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The Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ...
So, yes there is an awful lot of evidence for your article.
Here is another good Source I think.

Quote:There is an awful lot of information out on the Internet about a lost city under a sheet of ice in Antarctica, but so much of the information is totally bogus, so it’s often hard discern the true from the false.
To date, I’ve done two posts dealing with what may or may not be located on the icy continent, and both posts have been wildly popular. Perhaps the reason for their popularity is the approach I take towards these types of subjects.
I try to stick what IS known, and draw what conclusions I can from there. Provided whatever story we’re talking about doesn’t contradict what is already known for certain, then it stands to reason that the story could be possible, right?

First, let’s determine what information IS known about Antarctica that is independent of the story below that shines a new light on the possibility of a lost arctic civilization. When it comes to the Antarctic, the truth could very well be far more interesting than any of the silly stories made up anyway. This post will be laid out as follows:

1. Is there any existing evidence we already know about that shows there was once something living on modern day Antarctica? 

2. If evidence DOES exist, or there is something to suggest the Antarctic was once inhabited, put the evidence into context

3. What previously rumored stories or hypothesis align with these new findings?

4. What is the new evidence that was recently discovered?
 [Image: NASA.jpg]

As luck would have it, in one of my previous posts on the Antarctic titled, Ruins of an Ancient City With a Storied Past Surface in Antarctica, in addition to discussing the “possibility” that there might be ancient pyramids under the ice, I discussed other pieces of information that are not speculative, some of which is FAR more unusual than if there is a lost city or pyramids under the ice. One of those other pieces of information I’m referring to is the existence of what is called the Piri Reis Map. 

The Piri Reis Map, is a map of Antarctica that has existed in some form or another since before the time when Christ walked the earth. Research has since confirmed that the version of the map in existence today is a genuine document that was drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet during the sixteenth century. The copy of the map made by Piri Reis was said to have been created using other source maps that were still available at the time. 

What makes the Piri Reis Map such a baffling mystery that even Albert Einstein was completely stumped by, is that the map depicts Antarctica under the ice sheet to sheer perfection, something that should be impossible because it’s been millions of years since there was no ice sheet, and mankind hasn’t been n existence for anything even close to millions of years. Check out the following video about the Piri Reis map from a post titled, What Secrets Does One of the Oldest Maps On Earth Tell Us? Plenty! 

Quote:Here ’s what we know: Either humans had some means to fly in 1513, and whatever they were flying had ground penetrating radar, or something about earth and mankind’s history we’ve been taught is NOT correct. 
So, if mankind wasn’t here to make the original version of the map, who or what was, and why don’t we know more about it? Or do we? You might want to check out:Everything We Have Been Taught About Human Origins Is a Lie
I'd say we've been Lied To!
Quote:At this point, the matter of who or what you think could have made the map I assume depends on your religious persuasion, or lack there of. I make the assumption if you’re religious, then you’ll probably subscribe to the teachings of the Bible, and if you’re not religious, you’ll probably subscribe to the ancient astronaut theory. If either of those sounds too far fetched for you, just remember, two things are certain:

1. Man was not flying with ground penetrating radar in 1513

2. Man wasn’t here at all millions of years ago

SOMETHING has to explain the map. 
 OK, now this article starts to get into the book of Genesis and Enoch and the Giants and it get's to complicated to post here, it'd be better if I gave you all the source and you read it and look at the other video and followed his Links.
Mystic you may enjoy this.

Now I've followed his article and his links and watched his videos and he has a very convincing story.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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RE: The Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ... - by guohua - 12-07-2016, 04:44 AM

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