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Lunar Pits Harbor Comfortable Temperatures
Just blows my mind people actually get paid, and research gets funded, to study this (almost) irrelevant type of thing.  As if the 'felt-temperature' on the Moon presented some sort of a relevant barrier to Moon exploitation, when it really doesn't in comparison; it's essentially irrelevant.  The 'felt' temperature on the Moon is WAY down the list of things which are barriers/obstacles to space / Moon exploration.  Just goes to show you brilliant how P.T. Barnum really was!

Leaving the thermal dynamics of heating, cooling and thermal transfer aside for a moment (which render the study moot), other, far larger, obstacles face a humanoid Moon-ites.  Things like, oh I dunno, maybe the near-complete LACK OF ATMOSPHERE, extreme exposure to cosmic radiation, and the destructive effects of massive amounts of ultraviolet radiation (among other types of radiation) are but a few of the much larger concerns.  And, while ultraviolet radiation may be mitigated somewhat in the shade of a crater, other types of radiation would still be present.  Furthermore, just the seemingly simple matter of dealing with dust becomes a massive problem on the Moon!  Lunar dust gets into/onto everything, and with no atmosphere to control it, it gets stirred up by the slightest movement.  The abrasive effects of this dust go to work almost immediately on anything like seals and gaskets, optical equipment and virtually anything which moves.  It's a HUGE problem!

[Image: PHOTO-4-APOLLO-17-SUITS-WITH-DUST-768x769.jpg]
(Pictures of some of the Apollo 17 gear stowed in a locker after a Moon excursion.  The Apollo 17 astronauts spent just over 22 hours on the surface during (3) Lunar excursions.

But hey, at least it'll be a balmy 63 degrees F while the Moon-o-nauts lay gasping for air, at least for a few minutes, as they wait in agony while their blood comes to a boil!

<shaking head>

ETA - Here's a great article from '20 which just scratches the surface...

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RE: Lunar Pits Harbor Comfortable Temperatures - by FlyingClayDisk - 07-30-2022, 03:34 PM

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