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M6.0 Earthquake Hits California With More to Come
Once you can predict earthquakes in advance....... is when you predict anything. no limits. And if it happens that you have an abundance of luck, you could design the world.  

At least regionally    it's a "win-win" event, seldom seen in this Decade, or the one previous. Earthquakes are a curious thing. If you are in one it's alarming and sometimes terrifying till you get your bearings and realize what size your up against. I'v done a few 6.0's since the 1950's in SoCal. More like three's and four's being the average stuff. 

Your doing stuff........ and the ground rumbles briefly then is accompanied with a series of tectonic movements... ie. *what can move in which direction*

These years I'm on the New Madrid fault. .... ie. the Mississippi ran backwards 1800's. A premier feature of the East when asking the people the history of their regional earthquakes?  People from here maybe get a once or twice in a lifetime earthquake large enough to register movement. A 5.0 or 6.0 would be unheard of, deadly, not easily recovered from and well just a difficult event.. The day will come. who knows if in my lifetime. "Nothing runs like a Deere"......and on we will go. We face a more immediate problem now like never before. the OCEAN/LIFE. Got to have both to continue living.  Oxygen would become a very valuable commodity. The question... have we reached the point of no return. Where nothing short of an 'extinction event' can repair. A new epoch, a time for perhaps a few hundred thousand years. Maybe a Million or two... A new restored Earth..... by who? The emerging lifeforms will carve out a life.
Generational... long reaching. The future lies in harvesting our trash, landfills and toxic sites. and abundant acceptance of Electric transportation.  Our children will clean up our parents mess, along with our mess because of our lack of action, nothing successful enough yet. But 'yet' will become the starting point when man decided to clean at all cost. But still it won't be enough. we have killed and sold our inheritance. We will build and to do that we will need blueprints, craftsmen, transportation, Aquatic devices, gather and haul points, deep sifting for plastic and associate contaminants. An industry could arise. Will arise anyway.

But will it ? So, earthquake or no, there could be profit still.  And yea, we are that arrogant pretty-much. DESERVE...ah yes, .. now there's a topic worth a a thousand words. ... as is..  deserve... who, what and why? For NOW we will consider California. A note..... 'seems there has been earthquake movement around Lake Tahoe for a while in the last decade or so'.  The Big one..... we shall see. meantime "Carry on" men. One would expect the aquifer collapse in the San Joaquin and Owens Valley, So along with deformations, it could be accompanied by small rumblings and settling areas. 
Earthquakes.. It's only  'Rock and Roll'

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RE: M6.0 Earthquake Hits California With More to Come - by PLOTUS - 07-12-2021, 04:19 PM

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