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The Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ...
(12-07-2016, 12:43 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: This article states it has proven that the capital of Atlantis was the Antarctic....

Uhm. I'm a bit confused.
The Antarctic covers an area of about 5,400,000 Square miles (Almost twice the size of Australia).

How can it be the "capital" of Atlantis?

Do they mean that Atlantis actually is/was Antarctica and that it's capital lies in line with Greenwich??

The idea that Atlantis was located in the Antarctic region has been proposed several times before.
Geologically, the Antarctic wasn't always a frozen wasteland, and it has definitely experienced a more temperate climate several times in it's existence (Millions of years ago).

My suspicions lie somewhere near Grace's. That our own predecessors were MUCH more advanced than given credit for.
I think that it's likely that we've had several rises and falls in population & technological advancement in the distant past which have all previously ended very badly. Either through natural disaster (Meteor strike?) or by unnatural means (Nuclear War?)
In either scenario, the human population would have been almost completely wiped out. the few remaining survivors would VERY QUICKLY return to basic hunter/gatherer mode in order to survive.

Think about what would happen today if 99.99% of the population was wiped out and the Earth scorched by meteor fire or nuclear fallout.
The power would go out.
The tap water would stop flowing and/or be contaminated.
Food and Fresh water would become scarce.
People would immediately turn on each other as soon as they realised it was "dog eat dog".
We would soon run out of ammunition for our guns & Fuel for our cars.
Could we maintain any modern shelter that had survived, without power tools etc?
After just a few short years, maybe even months, we'd be back at square one.
Sheltering in caves, wearing furs, learning how to make flint axes.
The knowledge about advanced technology would quickly be lost.
Priority would be Water, Food, Shelter, and so we'd try and start over...

It is possible that SOME people "in the know" made preparations to survive the disaster.
Built great pyramids or hid in deep underground tunnels to ride out the worst of it, and later sought out the other survivors, to gather them and teach them how to survive.
Doesn't every ancient civilisation have a version of Jesus, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, or similar?
The teacher and bringer of wisdom in a time of sorrow, who appears out of nowhere like a god with all of this knowledge of how to help the people to survive, and co-exist.
The Atlanteans could have been such teachers who survived into the early part of THIS cycle of civilisation?
With tales and possibly even ancient maps of the old world before the cataclysm?
These may have been stored away and even copied (like the Piri Reis version) before being lost or hidden away from us again.

I don't know exactly where Atlantis was, but I do think that it's very likely it existed.
I have even come across an amazingly different theory that it was located off the west coast of Scotland (In the Atlantic!) and that the survivors landed in the Scottish Islands called The Hebrides (and that is where the Biblical "Hebrews" comes from!!) but that is for a different thread on a different day.

kindest regards,

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RE: The Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ... - by gordi - 12-08-2016, 03:19 PM

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