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The weapons that won the Cold War
As seen on TV.......  that's where most people get their perceptions, their behavioral compass, and even more from Family. Mothers cousins, aunts and uncles and to a lesser degree dads. The Russians and the Americans. Who lost the most ? It really relied on monetary capabilities. $$$$$$$$ make the world go round $$$$$$$

We ran out last, or rather Greenspan worked the financial like a genius. Our failing to entrench a Hawk in the framework of the White house surely gave some moving room for the Russians. Bush and Obama were not actors of any consequence beyond Bush and Cheney being WAR CRIMINALS..  

Fact is, Russia ran out of money first. THIS Current administration seems to think they can ride this democrat horse anywhere, but the horse is failing. More a kiddy ride. A simple weapon, and the fact that most of that money was either fresh printed, or relieved from "WORKING" citizens who mostly kept it in their contaminated wallets that sit inches away from CaCaCalamity. So the war was just postponed a while until something better came along. PUSSY RIOT, didn't phase them, and 'The DIXIE CHICKS' didn't harm us.. it just showed our hypocracy. There were no winners, They won great benefits in crude oil pipelines that would later contribute to monetary successes. Losers ? There were many that fell when both our and their funds to foreign countries dwindeled or dried up altogether. Collateral damage not expected, not escapable.

Messages In This Thread
The weapons that won the Cold War - by F2d5thCav - 07-14-2021, 12:30 PM
RE: The weapons that won the Cold War - by PLOTUS - 07-14-2021, 06:25 PM
RE: The weapons that won the Cold War - by PLOTUS - 07-14-2021, 06:44 PM

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