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Some serious dirt on Clinton
(10-18-2016, 04:02 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:
(10-18-2016, 03:27 AM)Ninurta Wrote: More bullshit. As much as I hate Hillary, and would like for this to be so, Cathy O'Brien (whom I may be related to) is nuttier than a goddamned fruitcake, and not even a shadow of a reliable source.

Nope, if you're looking for a smoking gun, keep looking.

Ninurta, I respect your opinion... most of the time, but I have to disagree with you on this one. 

I've talked with people who were involved in the MKUltra Program when I was looking for people for the radio show. The people involved in that put kids through all kinds of torture, and being forced to have sex is a major part of it. 
I became interested in researching MKUltra after speaking with these people, and I've posted several threads in the past about the evil that the Illuminati members inflict on others.

The Clintons belong to that program, along with Reagan, both the Bush boys, and also Mr. Obummer.  We have been under their evil leadership for decades and decades now, while they work on the agenda to get the NWO up and running.

Cathy Obrien is a credible witness in my opinion, and many others just like her that tell the same story. Yes, it sounds far-fetched and unbelievable, but the evil that exists in these organizations IS unbelievable!  We, as descent human beings, don't want to believe that such evil exists, but it does, unfortunately. 
I've heard some people say that they were made to attend a sacrifice of a baby, then eat it.  Wrap your mind around that one! tinywhat

And now we have yet another one of these evil people wanting to lead our country!  smallfit

We can't allow that to happen! 

Just think for a moment... What if Cathy is telling the truth? 

What if?

Do you really want to influence the public by saying she is lying when her testimony could make a major difference in how the people vote? 

I'm not trying to trick anyone.  I believe Cathy, and I think the public needs to hear her story. smallnotamused

That's fine - believe as you will. I personally do not believe her, but I'm not here to change your mind. Project Monarch, as she describes it, is fictional, the product of a diseased mind. Now, that's probably not Cathy's fault, as she likely did suffer some sort of trauma which led her off into a fantasy world. For that reason, I need to stress that I don't believe she is "lying", because lying would imply she is telling a tale she does not believe to be true. I think instead she's telling a tale that, while she believes it, exists only in her mind.

Now, I've previously mentioned that I've had experience with the Blue Butterfly Tattooed Girls, but what I didn't mention is that I was married to one. She also had a history with cocaine, just as Cathy does. She was also nutty as a fruitcake, and told some real whoppers like Cathy does, none of which proved to be true - but she believed the tales with every fiber of her being, so she was not "lying" per se, she just had a really tenuous grasp on truth.

She also had the Blue Butterfly pretty prominently tattooed on her, but it was only visible in certain states of undress. At one time, I was fairly well convinced she might be telling the truth, and that she was probably sent to monitor me for reasons I won't go into here, but as it turned out she wasn't, and she was just ape shit batty. The men in the Grey Flannel Cammies WERE sent to monitor me, but they were pretty unobtrusive, only seen occasionally for about a week at a time staking out the house before they disappeared for a year or so, only to reappear for a week or so the next time. The only time they were not unobtrusive was once when I fell off the radar for a bit longer than they liked, and they started bothering folks who had known me before, trying to find out my location. That was pretty overt, With door knocks and home visits and whatnot, but they faded back into the shadows of their SUVs once they thought they had me found and accounted for. I saw them 7 times during the course of that marriage - which is what made the connection for me that she might have been sent to monitor, but then if she had, they wouldn't have had to do their checkups in person, now would they?

Now, that wife had a firm idea of where I was when I fell off the radar for that period of time, yet the men in the Gray Flannel Cammies elected to pay home visits to folks who had known me long before to try and get a grip on my whereabouts, so obviously she was NOT there to monitor, or they wouldn't have had to do that, either.

Her stories were not at all unlike Cathy's tales, and they nearly all fell apart under investigation, just like Cathy's do - and yes by God I investigated them. Some people damned near died because of them - there again, I won't go into details... but they nearly all turned out to be complete and unadulterated bullshit.

Ask yourself this - if Cathy's tale were true, and given the track record of the Clintons for eliminating with extreme prejudice folks who tell on them, why is Cathy still able to speak, and not in a shallow grave in the Arkansas woods? If she's telling facts on these powerful people, not just the Clintons, how is it she is still breathing?

I'll admit that some of those gals can tell a powerful tale and make a believer out of nearly anyone - but when you dig into it, you start asking yourself just how you fell for such a line of crap... and you hope you don't become a target of their BS tales, which in the end I unfortunately did for a while, but as nearly as I can tell it's all sorted out now. Maybe the guys in the Gray Flannel Cammies had a hand in that sorting, I dunno - I think they knew that it would be a bad day for all to push my back to the wall, or maybe they just figured I'd earned my time out to pasture these days. I dunno, but either way it all seems to have blown over now, and everybody concerned better be damned glad of it, including me.

Cathy can tell a good tale, but under close inspection it goes all to hell.

Now, you can elect to believe what I've just told you - and take note that I've told no secrets on anyone at all -  or you can just chalk it up to the ramblings of a senile old man and get on with living. Makes no difference to me. Folks already know that I'm ape-shit crazy, so I'm ok with either way you elect to go with it.

ETA: I've seen the men in the Gray Flannel Cammies once since I've been here, which is nearly a year and a half now. As usual, they are unobtrusive, and the landscape doesn't much allow for stakeouts any more, so I only saw them two days running, not the usual week. Their cover story is that there is a Federal investigation going on into the local government, which is pretty damned plausible because there actually is, although no real action has been taken in the matter... but it's always supposed to be just around the corner. I don't care much about their occasional appearance (so long as they keep moving along), and don't mind the occasional sighting a bit. I figure if they leave me alone, then I'll leave them alone, and we all get to die happy and of old age. We all have our jobs to do, y'know?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
Some serious dirt on Clinton - by 727Sky - 10-17-2016, 11:04 AM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by guohua - 10-17-2016, 11:33 AM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by 727Sky - 10-18-2016, 12:23 PM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by Daitengu - 10-17-2016, 12:00 PM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by Ninurta - 10-18-2016, 03:27 AM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by Ninurta - 10-19-2016, 07:25 AM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by senona - 10-18-2016, 05:14 AM
RE: Some serious dirt on Clinton - by Ninurta - 10-19-2016, 05:50 PM

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