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Operation Rebirth: The Only easy day was yesterday Deleted Scenes

"Master Chief Gunson," A man in a Naval Captains Uniform was not very happy.. "I have.. Listen you cant hit the recruits.. That S@#$ is not ALLOWED! Even if we are at war.."

"Captain, "The older man took a deep breath.. "I.. Listen The.."

"Admiral on deck," A call came from outside the office!

"At Ease.. Where is the F#$%ing Master chief," A stern older voice seemed to growl out! "GUNSON!"

"So much for retirement," Gunson took a deep breath.. Opening the Door, "Admiral.." Gunson saw the Senior Enlisted DoD Trainer.. A Command Sergeant Major and two Gunnies..

The Captain was behind him, "Admiral.. I was just discussing the master Chief's actions.."

Taking a deep breath.. One of the gunnies turned on the TV..

"My god," A british voice called out.. "come on you bloody b@st@rd.. The Sun Tzu was chased off by the Montana coastal Defense Batteries.. You can make it.." A timer ran on the bottom of the screen, "Four minutes and four seconds to run two miles before those shells hit.."

"Gory.. gory.. What a helluve a way to die," An armored figure was running and shooting.. Master chiefs voice came the firgure as the music kept coming, "Because you F#$5ing moron.. You might be leading marines.. Who the F#$% knows.. Even you, you F#$%ing EMO special needs millienial c0c$ Su#$%r.. You will not let the Navy down on that day.. I expect all my little turds to represent the finest the Navy has to offer.. You will lead from the front.." A different voice comes from the Figure, "I am going to kick your A$$ Gunson.. If you are watching this.. It is commander colt.." An old colt gun emptied as Colt parkoured over chinese soldiers..

"That.. that Little S@#$ is.." Master chief gunson paused, "Wait he has more muscles and his face.. He.."

"So he is one of yours Master chief.." The Admiral looked at the Captain, "As we speak.. The US Navy has assumed command of Camp Pendelton.. And.. And it is not a god D@#$ complete route.. See that second set of numbers.. That is the estimated kills.. They are facing a little over a million landed chinese soldiers.. It turns out special needs aint the word.. "

"Worst god D@#$ recruit I ever trained.." Master chief Gunson looked at the screen, "RUN YOU F#$%ING IDIOT.. I AM STILL NOT F#$%ING SALUTING YOU.. GOD D@#$.."

"Master chief.." The Captain growled out, "We do.."

"You are hereby relieved of your posistion Captain, "The command Sergeant spoke coldly.. "It seems this is not the only miracle today.. The waters were the third, fifth, and seventh fleets were sank.. The recruits you trained are leading the survivors Master chief.. It seems your finger prints are the common thread.. "

"Relieved.. He hit a recruit," The Captain was pissed..

Master chief swallowed hard, "My boys are the.. The survivors.."

"We are here to observe you teaching the recruits on and off the record.. The Navy is being slaughtered.." The Admiral was not happy, "Your boys.. Are leading the survivors.." Raising his voice, "So what ever the F#$5 you are doing is working.. When a Female mail clerk.. has lead Thirty soldiers at the battle hawaii.. When An ABF repair man is in the air with a helicopter fighting off the enemy at MIRMAR."

The captain was silent..

"Where the F#$% is that kid of yours going," The hispanic Gunny looked up.. "He.. Nevermind He is running for the pool.. Brilliant.."

"That little F#$%er was listening," Gunsons took a cigar and was about to light it he paused..

The Admiral reached into the Master Chief's pocket taking his other one.. The Command Sergeant Major lit the Admiral's and the Black gunny lit the Master chief's..

"What is the deal with Recruit Colt's face.." Master chief took a deep, "And.. The battle of the white house? Wait.. He is.."

"Word just got passed down Master chief," The Admiral blew smoke in the PC Captain's face.. "It appears that Mister Colt is indeed a member of the Franklin Trust.. Grandson of one of their legandary predators.. As for his face.. "

One of the Native American persons watching the screen, "Yee Naldlooshie.. True Yee Naldlooshie.. Your are tell me he is .. F#$%. Littleman. Well.. I feel sorry for the The chinese.. That is the woman he is talking about.. "

"Commander Hilton.. You know my turd," Master chief spoke..

