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Magical Grilled cheese Sandwiches: A harry Potter Fan fiction
A bald shirtless man with tattoos stepped out of nothingness.. Number One Reappriated onto Thomas’s shoulder..

“Boss.. Oh bloody hell,” Looking at thomas.. “Facial recognition said it was you.. But we thought its was the shapeshifting crap.. Number One never falls for that.. ”

“It is a long story, ” Percy’s clean shaven face seemed to respond to the breeze.. “Mr. Carthen has agreed..”

“I know who you are bearue- rat, stuff shirt Murican, Joa-Joa,” The man shook his head.. ” and Headmistress McGonagall,” With a tone of respect.. “What the F#$% did they do to you boss..”

“Listen.. Good sir.. The third wizarding war is over.. ” Percy was not happy, “It seems this hidden.. I can have thirty Aurors here in less then a minute..”

“Mr. Weasely..” thomas put his hand up, “Your not gonna get past it this way.. I.. I got deaged sir.. No memory of this.. Number One showed up today with my new wand and robes..”

“MEOW,” Number One responds..

The man looks around at the hogwarts students, and laughs till he sees Artemis..  Little Shade and Bruce are appriated by their pets, “Oh F#$%.. F#$%.. F#$%..” Tapping an ear piece, “Jersey.. Its the boss’s kids..”

A woman dressed in daisey dukes and a bikini steps out of the thin air, “D@#$ it.. ” Shaking her head, “Number One, Axel, Osirus, and Archon..” She sees Thomas and takes a deep breath, “Bossman.. What happened.. You said you were going for a walk..”

“I was explaining,” Percy was interrupted..

“Young lady,” Minerva narrowed her eyes.. “Mr. Carthen..” She takes a moment, “I recognize you.. Your sister is..”

Jersey narrowed her eyes looking at the Slytherin Robes on thomas.. “Headmistress.. Long time no see..  You own me a hundred pounds Seymore, Slytherin.. The rumors were true..”

Thomas is looking at the older woman, “Pretty lady..”

“dont start your S@#4 bo..” Jersey responded reflexively went wide eyed, “What is my favorite color?”

“He doesnt remember.. He was de aged to this age..” Artemis took the steps the distance, “Ms. Jersey..”

“Artemis LeStrange.. You look just like your mother,” Jersey  smiles.. “How is your boyfriend doing?”

“Excuse me..” Artemis pauses, “How do you know that I.. ” With a panicked look, “You know who he is?”

“Who is her boyfriend,” thomas asked quietly.. “Jersey?”

“I told you a hundred times.. I will run the spies keeping them out of trouble.. Who she dates is her own D@#$ Business! Not yours boss.. God.. I hope McGonagall can teach him properly..” Jersey takes Artemis’s arm, “Come on honey..  We have a lot to talk about.. We have to get you a much better dress for the ball this year.. We know a couple of people muggle and magical.. Axel bring gryffindor furry girl.. Us girls have so much to plan and talk over.. ”

“Jersey.. I,” Artemis is taking a step and apparates with her owl..

Little shade apparates out of sight..

“Wait.. The children might,” Percy is interrupted when Number One apparates onto Minerva’s shoulder..

“Meow,” Before Minerva can speak she dissappears..

A hispanic woman in blue jeans with her hair back, “Rose..  Capricornia..”

“Wait,” Percy speaks..

A japanese woman appears in Front of Joa-Joa.. “Victoria.. Fortuna..”

“Mulas,” Joa-Joa smiles.. “I hope the bar is open..”

“Joa- Joa.. We are here to,” All seven females disappear before Fontaine can speak.

Osirus responds..

“Go with the ladies and have fun.. Pretty girl.. I will be okay.. I am with Hagrid, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Seymore, head Master Fontaine, jorel, and Dad.. I will watch over them.. ” Bruce spoke to the bird, “They are your friends..”

With a skwak Osirus disappears..

Seymore turns towards the entrance, “Really ladies.. I did not do it.. Boss did.. come on.. Can I at least get a shirt and some shoes..”

“Mr. Seymore,” Percy is interrupted by Thomas laughing.. “Son.. this is serious.. This is official..”

Agilbert starts laughing..

Hagrid tries to hide his response..

Percy turns angry looking at Thomas..

Jorel and Bruce start laughing when a pair of shoes and a shirt come flying out..

“Mr. Weasley.. I think thomas pissed off the women..” Agilbert shook his head, “I have the upmost faith in minerva.. They are not allowing the men folk in.. Boy..”

