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BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary
John Hogue has been predicting the winning Pres. candidate correctly since 1968.  He says he has always seen Clinton as the first woman president, but he says the stars show that Turmp and Hillary will be running neck and neck in this race, and it's a "wait and see" as to who the winner is. However, he is still sticking with what his oracular predicts, and going with Hillary being the winner.   tinycrying

But... we still have hope...

Quote:Yes, this may all be just an alternative future with Trump in the final round with Clinton that never was. If that’s so, the RNC Convention props up whatever corporately approved hack will not win against Clinton. That’s because the majority will have voted—not the people mind you—the majority corporate interests will by this summer begin spending far more money as their “free speech” thanks to Citizens United making that speech “freer” than human American speech. More “free by fee” than the divided and hollowed out Republican corporate sympathizers can summon. No one but Trump has a shot at stopping her victory. That’s my oracular call.

Quote:Maybe at last I will be wrong after choosing the winner of every presidential election since 1968 and my 12 and 0 winning streak ends in this astrologically bananas year. I can laugh at slipping on that banana peal. It would be a new experience.

Not even the stars know which way this is going to turn out!   tinysurprised

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RE: BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-07-2016, 04:28 PM

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