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Its The Smell! I Love The Smell Of BioWarfare In The Morning! Deoderizing The Left!
Explanation: I am going to expand on this idea and resurrect and old post of mine to hernadoshideaway website ...

Flatulence is NOTHING TO LAUGH AT!

Quote:Explanation: Farts are an INFECTIOUS Form of Mind Control ... here is why ...

Farts contain fecal matter and bacteria ...

What is the chemical composition of farts? []

Quote:The Smell of Farts

Flatus often stinks! There are several chemicals that contribute to the smell of farts:

skatole (by-product of meat digestion)
indole (by-product of meat digestion)
methanethiol (a sulfur compound)
dimethyl sulfide (a sulfur compound)
hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odor, flammable)
volatile amines
short chain fatty acids
feces (if present in the rectum)

The chemical composition and thus odor of farts differs according to your health and diet, so you would expect a vegetarian's farts to smell different from those produced by a person who eats meat.

Here's Why Other People's Farts Smell Way Worse Than Your Own []

Why Do We Like Our Own Farts? []

Quote:For starters, "the more familiar you are with something, whether it be a song, picture, or even a smell, the more likely you are to prefer it," series co-creator Mitchell Moffitt says in the video, "and because the bacterial population in your body producing these smells is completely unique from every other individual, our farts truly have a one-of-a-kind brand that your nose can differentiate."

And then there's the fact that others' farts can actually make you sick.

"There are many reported cases of farts spreading Streptococcus pyogenes, a pathogen that can cause tonsillitis, scarlet fever, heart disease, and even flesh-eating disease," Moffitt says in the video. "The pathogen is expelled as fecal matter or poop particles in the air... Of course, this was a major concern for our ancestors who ran around naked, but for us underwear or pant-wearing folks, farts don't pose a real threat." You're Welcome!

... both contain DNA and DNA is infectious and I only need to cite pregnancy as a singular proof that DNA IS INFECTIOUS!

But here is more proof ...

Infectious DNA Clones []

Do farts carry germs? []

Quote:According to the Seriously, Science blog at Discover Magazine, Kruszelnicki investigated the question by getting in contact with Canberra-based microbiologist, Luke Tennent, who helped him design and carry out an experiment. The aim was to discover whether or not the wind emitted from a human was filled with germs or just simply smelt bad.

Kruszelnicki explained what happened next:

“[Tennent] asked a colleague to break wind directly onto two Petri dishes from a distance of 5 centimetres, first fully clothed, then with his trousers down. Then he observed what happened. Overnight, the second Petri dish sprouted visible lumps of two types of bacteria that are usually found only in the gut and on the skin. But the flatus [gas] which had passed through clothing caused no bacteria to sprout, which suggests that clothing acts as a filter.”

Kruszelnicki and Tennent noticed two types of bacteria in the second Petri dish - in the centre were the bacteria caused by the subject’s fart gas, they said, and a ring of different bacteria around the edge of the Petri dish "was caused by the sheer velocity of the fart, which blew skin bacteria from the cheeks and blasted it onto the dish”, reports Seriously, Science.

The good news? The bacteria that grew was not in any way harmful. The other good news? Scientific evidence for why you should never, ever get naked and fart near your food. You're welcome.

The good news? The bacteria that grew was not in any way harmful. ???  tinyhuh Sure Doc Sure!  minusculenonono

Gut bacteria [responsible for farts] can control our minds ...

Gut Bacteria Control Our Minds To Get The Food They Want; How Countering This Can Fight Obesity []

Quote:When it comes to what bacteria are capable of, mind control is definitely not one of the first things that most people will think about — parasites are better known to control moods. But a new study has found that, to an extent, gut bacteria may also control our minds, influencing what we eat and how much.

“Bacteria within the gut are manipulative,” said Dr. Carlo Maley, director of the Center for Evolution and Cancer at the University of California, San Francisco, in a press release. “There is a diversity of interests represented in the microbiome, some aligned with our own dietary goals, and others not.”

Our gut flora, or microbiome, is comprised of trillions of bacterial cells that work together to protect our digestive tracts, from the stomach to the colon, and everything in-between. They also help us to digest food, maintain a healthy weight, and regulate blood pressure. But considering that they are fighting to stay alive on a constant basis — our guts hold a vast community of many different bacteria — it makes sense that they would need specific nutrients to flourish. So, they try to control our minds to get them.

Personal Disclosure: So farts can make you change your mind about eating certain foods. Who Knew?! ROFLMAO


When mind controlling farts go wrong ...

NYPD: Female Student, 17, Brutally Beat Male Classmate Who Passed Gas In Her Direction []

Cops: Woman Beat Man, 64, Over Gas Passing. Punches were thrown after wind was blown []

Only In Florida: Suspect, 37, Stabbed Boyfriend After He Farted In Her Face []

[Image: tumblr_lutjpigEvr1qj7hvgo1_500.gif]

Addendum: BTW Farts may also help prevent cancer etc....

A Stinky Compound May Protect Against Cell Damage, Study Finds []

Quote:Scientists from the University of Exeter say that a compound found in the smell of rotten eggs and human flatulence might some day be useful in mitigating the cell damage responsible in part for certain diseases.

The study, published in a recent issue of the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications, examined the impact of hydrogen sulfide gas—which humans produce in small amounts during digestion—on cells’ mitochondria. Although the gas is noxious in large doses, scientists found that cellular exposure to smaller amounts of the compound may prevent mitochondrial damage. This could have future implications in the prevention of strokes, arthritis, heart disease, among other things, the researchers say.

Well that was the foul wind that has been fermenting in the bowels of my mind and I leave this post with a fart haiku and youtube vid ...

Rumbling Bowels,

Last Nights Dinner Born Again,

As Winds Shake My Pants!

Fart Martyr [colledgehumor] []


Personal Disclosure: ANYBODY who is against my proposal MUST STOP FARTING or be called Hypocrites FOREVER! smalltappingfoot
OL at beez - "Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!"

Do not engage in useless activity ... and ... from one thing, know many things!

Think Globally, Act Locally, Feel Internally ... Wash, Rinse, Dry and Repeat!

It's Just A Ride!

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RE: Its The Smell! I Love The Smell Of BioWarfare In The Morning! Deoderizing The Left! - by OmegaLogos - 11-26-2018, 06:58 AM

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