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Project DPR: Codename Templar One (rewrite)

Donna threw her beer against a wall, "That.. That god D@#$ prick.." Tears fell down her face as the photos of three slaughtered men sat in front of her, "I.."

"The burden of leadership.. Templar One," The voice made donna look up..

"I smelled the wallace and Cross gear.. " Looking at the fourteen year old, "You little S#$% must be Alex.."

"Wow.. millions in training made you a psychic," Alex pulled up a bar stool moving it next to Donna.. "The Legion hall here might get mad.."

A woman smiled as she sat a chicken sandwich and a sweet tea in front of Alex, "Darlin.."

"Thank you Miss Jones.." Alex smiled as he sat down, "How goes the emersion training?" Alex looks at the photo's, "Sucks.."

"Arent you supposed to be the future leader of the free world or some such S#$%," Donna took another beer pissed off..

"I know right.. I am supposed to give you some miracle.. Make you excited about being a superhero marine right," Alex picked up his sandwhich.. "Good job failing? You suck at this.. Really suck.. Or perhaps.. You would look cute in the dark."

Donna looks at Alex eating his sandwich and laughs not meaning to, "Slick little S#$%.. The cheap laugh.."

Alex smiles as he eats, "There is no easy way. " Alex looks at the pictures, "Five kids left with out fathers.. You really F#$%ed up.. "

Donna loses the smile and drinks her beer..

Alex reaches inside a backpack and pulls out several notepads.. "Lunch is on you.. As is the tip.."

"What the F#$5 is.." Donna pauses, "Littleman's dreams.. 2004.." Donna counts the years, "Till last year.."

"It includes the after action report," Alex takes another bite..

Reading the one alex pointed at, "My god.. You have a copy of the .. It doesnt exist.. This is the after Action report for the battle of camp pendelton!!"

Several military men all turned wide eyed..

Donna is turning through not even looking at her beer, "You recorded him in his sleep.. And my.. God.." Donna looked away, "That.." Her face paused, "The nursery.. The soldiers did this.."

"Keep reading.. You are looking at the only copy.." Alex sets the chicken sandwich down, "So.. You were B#$%^ing about your post battle briefing Rufus conducted.."

Donna was speed reading as she looked through.. Ever so often she looked up at Alex wide eyed, "My god.."

A man in a suit walks over, "Alex.. I hope your do not mind.. we would.."

The man freezes when Donna puts a gun to his head, "No.. You are NOT reading this.."

"Templar one," the Agent stops when a marine throws him to the ground..

"You are to close to Mr. Macer," The marine put a rifle in the Agents face. "And yes we know your with the CIA on loan to the retired Colonel of the Legion hall buddy.. Just stay there.. I will give you air conditioning if you require it.."

Donna is reading through the books.. "My. god.. He remembered every kill.. It.. Holy S@#$.. He really was blind for the first four hours.."

"DD," Alex grins evilly.. "I am taking you to some off time.. I have to go to visit Andros's mother.. Check on her.. Your driving.." Alex looked at everyone, "What RHIP! I have Templar One two point o as my driver.."

Donna looked at Alex, "Mr.. Alex.. My god.. It.. This was worse then what I went through.. "

"Colonel Dubios," Alex called out.. Alex starts eating his sandwich again..

An old man in jeans walks over and takes the beer, "DD.. Mr. Macer is pissed at me.. I did not allow the full briefing.. " Looking at the CIA agent with a rifle in his face, "I would appreciate you letting him up.."

"No," Alex went back to eating.. "Bad manners.. And I do not care this is your house either.. Colonel.. Now because of your choice Donna gets the harder lesson.." Alex lens over, "Leadership.. Every decision has a cost.. The Colonel's deciscion means I am going to put you in Littleman's shoes.. You may make it.. If not, the DoD can thank the Colonel for losing a billion dollars or so.."

"Mr. Macer.. She is Templar One," Colonel Dubios was stern.. "You.."

"Tell me to F#$% off like you mean it Colonel.. And no," Alex takes a drink from his soda.. "She is NOT templar one till I say so.. "

Everyone looked at Alex..

"Alex," Donna took a deep breath.. "I have earned it!! I.." Donna stopped and started laughing.. " Your good.. I missed that.. I.."

Alex gives her solemn look which makes Donna stop laughing..

"This is not going to be good is it.. I am going into the fryer.." Donna got a look of fear in her eyes, "I am going for a mile long walk in littleman's shoes.."

"A ten mile walk DD.." Alex closed his eyes, "Thier is a reason you had to want to be Templar One.. None of them will understand this.. You can turn me down and go to any branch you want.." Alex motioned for the Marine to let the CIA agent up, "You.. You will go with us.. You will observe first hand what this part is.."

"Mr. Macer," colonel Dubios is stopped by DD raising her hand..