“They have been worried sick,” Seymore shakes his head.. “I pissed them off once and they changed my codes.. Boss man took pity on me and let me stay in his flat on the other side of the thames..”

“It is not funny,” Percy was not very happy..

Thomas turns to Bruce and Jorel, “I got a question..”

“Where did you hide the key,” Jorel and Bruce looked at each other?

“Their is no key,” Seymore responds..

“We searched the whole area, “Percy responds coldly.. “It is a good thought.. Mr. Seymore..”

“Dont listen to him,” Thomas spoke as Bruce and Jorel looked down.. “What were you thinking? Professor Scamander said ideas where to tested not dismissed..”

Bruce and Jorel start whispering to each other..

“Mr. Hagrid,” Jorel whispers.. “When the ministry searches for magic.. Uhm.. Is it active?”

“Active search, ” Hagrid was confused.. “They use a version now to.. ”

“Hagrid.. They are just children,” Percy tries to stop hagrid.. “We have enough..”

“Wait a second.. Boys,” Agilbert rubs his chin and takes out his wand.. “It is a good idea but they do both.. We do to.. The spells actively search both actively and passively..”

Percy stopped in his tracks, “Actually.. We dont use both.. But both methods were used.. Potter himself searched..” Percy looked at both boys and Thomas, “That was a good thought though..”

“That is the point,” Jorel looks at Thomas.. “Thomas would only trust magic so far.. Mr. Seymore.. You know the older thomas better then we do..”

“Mr. Percy.. We can,” Fontaine is interrupted.

“Mr. fontaine.. Dont..Magic will magic it disappear,” Thomas speaks coldly. “I..”

“You bloody mother,” Seymore stops.. “Really an old key and lock. ”

Percy shakes his head, “Because the ministry would be looking for magic.. We missed this.. It should have been caught..”

“Boss.. thomas..” Seymore responds, “Ok.. Wait boys.. I got a cold one on the table.. LIsten to me.. you are a ruthless prick when you are older.. And you have a sense of humor.. Close your eye.. And where would you hide the key..”

Thomas closes his eyes and steps forward to the area where the entrance was..  “There is no key.. I.. Open.. I command you..”

A boggart appears in the doorway.. It transforms into a form of a gangster looking man, in  a mask with a tommy gun….

“S#$% boss,” Seymore pulled a wand and changed..  “I.. I am so sorry sir.. I want you to know I .. I respected you sir..”

Fontaine went down from small taser..

Percy moved between Setmore and Bruce, Jorel, Scorpius, and Albus, “Thomas do not move..”

“Thomas Elliot Carthen,” The unspeakable seemed to speak with a hollowness.. “The first test has been initiated..”

“Mr. Seymore..” Percy swallowed hard, “Step away from Thomas..”

“Mr. Weasley,” Jorel whispers.. “Stop.. ”

“We dont have our wands,” Scorpius spoke.. “You draw yours.. You will need to help Mr. Percy..”

“No.. ” Jorel spoke loudly, “We do not know what is going on… Help Mr. Fontaine up..”

“Mr Seymore of the Department of Mysteries..” Bruce took a second, “That is an older Thomas.. It is your boggart…” The masked creature looked at Thomas, “And Thomas is afraid of what he becomed.. Even you Mr. Percy recognize it..”

Percy pauses, “Ravenclaw indeed.. Draw your wands I may need…”

“Boss.. You have started the test.. The first time you gave cross orders..” Seymore smiles, “The boggart has been altered slightly..”

The ground shook..

“Headmistress is trying to get past the security systems.. You will take the first test.. A placement exam,” Seymore’s head seems to not be facing Thomas..

“A test,” Thomas spoke.. “F#$%.. I would have never brought .. I gave my word to Mr. Percy and..”

“Your whole life a lot of people broke their word to you.. So the first test is simple,” Seymore took a deep breath and waved his wand.. “You have given a command.. That command contravenes orders given.. There.. Now everyone is listening..”

“Everyone is listening,” Percy was confused..

“All the magical schools, MACUSA, and The ministry for magic..” Seymore looked away refusing to face everyone, “To cross the thresh hold you must now shut off the sentries.. With a simple song.. To the one you love..”

A loud sound fills the air..

An old female Sphinx appears, “Enough Unspeakable.. The protocols have been initiated.. The Great Emancipator has made deals behind his grandmothers back.. I will Administer the first test..”

Their is no way boss knew of,” Seymore paused.. “Boss knew what he was walking into.. It..”

The area shook again..

Bruce pulled quietly on Scorpius’s robe as Albus was Trying to get Fontaine up..

