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Soros is Busing In 'PAID PROTESTERS' for Nationwide Anti Trump Protests
Soros isn't only paying people to instigate riots across the country to protest Trump's win in the election, but he appears to be offering luxurious housing to the leader of the BLM.  His goal is to divide the country with whatever means possible so Martial Law can be declared before Trump takes office.

BLM Leader’s Home Owned by Soros Open Society Institute Board Member

Quote:BLM Leader’s Home Owned by Soros Open Society Institute Board Member
[Image: DeRay_Mckesson_arrested-680x365.png]
[Image: share-knowledge.png]

Soros’ dirty money has been actively buying protestors to raise a ruckus at Trump rallies and now there is overwhelming evidence that he is the Puppet-master of the BLM movement, a group that over 100,000 have petitioned the White House to have declared as a terrorist organization.

Another person Soros appears to have on his corrupt payroll is #BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay Mckesson, who claims he is all about “leading a grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice”.  Yet his quest for income equality does not jive with his living situation. 

DeRay lives in a mansion owned by wealthy supporters of Soros’ Open Society Institute, James and Robin Wood.
The supporter of the poor and disenfranchised lives up a tree-lined drive, on beautiful Maryland acreage. 
The home is palatial, private and surrounded by woods.  His living situation is not at all like those he claims to represent living in the in the ghettos through out the nation.

The man of the hour for the #BlackLivesMatter movement is DeRay Mckesson.  A recent guest at a White House summit,  Mckesson claims to represent the “grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice”, while living in grandeur himself, in all likelihood thanks to George Soros.

Quote:Mckesson lives in a home owned by philanthropists James and Robin Wood in Baltimore, Maryland.
It’s the same address he used when declaring his residency on his campaign committee registration form for his failed mayoral run in the city’s Democratic primary earlier this year.
The Woods have owned the home since 1996 and are wealthy donors to the Baltimore chapter of George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

There is no information on what, if any, rent Mckesson pays on his home.  Interestingly, if you use Google Street View to look at the house, all you see is a leafy drive leading up to a home out of view from the street.  The sort of house you might expect a philanthropist to own.

[Image: 196829_5_.png]

Update: Here’s an aerial view (on the right):

[Image: 196830_5_.png]

Mckesson is not exactly hurting for income:

Quote:On Monday, the Balimore Sun reported the 31-year-old agitator Mckesson is making a handsome salary courtesy of Baltimore school district taxpayers.
In his new role, Mckesson is earning a salary of $165,000 as the district’s third chief of human capital in two years, and manage of a budget of $4 million and 56 employees.
After being appointed last month, Mckesson said he was ready to get to work.
“At its core, this role is about finding great people, matching them to the right role, and helping them to develop and experience careers in the service of our kids,” he said. “I am excited to return to city schools … and to continue doing the work to ensure that every child in Baltimore City receives a world-class education.”

Fortunately, the Baltimore government shcools are performing so brilliantly that he is able to take time away.

McKesson’s hypocrisy looks much like most of the wealthy progressives,  self-righteously speaking of helping humanity while taking advantage of the system that allows them to capitalize on the plight of the poor.
Not hurting for money or a place to live, the “31-year-old agitator Mckesson is also pulling handsome paycheck courtesy of Baltimore school district taxpayers”.

Quote:In his new role, Mckesson is earning a salary of $165,000 as the district’s third chief of human capital in two years, and manage of a budget of $4 million and 56 employees.

It is not what you know, but who you know and McKesson seems to know Soros.  As Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his show this past week, “The largest benefactor of Black Lives Matter is George Soros.” Mckesson’s role within the movement seems to guarantee that he is benefiting from Soros.

Source: American Thinker


Being that Soros is one of the top Globalist Elite, I think it will be very hard to get rid of him!  We just need to open our eyes and pay attention to what's going on.  If it is anything to cause disorder and chaos, then it's probably Soros behind it. Don't take part! ( see my thread on this topic ) 

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RE: Soros is Busing In 'PAID PROTESTERS' for Nationwide Anti Trump Protests - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-14-2016, 06:34 PM

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