 up.. Think Wilfred.. His friend is threatening our boss.."

"Listen.. Wilfred.. It is not me.." Bart pauses, "It is what I want.. Lets go to your office and talk.. You can help me get this to sound more like the idiot they picked to be our talking dog.."

"Our," Wilfred saw Bart's outstretched hand.. "God D@#4 Brit.." Shaking his head, "Allright.. You have tell me what is going on.."

"I am not sure what is going on.. I need your help finding out.. Your a a self righteous prick, but you are a good investigative reporter.." Dweller looks at John, "If you want I can tell you what I.."

"No," John spoke clearly.. "H#$$ to the F#$% no.. Get out of my office.."


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RE: The not so Free Press: Tales of Andros's walkabout VI - by Armonica_Templar - 10-29-2017, 08:58 AM

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