"A ten mile nature walk.. Through the jungle of the first Templar.." DD looks at Alex, "He does not know we are coming.."

"Agent Waters," Alex takes a deep breath.. "Your gonna want to grab one of those bottles of JAck.. For your nerves.."

Waters shook his head, "I do not drink on duty.."

"Colonel.. Your going with, "Alex smiled politely..


"That's Templar One's mother.. I would not have come back here.." Agent waters rubs his face, "God D@#$.. Does that woman ever F#$%ing take a breath.. Three hours of yelling.. He grew up in that house.."

Colonel Dubios poured the jack into a dixie cup, "Sip it slow agent.. "

Alex held his Dixie Cup.. "Wait for it," Alex smiled a few seconds later when Ms. Colt stops yelling and goes silent.. "Yes Agent.."

"I dont care if Templar One just killed her.." Waters downs the glass and holds it out, "F#$%.. I.. How do I put this in a report? I see why I am not ready for field work.."

"You dont," Colonel Dubois shakes his head.. "I will personally dispose of the body if Templar One killed her.."

The armed Marines chuckle..

Donna Walks out shaking her head, "God.. Alex.." Donna sounds drained, "I see why he built the barn house.. God.. Why I was not allowed to have a weapon for this evolution.." Seeing everyone look at her, "I gave her her sleeping pills in her drink.. I snuck up behind her and put her in a sleeper hold.. Left her in a lazy boy chair.."

Alex hands his dixie cup to Donna.. 

She drank it all and leaned against the car, "God.. How did he not end up like his uncle?"

A car pulls up.. A blonde in jeans gets out, "Alex.. I am here.." She sees the bottle of jack, "It takes more than that to deal wth his mother!"

Donna looks at Alex, "The next mile?"

"Alex.. Who is," Austin's eyes glowed for a second.. "Donna.. Donna Deseri? You.. Your from Littleman's dreams.. "

"Major Deseri now Ms. Parker," Donna takes a deep breath.. "The Blonde.." Donna had a tear fall from her face..

"What is wrong with her Alex," Austin politely asked?

"She is on the second mile and emotionally winded," Alex responded..

A woman with a creole Accent calls out, "AUSTIN.. Darling your home!" A conservatively dressed Nineteen year old woman with an eye patch walks out, "Boy.. Drinkng the houch.." Smiling, "I wont say a word.. I heard That B#$%^ quit talking.. Let me know if I need to start the wood chipper."

"Mammy," Austin sighed.. "This is not my house! Ok.. Alex?"

Donna smiled, "I did not kill her.. I slipped her sleeping pills and then put her in a sleeper hold.. She is passed out cold.."

"You must bes Donna.." Mammy took her arm, "Andros's replacement as Templar One.. A woman. A front line soldier.. Oh the scandal.. You have to tell me everything.. Brigadier General Amos wont believe me.." Mammy whispers, "Austin Darling can you get our guest some light food.."

"Mammy," Austn gets a look on her face..

Mammy walks in with Donna, "Austin darlin have the men go through the Kitchen please.. The little robot thing just cleaned.. Shoes off Colonel.. Agent Waters.. My shine is in the fridge boys.. "

Mammy ignores Austin as she goes inside the house..

"Mammy.." Austin gets a mad look on her face, "Alex.. I .."

"Mammy is going to tell Donna what happened.. " Alex calmly speaks, "From her view.. Donna is being trained.. I have never heard this from Mammy's view.. She was in the swamps with him agent Waters.. "

"Son," the Colonel watches Austin get in the car...

"Wait for it," Alex whispers..

Austin is sitting behind the wheel, "God D@#$ it.." Austin gets out, "Alex.. Bring those two with you.."

One of the marines chuckles..

"You can shut the F#$% up corporal," Austin stormed into the house..

The Colonel looks at Agent waters..

Both men start laughing..

Alex smiles and whispers, "Get it out of your systems.. When Austin or Diana get pissed, she is just like Elizabeth Colt.."

"Agent Waters.. Moonshine," Colonel Dubios points with an open hand towards Alex?

The Agent looks at Colonel Dubios, "I would not miss this for the world.."

Agent Waters headed around towards the back kitchen door..

Colonel Dubios looked at the evil smile on Alex's face.. He turned and looked at Alex, "Mr. Macer?"

Alex holds up two fingers for the Colonel, "You get paid the same.. The science command is betting on you.."

Colonel Dubios is wide eyed as he whispers, "He is not field agent material?"

"Well that is up to his trainng officer.. It is not like your reputation is on the line.." Alex whispers, "Your not allowed to tell him by the way.."


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RE: Project DPR: Codename Templar One (rewrite) - by Armonica_Templar - 03-25-2018, 08:59 PM

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