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(03-26-2022, 08:17 PM)VioletDove Wrote: If we ever had control over the complete abilities of our brain, then we really would be supper humans. Or stark raving mad.

It would be fun taking a walk with you so you could point out everything I miss lol! 

I often wonder about the brain. It is a a mysterious thing.

Yeah the brain can seem tricky at times.

The down side is, I may see what you miss, but you may also see something that I miss. Weird thing is sometimes I am looking right at something. I know it is something, but there is a delay in when my brain finally decides what it is.

Sometimes I have to give it more data to work with, so I may have to get closer to it, shed a little light on it, or remove some of the light, before the brain will pull the right item from my data bank.

The eye anomaly, also helps me see well in the dark. I see much better in low light than bright light, which is not a bit helpful when driving at night, if folks are driving with bright lights. Not having to deal with street lights is a blessing out here in the woods.

I love to walk. My neighbor that walks with me regularly, laughs at me all the time. She says that my poor brain is at max speed all the time, and her brain gets tired just trying to keep up.

My vision is a gift and a curse. Sometimes I am embarrassed and people think I am drunk, because I walk into glass doors all the time. But I have to laugh it off, and just add a new bruise to the count for the day.

I will also share that I see things that some other people have a bit of trouble seeing, every once in a while. The thing about that that I find interesting, is that my Mother can always see it, even when others can't.

It must be in the beans.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

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