“Mr. weasley..” Scorpius swallowed hard, “Bruce.. Made a point sir.. Headmistress McGonanagll is his senior instructor.. Any And All test should be administered by her..”

“That is not part of the deal, “Seymore responded.. “It is thomas’s test to ..”

“Sphinx.. On behalf of the ministry of magic.. I demand his head mistress administer the test with her approval.. ” Percy held his wand out as ten aurors apparated into the area..

“Judas of the department of Mysteries.. The Administrator is correct,” The Sphinx stomped her foot.. “Number One.. Bring Head Mistress McGonagall.. ”

A few seconds later an angry Minerva is Apparated into the area.. She sees the Auror, the Sphinx, Percy, the Aurors, and thomas in front of the Boggart, “What is going on?”

“A destiny altered.. Time as a play thing.. A deal struck,” The Sphinx answered.. “The first of twenty three test has been activated.. Son of the misplaced knows the test of his namesake..”

“Father.. You..” Bruce Tiberius Desorium takes a moment, “The Kobayashi Maru.. ”

“An answer properly given.. Yes tiberius.. The first part.. ” The Sphinx turns to Minerva, “You will administer the test.. We whole of the magical world watching.. Their is no right answer.. And their is no winning..”

“The Kobayashi Maru,” Percy is confused..

“The no win scenario,” Fontaine is helped up by Albus Potter.. “Minerva.. It sounds like the Elder Thomas knew the outcome.. He..”

“Found a way,” Bruce speaks with pride.. “Father.. It is the test.. ”

One of the aurors whisper, “Percy.. We..”

Twenty other Sphinxes appear ..

“Their will be no interference.. McGonagall.. You must inform us when the test begins, “The old female Sphinx speaks firmly.. “A word of caution.. Your older self did say one thing .. ”

The Sphinx stopped and said nothing else..

“What did he say?” Minerva was not very happy, “Sphinx..”

The sphinx all set stone like, “Life and death this test is.. The results will not be seen for decades.. Thomas’s alone to take it is? No one knows what the Kobayashi Maru is.. McGuffin he must. An order given versus your word of honor..”

Thomas turns and starts cussing..

“”Thomas,” Minerva speaks coldly.. “We will just walk away..”

“Then his word to Percy is broken,” The Sphinx calmly sit now..

“Minerva.. We.. We need to look through the safe house..” Percy put his hand on her shoulder, “But I will not put Thomas in Danger..”

“So the ministry violates the treaty will all magical sentiants,” The female Sphinx smiles, “You will not break through the spells.. And the little ones inside will not leave.. Is that your choice Thomas?”

“What,” Minerva spoke angrily..

“Every choice has an outcome,” Jorel took a deep breath.. “What is the way inside?”

“You have no right to interfere,” the Sphinx growls loudly..

“Kirk had a crew to help him run the ship,” Fontaine spoke coldly.. “Thomas’s friends and .. Others he may rely upon to give him advice..”

“That is,” The Sphinx start talking to each other..

Agilbert whispers to Minerva, “If Thomas rigged it.. Kirk always found a way out..”

“I am not kirk.. He was.. Was a Captain of.. He..” Thomas faced the creature in a version of his older self.. “And order given versus my word.. Me.. What is the cost of entry?”

The sphinx all go quiet..

“I will sing a song to Athena..I,” Thomas saw the boggart change into a misty grey creature in Gryffindor robes.. Thomas takes a step back, “Their has to be another way in..”

“You left yourself with out a way out.. The Rubicon has been past.. All other entrances are guarded by one of us.. Should we be defeated by anyone other then you.. The door shifts elsewhere,” The older Female Sphinx calmly laughs.. “It is obvious as the nose on your face..”

“No.. No..” thomas looked away, “I do not have to take this test.. They wont be locked up and held hostage.. My older self gave his word to Headmistress Mcgonagall the students and school were off limits..”

“Indeed he did,” the older Sphinx responded.. “You gave your word to Mr. Weasley as well.. ”

“And you never break your word, “Seymore responds.. “Boss.. Listen.. I.. I was going to cheat and help you past this.. Out of loyalty.. That is why you involved the Sphinxes..”

“I knew you were with the Department of Mysteries.. Keep your spies close and your enemies closer,” Thomas was pissed.. “I am an A$$hole when I get older..”

“If he breaks his word to Percy he can then break his word to me.. And we wont know if the deal stands,” Minerva McGonagall sighs.. “He is just a child.. He is not..”

“I release him from his deal.. We will find another way in,” Percy holds his hands up to the Aurors.. “We know where the entrance is..”

