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Doomsday ‘Preppers’ Warn of Hard Times Ahead As Preparedness Goes Mainstream
That reminds me, I still need to get a couple of toilet seats for stock and two flush valves for the toilets.  I should also get a spare voltage regulator for the tractor and an extra set of points and a coil. 

I already have a decent food pantry, we can't really expand it much more because we cannot rotate much more.  I have enough food in stock to supply the wife and I and the two daughters and their kids and the granddaughters family for about three months with a little left over if my brother needs some.  That supply includes the fact that we will be able to buy limited amounts of foods, if that is not available, maybe two months at most if nobody wastes much.  That is for sixteen people, it takes a lot of food to feed sixteen people for a month.  It also means we will have smaller meals too. 

We still need to get more powdered milk and crystal eggs, maybe we will have to get a few chickens for eggs too.....but that means we have to stock chicken foods if we do that.

I need to get some fertilizer for the gardens, I hope it isn't too expensive now.  Should have stocked up on that a year ago.  One twenty five pound bag usually lasts us about three years.

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RE: Doomsday ‘Preppers’ Warn of Hard Times Ahead As Preparedness Goes Mainstream - by rickymouse - 04-02-2022, 05:24 AM

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