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Beware the power of Evil's might: Rise of the Republic of Aígyptos
[Image: 801ea5a3f99bb965112ba88cc9fae258.jpg]

Mohamed ElBaradei looks out over the new construction as Members of the chain gangs bring in the Bricks under night lights, "Aquaponics.. We will become the bread basket of Africa.."

Homer watched his armored Red shirt men and Drones standing over the former members of the Muslim Brotherhood dressed in pink dresses, "Prime Minister.. "

Sighing, "The problem is the deaths.. I.."

"You have your Ivory tower.. You need to focus on the Constitution.. We must become a land of laws for all the people," Homer spoke english with Pride.. "You have been given a sacred charge by the Pharaoh,, We do not care if we start with the documents of freedom from the Americans.."

Mohamed ElBaradei looks at the Red armored Minister of Justice, "You know there is a rebellion secretly trying to.."

"They have already sent feelers to you.. Good.. It means I will have more men to build the Gardens.." Homer put an arm around the Prime Minister, "Listen to me.. We need these laws you are putting together.. So we survive.. The Pharaoh is very serious about setting up a monarchial republic.. Lets us deal with the threats.. We both know that their must be separation between church and state.."

"I have hundreds of communications from various governments.. Even.. A few threats that," Mohamed ElBaradei took a moment..

"We know.. We have the CIA agents in custody.. Pharaoh Thoth thee Second is meeting with the Ambassador in a few minutes," Homer watched as the men were setting up the supplies under the watchful eyes of the masked guards..

"Why was," The Prime Minister pauses.. "Plausable deniability.."

"Your catching on.. The Pharaoh is secretly broadcasting the message sent by the US Government," Homer smiles.. "We keep to our plans and get these facilities opened.. The faster we gets this done right the more control we can exert on the region.."

"You have been among those with the Pharaoh since he first escaped his tomb.. Does he intend to go to war," The Prime Minister moved his glasses.

"No.. He believes that we only defend, unless attacked.. Then we show no mercy," homer smiled..


Pharaoh's command Center (Presidential Palace)

"What.. What are those screams," A well dressed woman with an Arkansas accent seemed spooked..

"Anne Woods Patterson.. " Thoth shook his maskless head, "That is the sounnd of justice.. You see those screams are from the men who thought the were outside the reach of the law.. Some of their victims petitioned me for them to face the same pain they felt.. As we speak my men have collected a series of native rapist and given them extra food and water to rape the slavers.. I am selling the tapes online with all the money going to the victims.."

Patterson's face turned green, "Seaman .." 

The Pharaoh slapped the Ambassador, "C#$%.. "

Standing up very pissed off, "You havve just assualted a representative of.."

"It wasnt me," thoth sat down.. "It was video released that caused that.. Perhaps you would like to stay while I talk with the Isreali Ambassador Yaakov Amitai.."

With a wave of his hand the Doors open and an older male walks in, "Pharaoh Thoth.."

The Screams are louder outside as they seem to float in as two drones roll in with the Ambassador..

"Ambassador.. I greet the Nation of Israel in peace," The Pharaoh stood and walked over to Amitai.. 

Not even wincing at the sight, "I hope you understand that we are nervous.. You have in the last three days.. How shall.."

"I have been an evil ruthless bastard and showed no mercy to enemies of the Repubic of Aígyptos.. Armored Drones, new military gear, new military procedures, new intelligence service.." thoth spoke in his texas Accented english, "Before we start trying to skin each other over various deals.. I have a slight problem.."

Snapping his finger causes zip tied men to be dragged into the main room..

"Ambassador," A man with a bloody face and a broken leg called out..

In response he was tasered by a masked red shirted man..

"He is a member of," Patterson frooze as the Isaeli Ambassador looked at her..

"Choose your words wisely Ambassador.. He was found attempting to sabatoge the Canal.. While his associate with the CIA were trying to run hearts and minds.." A box is brought in, "These are thee heads of the men who ARE agents of the Government.. Caught trafficking women and children.. "

Patterson was speechless for a few seconds, "I need to contact my government.."

The Israeli Ambassador closes his eyes, "Pharaoh.. We are willing to take custody of the Spies to ensure their safety.."

"The problem is Ambassador Amitai is that unless Patterson immediately admits that they are US spies I must treat their crimes under Karmic Law of my mother," Thoth the Second sits down at a throne.. "Hurry up Patterson.. The new episode of my favorite TV show is coming on in five minutes.."

"Unless I can contact my Government.. Our official opinion is that we have NO spies in your country Pharaoh.." Patterson looks away as the other gaged men start trying to fumble free to no Avail, "But if it turns out that.."

The Israeli Ambassador shakes his head..

"The US Navy is hereby denied access to the Canal," thoth looked right at thee man without a gag.. "Dude they so F@#$ed you.. You got Bhengazi'd.."

"God D@#$ it Pharaoh.. We," The US Ambassador sucked it in as more screams from downstairs reached her.. "You are a monster and the US will destroy you.."

The Pharaoh snorts, "It will take you at least three years to find an excuse.. Meanwhile I will greet the Chinese and Russian Ambassadors.. Trade deals will be conducted.. Hell maybe even sell food to north Korea.." Excitedly, "Is the CIA going to try and kill me with Cheese burger.."

"Enough.. Pharaoh.. The situation is very.. Very delicate.. Let her call her government," Amitai spoke calmly. "Before anymore destabilization takes place.."

"Her government is quiet aware of the conversation.. You see.. these men have been questioned ruthlessly.. the tapes are playing with this live broadcast.. The US government is watching.." Looking at the two wide eyed Ambassador's, "Oh.. You mean it is bad form to tell the world that the US was playing dirty.. That her Ambassador has issued what amounts to a declaration of war.. Without even going through Congress.. I guess I will have to take my peoples case to the UN.. I will be requesting sanctions and compensation for their victims.."


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RE: Beware the power of Evil's might: Rise of the Republic of Aígyptos - by Armonica_Templar - 06-26-2016, 12:10 AM

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