“You are were correct Mr. Weasley.. ” The Sphinx quietly spoke, “Inside is his stolen library.. His magical books.. The main collection.. Ancient and forgotten.. In fact his notes on the threat faced are inside.. None of those present know where they are hid.. And only thomas may access them.. Consequences abound on this paths.. He breaks his word once then.. It may happen again..”

“Everyone broke their word to me..I do not break mine,” Thomas took a deep breath.. “Everyone is listening.. And the test answer to get inside requires me to admit what I feel..”

“Is that his test.. ” Minerva took a deep breath. “No.. It.. It is a lesson.. He gave his word freely.. You are making him choose between his word and an order given..This is cruel.. I wont allow it..”

“Boss is that much an A$$,” Seymore takes a deep breath.. “He must learn to only his word when he means it.. He made it the cornerstone of his commands and everywhere.. True discipline.. It is how he beat the ministry and MACUSA..”

“None of us bet on this.. Proceed Mr. Carthen..”The sphinx smiled as it stood, “The next step is the price you pay.. You will think twice before you give your word so easily.. ”

“Rose Weasley, Capricornia Black, Gloria Jackson, ” Thomas names off a few other females.. “Victoria and Fortuna.. I know you like me.. You and Jorel are the only friends I have.. I.. I apologize.. I wont lead you on.. Ladies..” Thomas closes his eyes and starts singing off key, “I have heard those city singers about how they can sing..”

The Boggarts starts to slowly disappear as Thomas sings..

Minerva gives a dirty look to Seymore and Percy..

The Aurors manage to maintain stoic poses..

Percy takes a deep breath and whispers to Scorpius, “Stay quiet.. I know from the looks you gave you like rose.. It.. I am in trouble when I get home as it is..”

Thomas continues off key..

“The whole magical world is watching father sing this off key,” Bruce swallows hard.. “He.. They will make fun of him everywhere he goes..”

“But he did NOT break his word to Percy Weasley or Headmistress McGonagall,” Jorel Proudly states.. “He is beating a no win scenario.. It is the worst kind.. A personal one.. A bravery under fire..”

Albus whispers to Agilbert, “Headmaster Fontaine.. Is this why he beat the Aurors, the ministry, and MACUSA?”

“Look at the faces of the Ministry’s aurors here.. Stone faced.. ” Agilbert nodded his head to them, “They see why they lost.. Clearly see.. I should put up more of a fight for him.. He is scared and just keeps singing off key.. ”

Thomas finishes singing and the Boggart disappears..

An archway appears in front of Thomas, “Are you happy Mr. Percy? I can now never show my face anywhere..” Number One apparates to Thomas’s shoulder, “Number One.. Can I put my application into star fleet academy..”

“the first Test of twenty three have been passed,” The Sphinx speaks.. “The price was paid for the word given. A hard lesson learned.. The consequences were the least…”

The sphinx all disappear..

“Mr. carthen,” Percy speaks.. “Now this..”

Minerva steps inbetween Thomas and all of them, “No.. He kept his word.. Mr. Weasley entrance was granted.. As headmistress of Hogwarts.. None of the ministry may speak with him no ask him to give his word with out going through me and my staff.”

Rose Weasley and Capricornia are looking wide eyed..

“Thomas.. I also have someone I am seeing.. It,” Rose weasley is interrupted..

“The whole wizarding world is still listening..” Seymore quietly speaks as Jersey and the other females are all glaring from behind the two girls..

“He was put in a worse situation then I was.. ” Thomas spoke looking down, “I am hungry..”

Victoria and Fortuna come from behind Thomas and both sigh..

“I..” thomas looks away, “I apologize.. I..”

Fortuna hits Thomas in the arm, “Friendzoned us huh.. What makes you think we like you? ”

“You cant sing to save your life,” Victoria has her hands on her hips..

“Because.. It is obvious,” Jorel gets dirty looks from victoria and Fortuna.. “That I need to shut my mouth..”

“Let us go get thomas something to eat..” Minerva motions for the children to come inside, “I am famished myself and could use a a bite..”

“Thomas we are going to need,” Percy gets an evil look from Minerva.. “Headmistress.. The Sphinx indicated..”

“Mr. Weasley.. They ar not going anywhere.. If he has a secret stash.. We can search later.. Without so many prying eyes,” The Auror from earlier spoke.. “And no children around.”

“Burbage,” Weasley sighs and nods yes..

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RE: Magical Grilled cheese Sandwiches: A harry Potter Fan fiction - by Armonica_Templar - 05-09-2019, 09:00 AM

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