"They F#$%ed up Master Chief.. " Hilton shook his head, "I.. Never knew he was.. F#$%.. " Seeing the Admiral wanting an explanation.. "The whole world knows about the Franklin Trust.. Yes the higher the gen the mor elike a super soldier we are.. So I guess their is no need to lie.. Admiral We are bred serial killers.. The master chief is a rare normie.. One that has convinced the same serial killers he is telepathic.. Always up thier A$$ and seems to know what they are planning.. The ones Gunson laid hands on.. Deserved it.. " looking at the screen, "God D@#4 it.. He is going to kill all of them over her.. They convinced him they have her alive.. Andros Nicodemus Kean's grandson And he is one of the crossbreeds.. F#$%.. Put me down for a grand on the Marine corps Command Sergeant Major.." Seeing athe looks, "Long story.. Suffice it say his grand father was a.. He faced off against thousands of us and killed a lot of them then went off reservations.. Killed the director at the time's personal gaurd and then the director.. He then killed a whole bloodline.. Man woman and child.."

"Smoking is banned in all DoD facilities.. And gambling is against the rules," the Captain gets hit from behind by the hispanic gunny..

"Forgot to say sir.. Then this D@#$ building rolled," the Gunnies both spoke at the same time..

Master chief watches the screen again as Andros makes his way, "This.. this blonde is the one he cried over in boot camp Commander.."

Sighing, "It is a long story.. But yes.. And the chinese tried to convince him they have had her captive.. to surrender.. They do not understand how his brain is structure and add the monster he is.. Admiral."

Taking out a cigarette, "Cried over her huh.. Good.. good.." several people looked at the Command Sergeant Major, "He is motivate Admiral.. Motivated to kill them all.. "

"They hurt his feelings," Master chief gunson spoke with pride.. "God and they just bombed.." the Master chief grinned, "Anyway we can convince him from here that one of the dead blonde civlians is this girl back home that died years ago .. Lets make sure he stays focused.."

One of the gunnies takes out his phone at the Command Sergeant majors nod..

"commander.. Out of the survivors so far.. How many are Franklin trust," The Admiral puffed his own cigar?

"Sir they are leading the kill squads the marines have organized, "Hilton watch the screen.. "Admiral."

"Know anything about that drone that he promoted to a second Lt," the Admiral Asked?

"No clue sir," Commander hilton responds..


"H3ll has froze over.." Standing inside the recruit compartment the Master chief shook his head, "My worst has become the saving grace of the US Navy.. "

Commander Hilton was not paying attention.. He was watching one of the female recruits, glued to the screen..

"Recruit," the commander called out loudly.. "Look at me.."

"SIR," The recruit took a deep breath and changed.. Her face became more animalistic as more pronounced fangs appeared.. She sucked up her emotions and wiped a tear, "Commander.."

"You are on watch Little," The hispanic Gunny paused.."Command Sergeant Major!"

Commander hilton walked over, "Recruit Kraus.." Seeing her face,red Hair, and tears, "ADMIRAL!"

Kraus frooze and was at attention..

The Admiral follows the command Sergeant Major in..

"Comma.." The Admiral sees the girls face, "Carry on.."

"We asked if their was any members of.. S@#$ a wildling with no clue.. God D@#$ it," Hilton takes a deep breath, "Lets hear it.. Why the tears?"

The Master chief shook his head, "I will be god D@#$ed.. KRAUS," Master chief Gunson narrows his eyes, "child.. you are a little older.. You are not in trouble.. "

An older man with a cross around his neck walked over, "It is ok.. I.. "

"chaps.. I.. " Kraus closed her eyes, "Before I joined I.. I got mad in a fight.. I hurt the c#$% and her boyfriend.. " She sees a red crossed ring and goes wide eyed," Chaps.. My real name is Riley.. Jolene Riley.."

"Child.. " the chaplin took a deep breath, "Your mother was in New Orleans from what you pieced together.. Right before you were born?"

"Yes sir," Kraus swallowed hard.. She took a deep breath, "Sir.. I.."

"Chaplin Martian," Gunson ask? "How would you.."

