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Big Pharma Losing it's Grip!
Yes, sounds like the Powers That Be are doing a hit piece on anything alternative. They want full control of ALL medicines. I'm sure putting out an article about the killing of animals will light a fire under all the animal lovers out there, and they won't do any research to see if it's true.

Those in control of what goes up on You Tube and Google are burying the alternative medicine information so far down, you have to know the name of the title you're looking for to find it. Some have even been deleted completely. Face Book is suppressing any alternative medicine on it's platform, calling it fake news. The videos where Zach Vorhies, the Google whistle blower, has been interviewed are very enlightening, for those who don't know this yet.

Again, I think President Trump will do all he can to release cures and technology that is being hidden from us as more swamp creatures are removed from power who are blocking him right now.

There is hope!   tinybiggrin

Messages In This Thread
Big Pharma Losing it's Grip! - by guohua - 12-24-2019, 09:25 PM
RE: Big Pharma Losing it's Grip! - by Mystic Wanderer - 12-25-2019, 05:44 PM

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