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Nothing or Something:A Cemetery Story
(03-31-2022, 11:32 PM)guohua Wrote: Yes My Friend, you are one of the few who can feel the presence of Spirits.
You can probably see movement out of the corner of your eye or movement in front of you to quick to focus on.

You're a Sensitive and there is nothing wrong with that.
Spirits can feel it and well be attracted to you, often just for your company or again some Spirits will try and communicate with you, a quick Buzzing sound in your head or a feeling of Heaviness.

Nothing to fear, Spirits cannot Harm you or anyone and they don't want to harm you.

Believe it or not, some Spirits like to be in the presence of their current Family Members.

Demons are real, yes. But it is VERY Unlikely you or anyone you know will ever encounter a Demon, they are not of this World or Dimension.
They are from our Far, Far, Far Past when the Nephilim died, sense they were Half Alien (Gods) and Half Human and Normally Not Sane or Not Hospitable in life so also in Spirit form.

They are normally found in the Outdoors, woods and deserts and old regions of our Earth.

Edited to add.
You can tell them to leave you alone or leave your house, just be Stern and they will.
Or you can surround yourself with a Warm White Light and you'll be Protected from anything Negative, that is what I do.

I wish I would have known you years ago so you could have told me this. I wouldn’t have spent so many years being fearful. I’m happy to be reading it now. It’ll help a lot for those times I still feel uneasy.

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RE: Nothing or Something:A Cemetery Story - by VioletDove - 03-31-2022, 11:55 PM

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