A chief with a SEAL Trident walks in, "Chaps.. I am here like.." He sees the Riley/ Krauss's face, "Listen.. She failed tryouts.."

The older Admiral moved his jaw, "Recruit Riley.. Why the tears.. What does it have to do with...." Looking at the red crossed ring on Martian's hand and the one on the SEAL chief's.. He rubbed his masonic ring, "God D@#$.. Little Lady.."

Everyone was staring at her, ' Master chief rubbed hisFace at the comment, "Master Chief said I reminded him of his worse recruit he ever had.. He called me Little C#$%.." Tears fell down her face, "I heard him called littleman.. And I heard him singing with no instrument.. I do not know who my father is?"

"What makes you think," Commander Hilton is interrupted by the recruit..

The chords on a guitar fill the air with riley singing in Kevin fowler's voice, "I come from a long line of losers.. Half outlaw.. Half Boozer.. "

The SEAL chief rubs his forehead, "God F#$%ing bless.. I call The Surgeon General, Admiral.. Doc Gera is still on base I think.." Looking at the female recruit, "We will be talking.. "

"She fraudulently enlisted," Commander Hilton shook his head.. "Sir.. I recommend we fix a few things.."

"What is their to fix.. I hav ecalled her Little C#$% since day one and she still is.. Not my problem admin F#$%ed the paperwork," Master Chief Gunson growled.. "Little C#$% you lied to me and have been holding back.. Ok.. We have two weeks till Recruit Graduation.. " The Master cheif touches something, "To all my turds here at MY training facilty.. So some of you did not step forward.. You can thank Little C#$%.." The Admiral's eyes narrow, "We are at war you worthless left overs from taco bell s#$%s.. Every recruit get there.. In posistion we are gonna make NTC Great Lakes rain.. I will have discipline in my god D@#$ Navy.."

Riley swallows hard, "Master Chief I.."

Gunson hits her in the back of the head, "I said get there NOW!" The Admiral holds his hand hand up shaking his head no the the Command Sergeant Major.. Master chief lets loose, "Welcome to my NAVY A$$hats.. You think criminal records, lying, or any of that PC bulls#$% is getting you out.. Try again.. You volunteeered.. On behalf of the Navy.. Welcome aboard mother F#$%ers.. We are going to do this till every single one of you come clean.. As we speak my Navy, The Admirals Navy, and yes little dingle berries.. Your beloved Navy is fighting for its life.. You will not fail.. It is either suceed or come back on your shields dead!"

Everyone in the compartment is down in push up position..

"You think this is what the F#$5 I meant.. No.. All of you out of your uniforms and shoes.. NOW!"

The Command Sergeant Major grinned and whispered to the Gunnies, "Go make sure the other compartments are listening.. If they are not doing this.. Make the RDC's join in.. I will replace them.. " Getting Loud, "So you F#$%ers think you will be leading my beloved CORPS.. Your master chief is raising the bar.. Faster.."

The recruits quickly strip.. Down to underwear..

"To slow," The master chief calls out after the last one finished.. "Geting F#$%ing unDressed quickly and efficeintly is.. God D@#$.. Get Dressed.. We are going to do this again and again until the Admiral is bored and you get it done in under thirty seconds.. and then I am gonna go compartment by compartment.. "

The recruits have an annoyed look on their faces..

"Recruit Little C#$%.." Master Chief calls out..

"MASTER CHIEF," She stands up!

"While we do this exercise.. Admiral.. what song do you want to hear," Master Chief asked politely?

"40 hour a week for a living," The Admiral grinned.. "Grab me a beer from the Master Chief Selection he has hidden commander.." Master chief paused," A beer or two and I wont be bored for HOURS!"

Riley starts have the music of Alabama's Forty week for a living come from her..

"You will do STATIONs while you keep the Admiral entertained," Master Chief Gunson growls out.. "F#$%ing Franklin Trust, Skin Walkers, and god D@# the rest of us.. Well you are gonna learn we are a team.. One team.. This is gonna suck for you.."


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RE: Operation Rebirth: The Only easy day was yesterday Deleted Scenes - by Armonica_Templar - 05-24-2019, 11:04 PM

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